Title: Opposites Attract

Summary: Sunako is of the darkness. Kyohei is a creature of the light. Total opposites right? Well…opposites attract.

Disclaimer: I don't own Wallflower/Perfect Girl Evolution/Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge.

Here's my second YNSH fanfic…hope you enjoy! It's going to be longer than one chapter, though I'm not sure how many chapters...if you have any suggestions or any scenes you'd like to see, please notify me about them! But this is supposed to be a comedy…at the end is a little…eh…you'll see…but I'll try to keep it light and funny. So no angsty/tragic scenes please!

WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS. Unless you don't mind spoilers, don't read until you've read up to chapter 92.

Key: "blah blah blah"-Sunako thinking. Blah blah blah- her conscience 'talking'.

Click! Sunako turned off the TV and grabbed her polishing rag so she could polish Hiroshi-kun. Seems like a normal day, right?


As she polished Hiroshi-kun, Sunako was confused. Over the past few days, she had been obsessed with watching romantic horror movies. The last one she had seen was centered around a beautiful girl falling in love with a zombie. The love relationship between a dazzling creature and a dark being.

Normally, she was only interested in horror movies with blood, gore, violence, and general scariness. At the video store, she never gave a second glance to the romance/horror movies. So why did she enjoy them so much?

Pushing these thoughts to the back of her mind, Sunako immersed herself in the pleasure of polishing and conversing with Hiroshi-kun. Her bliss was short-lived.

"Oi! Nakahara! Food! Now!" came the annoyingly familiar shout from an annoyingly familiar voice. Sunako braced herself for the light that was soon to flood her dark sanctuary. Even with her tightly shut eyes, she was very aware of the bright, sparkly presence of Takano Kyohei, the most dazzling creature of the light Sunako had met so far.

"Ok, ok! Just get out of my room and leave me alone!" Sunako automatically replied. Satisfied, her door closed and the blinding light retreated, leaving Sunako to her heavenly darkness. She sighed as she regretfully put Hiroshi-kun and the polishing rag away. She was obviously feeling gloomy, but was shocked to find out it wasn't because she wasn't allowed to finish polishing Hiroshi-kun.

What could it be?

A small, tiny, microscopic, so-little-it-was-almost-nonexistent voice from the dark ends of her mind spoke up. Maybe it's because the radiant creature left so quickly. Sunako stopped short and began her transformation to stone. It couldn't be that, right? She was of the darkness, the darkness. The darkness was her life! It was all about Hiroshi-kun, Josephine, Akira-kun, her preserved body-parts, and her horror movies. Right?

Shaking her head, Sunako hurried out of her room and into the kitchen to satisfy the radiant creature's inappeasable appetite for a short while.

"What should I make?" Sunako thought to herself, rummaging around the cabinets and looking in the refrigerator to see what ingredients she had to work with.

Fried shrimp, of course. It's his favorite food, after all, the voice in her mind answered.

"Why the hell are you in my head? Who are you, anyway?" Sunako snapped, while unconsciously gathering the ingredients to make fried shrimp.

Your conscience. The thing you've been ignoring ever since you joined the 'darkness'.

"Whatever." Sunako went on with preparing the fried shrimp for the Dazzling One.

Don't ignore me! I've had my share of being ignored and I refuse to be ignored any more!

"Sigh. What do you want anyway?"

I'm here to tell you…*drum roll*…that-

"What's with the drum roll? How can you do that in my head?"

I have my ways. Do not question them. Anyway, I've reappeared to tell you…*drum roll*…that Takano Kyohei is your future.

A loud clatter in the kitchen caught Kyohei's, Ranmaru's, Yuki's, and Takenaga's attentions. Rushing to the room, they found Sunako bashing her head against the wall, screaming nonsense like "Get out of my head!"

Takenaga slid over to Kyohei. "Do you think she's been possessed again?"

"I have no idea. It looks like that, though," he replied.

