"Hello and welcome to the Forks Museum, my name is Bella Swan and I will be your guide for today"

It was just another boring day, cold, windy and damp in Forks, Washington. It was my summer job as I came to visit my father here. I lived officially in Pheonix, with Mum and Phil her new husband.

The museum wasn't, to be perfectly honest, interesting at all, just some old movie things from when Twilight was filmed here. It was a great movie, but a little outdated now.

So here I was giving the usual, 'welcome speech' when I noticed a flash of sunglasses and bronze hair at the back of the group. Thinking nothing more of it, I carried on.


As I remembered in Forks, it was way too cold for my liking. I had to go in undercover so I didn't get pelted by my fans, of 10 years ago. You would have thought it would have died down by now, but obviously not. I met the rest of the guys from the Twilight cast at the museum. Jasper turned up first, with Emmett and Rosalie. They had taken their parts way to seriously on the cast and were getting married in the autumn. I still couldn't work out whether it was for the publicity or not.

Edward was with Kristen. They were a strange couple, they went out but I had never seen them hold hands or kiss good night. I was baffled never the less I tried to pay attention to our tour-guide. Bella I think her name was, she reminded me of Kristen's role in Twilight, she played a Bella too, Bella Swan.


It was plainly obvious. I was going to need a bottle of self tan when I get home, if this weather keeps up. Emmett was still shocked that I said yes to marrying him in the autumn. He had gone all the way, we went to Rome and he bought me a big diamond ring, which I admired now. I was so lucky.

I hated the hoodie that I was wearing, it was black and shapeless. I honestly didn't really care about the paparazzi and fan club which always seemed to follow me, but I did it for Emmett, he hated it.

HI!! Thankyou for reading if you got to this!!!
This is my first Fanfic, so it would be greatly appreaciated if you reviewed. Any ideas/requests?
Thanks so much!