Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach

A/N: I apologize to all my readers for the long and horrible wait. Unfortunately, my computer has decided to go into early retirement and so until I get a new computer updates will be slow (even more than usual) for all of my stories. No, I haven't stopped writing or anything of the sort. In fact, I'm fill with a bunch of new ideas. Sadly, though, my computer doesn't give a shit.

Well, here's a new story for all of ya to enjoy!


Nora wasn't sure how she felt about her master. The man with the orange hair was not like all the other arrancars. For instance, he was the only one she knew who kept his mask off his face, not a piece of it remained on his features. Also, he acted different from the rest, never once raising his voice to reprimand her or order her around. If she felt foolish enough, she would said that he was being gentle with her.

Her own status as La Cero's fraccion was different from the others as well. Nora was welcomed at the meetings of the Espada, allowed in the presence of the great Aizen himself. She was even sent on high class missions, those usually reserved for her master and his brothers and sister. To top it off, she didn't have the mask features or a hollow hole. And yet, Nora knew that she was an arrancar simply because she felt the ache where there once was a heart.

She stepped from the doorway. "Ichigo-sama, the meeting is about to begin. Aizen-sama has requested that we attend this time," she told her master.

She kept a distance from where the Espada sat in his chair, staring out into the abyss that was the Las Noches's sky. From his back, Nora could not discern what his mood was. Even his gentle tending of her did not shield her from his dark lashings if Ichigo was in a foul mood. She had often nursed many wounds when he was angry, despite his apologizes afterwards. Instead, Nora learned to kept her distance from him.

His breathing grew harsh, the muffled sound revealing that today he was indeed wearing his mask. The fact gave her hope; if he was wearing it, it meant he was going to the meeting today. Nora relaxed as best as she was allowed to, letting the tension in her reiatsu drop. She even allowed her lips to curve into a small smile.

"Let us go, Ichigo-sama."


The Espada meetings were one of endurance than any strategic achievement. Sure, there was some talking done, but Nora felt it was more of seeing how long could the eleven leaders stand each other.

She took her place behind the seat of Ichigo, standing in his shadow and bringing less attention to herself. Her standing among the other Espada wasn't understandable, less than tolerable of her presence. She knew all of them were wondering why she was allowed in their meetings when their own fraccion were excluded. Here, they all shared the same thoughts about their master's decision to let her be so close.

"It's good to see you finally decided to join, Ichigo-san," Aizen greeted La Cero with a fond smile. "Good work on bringing him, Nora-chan."

Nora bowed low. "I-I didn't do much, Aizen-sama. My master himself chose to come on his own."

She looked towards her master for conformation, anything that he agreed on her choice of words. But Ichigo did nothing, neither spoke or turned in her direction. Like always, his golden gaze, boring beneath his skull hollow mask, were trained solely on Aizen.

The meeting started, Tosen stepping from the shadows to offer visual while Gin, standing slightly behind Aizen, offered a thin smile and lewd comments. They were discussing the outcome of their war with the Seireitei, how many casualties the Shinigami had brought, how many more had they retaliated. Like always, they meant nothing to her as she stood behind her master, trying to stay still and awake. It wasn't wise to fall asleep, especially when you were around those who wanted nothing more than to eat you.

"Ichigo-san, you and Nora-chan will go down to Rukonagi District. There is a certain matter I want eliminated." Though he kept a smile, Aizen's eyes were cold. Of course, this would not be a friendly visit to the Soul Society. Aizen wanted someone dead and gave the mission to Ichigo.

Like always, her master stiffened at being sent to that place. His reiatsu grew sinister, though not outwardly threatening as there were many among the Espada who wanted to fight him. Even now, La Sexta Espada shifted in his chair, openly glaring at her master in challenge. She did not meet his gaze, lest he thought she was mocking him, as he did other occasions when she met those blue eyes.

Ichigo stood from his chair. With a brief nod in her direction, he stalked his way to the exit, intent on quickly finishing this mission.

"Where are you going?" the third Espada, Harribel, demanded quietly. "Aizen-sama is not finish."

La Cero did not give the female arrancar a moment's pause, walking out of the room before she finished. Nora stood back a gave an apologizing bow. Then, as quickly as she could, she followed her master.


"Ichigo-sama, I do not feel it wise to insult Harribel-sama," Nora said a little whiles after. They were departing from Huenco Mundo, using the Garaganta to travel to the Soul Society.

He said nothing in response, continuing to purposely walk towards the gaping hole before them. Obviously, her master wanted this over and done. Something about the Soul Society and the Seireitei irked him, making him more angry than ever. It made the flow of his reiatsu stiffening, making it hard to breathe.

Nora sighed quietly and focused on the task on hand. The sooner this mission was complete, the sooner she could get away from her master.

"You'll find," she jumped at the un-expecting voice of her master, "that I am not a wise man."

Ichigo exited the Garaganta and Nora had to run to follow.


A/N: An idea that's been on my mind for a while. Ichigo being the bad guy, is always a fun thing to write about.