Okayy, so I was going to do a Fourth of July thing before I did this, but I pressed the wrong button and ended up deleting all of the Fourth of July one that I had done. Oopsie. So I'll listen to Fang and Trisha and I'll make the prologue to Revenge.

Trisha: Finally! We've been telling you to write it all week!

Fang: Yeah. It's about time you listened to us.

Me: Don't make me make both of you sleep under the bed.

"You wanted to speak with me, Ms. Martinez?" Asked a dark haired man with a strong accent like a 1950's gangster. The little old woman nodded solemnly, her mind buzzing around one thing and one thing alone. The man shifted in his seat, leaning closer to the glass wall seperating them. "What is it that you need done to that little brat?" He asked.

"What do you think, George?" The woman asked him. The man, George, sighed.

"Look, Valencia, are you sure you want me to do this?" He questioned.

"Of course I do, George. She turned me in, now I'm locked up in here for life. I want the same thing done to her boyfriend and sister as well. They all ruined my perfect plan by bringing up the past. I had one sister out of the way, all I had to do was get the other one and Margie and her sister and the family fortune would've been mine." Valencia ranted.

"Wouldn't it have gone to her daughter? Ella?" George mused.

"No, not until I died. But now it will go to my spoiled sister, and when she dies it'll go to my spoiled daughters, then to Val's daughters. None of them deserve that money."

"When do you want it done?"

"Soon. Very soon."

"Valencia, are you positive? I mean, these are your grandchildren for crying out loud."

"They're bratty little grandchildren, I can tell you that. They deserve it. George, just do this, do this for me."

"Okay. It'll be done, soon. I promise."

"Thank you, George." Valencia said as George put the phone back on the receiver and stood up, waving and walking away. Valencia put her phone on the hook and rejoined her cellmates. She despised those kids, she wanted her revenge. She wanted them dead.

As George walked back to his car his head spun. Their just kids, I can't kill them. He thought to himself. But he had made a promise to a very good friend, and he always kept his promises. No matter how stupid.

Sooo, how do you like it?? To tell you the truth, I just came up with that off the top of my head. It fits well with the rest of the story though. The next part will be longer, and better.

Trisha: And you better listen to us when we tell you to write it.

Fang: Yeah.

Me: I might.

Anyway, R&R PLEEEEEEEEEEASE!!! Or I'll stuff you under my bed with the monster, Fang, and Trisha. Muhahahahahaha!!