Ranmaru ran his fingers through his hair, shaking off some of his naturally appearing sparkles. "I think it's time for another kiss. What do you think, Yuki, Takenaga?" The two boys nodded and pushed Kyohei into the kitchen, ignoring his protests.

"You won't get whatever food Sunako-chan's making for you if you don't get the spirit out of her body," Yuki pointed out. Kyohei's attitude immediately changed. "Please…leave us alone," he said, sounding strangely like Ranmaru. Even Ranmaru's usual flowers and sparkles surrounded Kyohei, the other three guys amazed and inspired. They exited, leaving Kyohei and a bleeding Sunako alone.

Kyohei sauntered over to her, and grabbed he shoulders, stopping her from continuing her self-assault. Turning her around so she was facing him, he wiped the blood from her face with a handkerchief. Gazing into her amethyst eyes, he leaned forward and—

*squeal* This is what you want! I'm just going to sit back and enjoy.

--got head butted by an enraged Sunako. "What the hell are you doing, Dazzling One?!"

Embarrassed, Kyohei tried to cover it up by sounding angry. "What do you think YOU'RE doing, head butting random people?"

What?! That's not what was supposed to happen!

Ignoring her stupid (and correct) conscience, Sunako was about to give an excellent retort, but was prevented from doing so by a nosebleed. Kyohei sighed and handed her a different, clean handkerchief, and Sunako mumbled thanks and something about food. Brightening, Kyohei left her to her cooking and, without knowing it, to the mercy of her conscience.

You baka! Baka, baka, baka, baka, baka, baka, BAKA! Sigh….we need to find a way to stop those nosebleeds of yours or this relationship won't get anywhere.

"It doesn't need to go anywhere!"

Whatever. Just hurry up and make Takano Kyohei's shrimp.

"Why do you call that radiant being by his full name?"

I'm your conscience. Do not question me.

Sunako sighed, muttering about how she couldn't wait to get back to her dark sanctuary, and finished preparing Kyohei's fried shrimp. Taking it out to him on a tray, she was about to escape and return to her dark sanctuary when Kyohei started eating.

"Mmm! Delicious! *chew chew munch munch* It's true, once you've had Sunako-chan's food, *munch munch* everything else tastes bland in comparison! Arigatou!" Swallowing, he gave Sunako a dazzling smile, his trademark tears falling from his eyes.

Don't you DARE have a nosebleed, or I swear-

"He called me Sunako-chan."

Dazed and somewhat blinded, Sunako stumbled up to her room.

Oh, yes, I suppose he did. Rather different than the usual Nakahara, isn't it?

"He called me Sunako-chan."

Didn't I tell you? You take pleasure in seeing people enjoy your food, but seeing Takano Kyohei scarf it down like that gives more joy than that. The little things he does, smile at you or brush past you help brighten, or more appropriately, 'darken' your day. And when he puts in the effort to sacrifice something for you, you feel immeasurable delight, even more so than polishing Hiroshi-kun, or watching horror movies. I must say, that's an incredible poker face you have, you MUST teach it to me sometime.

"That's not true! I'm faithful to the darkness! I would never go for a creature of the light again, I decided that when I joined the darkness."

You're in denial. Happens every time. Anyway, denying something doesn't mean it's not true. Why don't you stop running from your feelings?

"How could I feel anything for that radiant being? Besides, we're complete opposites."

That's not entirely true. You have more in common with Takano Kyohei than any of the others. He's the only one who will watch horror movies with you. You both love Haagen-Dazs Green Tea ice cream. You've both had traumatic experiences. You're both athletic and violent. But if you still think you're "complete opposites" you should know…OPPOSITES ATTRACT.

A bloodcurdling scream sounded from Sunako's room, bringing Kyohei running to see what was wrong.

"Oi! Nakahara! You okay?" He called, opening the door to the sight of Sunako, crouched in a ball, trademark terrifying face, shivering.

"E-everything's f-f-fine." She stammered, her retinas slowly shriveling away.

"If everything was fine, you wouldn't have screamed."

"I'm telling you, I'm FINE!"

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am!"

"NO, you're NOT."

