*POST-Eclipse, PRE-Breaking Dawn, but Jake has imprinted (not on Nessie, obviously)!!*
VERY OCC!!!!!!!
Cullen Chat
xXLambXx – Bella
VolvoVamp – Edward
Gone_Shopping – Alice
Alice's-Future – Jasper
:Grizzly: – Emmett
Beautiful*Rose – If you seriously can't figure that out, it's Rosalie
emmett_wuz_here – Carlisle
I_Have_My_Own_Isle! – Esme
Kewla-Dan-Wolverine – Jacob
Whisper2Me – a girl named Whisper, Jake's imprint…
TheNewtMan – Mike
HisGF'sBFF! – Jessica
BettaDanBella – Lauren
Angel-A – Angela
BenC416 – Ben
JournalismGuy0212 – Eric
Gone_Shopping has logged on
VolvoVamp has logged on
xXLambXx has logged on
:Grizzly: has logged on
VolvoVamp: Bella?
xXLambXx: EDWARD!!!!!
VolvoVamp: Why so enthusiastic?
xXLambXx: it's a CHATROOM!!!! U hve 2 B HAPPY!
:Grizzly:: LETS ALL TXT TLK!!!
xXLambXx: ROFLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gone_Shopping: roll on floor laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing laughing &… laughing?
xXLambXx: Yupperoonie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VolvoVamp: What have you eaten today love?
xXLambXx: Well, U C, I found this tub of sugar…
VolvoVamp: U 8 a WHOLE tub of sugar?!
xXLambXx: only ½! Well then I got bored and 8 the other ½ …
:Grizzly:: so basicly your high on sugar?
xXLambXx: yessums
VolvoVamp: Bella…
xXLambXx: :S
VolvoVamp: what does " :S " mean?
Gone_Shopping: she's either sick or worried
xXLambXx: AFK!!!!!
xXLambXx has logged off
VolvoVamp: Alice!?
Gone_Shopping: away from keyboard.
VolvoVamp has logged off
Gone_Shopping: By
Gone_Shoppinghas logged off
:Grizzly:: Hi Emmett!
Gone_Shopping has logged on
Gone_Shopping: sry, I 4got to tell u…
Grizzly:: Hey Emmett!
Grizzly:: Wanna go 4 a ride?
Grizzly:: sure Emmett!
Grizzly:: let's go!
Grizzly:: I'm an Emmett dude, in a human world… being a vampire, its vamptastic!
Gone_Shopping: …
Grizzly:: how long have u been here?
Gone_Shopping: too long…
Gone_Shopping has logged off
:Grizzly: has logged off