Frustrated, Sunako grew her fangs and hissed at Kyohei, kicking him out and locking the door behind her.



Oh, I see…

Deep down, deep, DEEP down, Sunako actually felt touched that he would care so much about her.

SEE?! Admit it, you DO return his feel-oops.

"Whaaaaaat?! How in the deep, fiery, pits of hell would you know?"

As I said, and will probably keep saying thanks to someone's low intelligence, I have my ways. God, you're so dense! Anyone with eyes in their heads can see you guys love each other.

Taken aback, Sunako considered what her conscience told her. Seizing the opportunity, it took her back through all of the memories Kyohei and Sunako have shared.

Kyohei protecting her from hitting the wall when the mansion was flooded and the current was about to smash her into a wall.

Kyohei protecting her from the shattered window glass fragments at school.

The dances (both ballroom and the other one) at the competition-how Sunako, even blindfolded, was so "aware" of Kyohei's body.

Sunako saving Kyohei from his fangirls, was it really just because the meat was expensive?



When asked, Kyohei saying his crush was Sunako-was it really just the first name that popped into his head?

("He did that?!")


("*grr..**mumble mumble*")

In general, Sunako protecting/rescuing Kyohei, saying she would be the one to kill him.

("I will be the one!")

(You're just saying that to protect him…you know you could never kill him. Besides, you don't even hate him.)

And finally, at the New Year's Festival, getting the same fortunes, that both said the same thing: "You shall find the love you seek in the one beside you."

"But…my neighbor is a girl-

BAKA!!!! BAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Why am I a BAKA'S conscience?! Oh, the gods are cruel...CRUEL! It didn't mean your neighbor, stupid! *smacks self* Is there no mercy?!

*sigh* Anyway, overlooking your dimness, there ya go! What more proof do you want?

Before Sunako could reply, someone knocked on her door, saving her from her speechlessness. Opening the door a fraction of a crack, she squinted in protest to the light flooding her sight. At least it was Takenaga and not the Dazzling One.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"Sunako-chan, we're running out of food. Could you and Kyohei go shopping?"

"No freaking way."

"P-please Sunako-chan?"

"Why does that radiant being have to come?"


"Oh…you want to spend some time alone with Noi-chan , right?"

"W-w-well…" Takenaga blushed.

"Only for Noi-chan." Sunako sighed.

"Arigatou, Sunako-chan, Arigatou!"

Sunako closed the door and sighed again.

This is your chance! *squeal* DON'T MESS IT UP.

"My chance for WHAT?"

Oh, nothing…

"WHAT?! No way, Takenaga, I want to stay home!" came the voice Sunako knew oh so well. "She can do the shopping by herself, what does she need me for?"

"Yes, yes, YES!"

Oh, shut up.

"You know…if she goes alone, she'll probably stock up on carrots. I heard she was going to make many carrot dishes tonight. You don't want that, do you? If you go, you could try to convince her otherwise." Takenaga countered smoothly. Kyohei hesitated. Takenaga did have a point.


"Noooooo! I'll melt! I'll MEEEEELT!!!"

No you won't.

"How would you know?!"

Hello? You're talking to the conscience that told you Takano Kyohei is your FUTURE. You won't melt.

"….*whimper*….Hiroshi-kun…Akira-kun…Josephine…I'm so sorry….Please forgive me…" Sunako blubbered.

Another knock on her door startled Sunako out of her pity party. Before she could even move, the door burst open.

"KYAA!!" Sunako cried as light illuminated her room.

"Oi! Nakahara Sunako! Let's go shopping!" Kyohei declared, arms crossed.

"Ok, ok," Sunako mumbled, leaving her dark sanctuary, followed by the Dazzling One. Grabbing her money purse, the two set out, meeting Noi-chan on the way.

"Oi, Noi-chan! Where're you going?" Kyohei greeted.

"Um…Takenaga-kun is…tutoring me," Noi replied shakily.

"Eh? Can I join y-"

"Let's go!" Sunako intervened, grabbing Kyohei's arm and pulling him away toward the market.

"OI! Let go, Nakahara!" Kyohei shouted in protest.

"Shut up!" Sunako gave him a glare that only a mother could love.

(Ahem…author? Mind changing that sentence to something more like… "Sunako gave him a glare that only a mother and Kyohei could love?

Don't butt in.)

But Kyohei wasn't fazed. Instead, he just grumbled, but made no move to take his arm back.

"Why isn't he taking his arm away?"

Why won't you let go of his arm?



"BECAUSE he'd run back and try to ruin Takenaga and Noi-chan's day! This is just for Noi-chan, just for Noi-chan…"

Sure…Right…mmhmm, whatever you say.

"What? It's true."

*sigh* Why do you insist on being so stubborn?

"Oi, Nakahara! You alive?"

Sunako just glared at him.

"Yep, not dead yet."

"Rather be dead than *mumble mumble* have to *mutter* with this *murmur*…light."

Kyohei sighed. "Stop talking such nonsense. Besides, we're supposed to be shopping, right?"

Sunako said nothing, but let go of Kyohei's arm to take some money out of the purse. Giving some of it to Kyohei, she said, "Go and see if you can get any beef. 2 pounds should do it. Meet me there." Kyohei nodded and went in search of the butchery.

Sunako went and bought everything else they needed: rice, fish, shrimp, leeks, noodles, radishes, and other various vegetables.

You didn't get any carrots.

"We didn't need any."

We don't HAVE any.


This is because Takano Kyohei hates carrots, isn't it?

"N-n-no! It has nothing to do with that!"

In denial, in denial, it will pass, it will pass, it will PASS, just a phase, JUST A PHASE.

"YOU'RE the one who's in denial."

When Sunako finished, she headed toward the butchery so she and the Dazzling One could go home. As she approached the shop, sounds of yelling reached her ears. When she got to the shop, she found Kyohei shouting at the butcher, yelling something about the meat being too expensive. She sighed, and set off to settle the fight between the two.

"Hey, what's going on?" she asked Kyohei. Instead of a reply, he just growled "Shut up!" and continued yelling.

"Calm down!" she commanded. Turning to the butcher, she apologized and paid for the meat. As the butcher bagged their order, Sunako was unaware of a fast-approaching danger.

"Whooaaa! Ahh!" came the cry of a different butcher who slipped on a wet spot and lost his grip on the knife he was holding.

"Sunako!" Kyohei yelled, trying to warn her. Sunako spun around to see a sharp knife hurtling toward her.

"No!" Kyohei cried and threw himself in front of Sunako, grunting when the knife imbedded itself in his left arm. He dropped to his knees and took the knife out of his arm, covering the open wound with his hand. That didn't stop the blood, though.

Sunako was frozen. On one hand, she was dying to go and touch the blood, the deep, red, blood. But on the other hand, she was dismayed to see the Dazzling One hurt so badly. The cries of the butchers and the customers shook her out of her daze.

"Call an ambulance!"

"Can we do anything to stop the bleeding?!"

Before long, the wailing sirens of an ambulance sounded loudly. The paramedics put Kyohei, half-conscious, on a stretcher, and took him in the ambulance.

"W-wait!" Sunako cried, trying to join them on the ambulance. No one made any move to stop her, and before long, she was with Kyohei on the ambulance.

His half-lidded eyes gazed at her. "I'm…so…glad…you're okay…" he whispered. Sunako sat by in a daze not sure what was going on. She was faintly aware of reaching the hospital and following the paramedics to the emergency room, but was made to wait outside. She sunk down in a corner and buried her face in her knees.

See how horrible you feel? You can only feel this much pain if something has happened to someone you love.


Oh, don't worry, he'll be fine.


Sigh…I know this isn't the time for making jokes, but really…HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?! Your future is with this man!

"I hope you're right…"

Sorry about the ending…I'll try and lighten it up in the next chapter(s). Review please and tell me what you think! If I get enough reviews, I promise to update ASAP.
