Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars

Title: Ash Angels

Author: ReadingRed

Chapter One: The Ash Angel Clan

When Anakin entered the High Council Chamber it was dark. Such an unusual state for this room, Anakin thought to himself. His mind flashed back to the first time he had ever entered this room. He was just a small boy, taken away from his home and everything he had ever known and yet somehow, the light and warmth of this room had been of comfort to him, even as he was tested.

He shook himself out of his reverie and reached out with the force, seeking the presence of any others. Immediately he felt that he was not alone, seven bright spots shown through the darkness.

Those in the room must've done the same, because just seconds after he entered, those small bright spots came out of hiding. Anakin saw the little head peek up over the tops and around the edges of the council member chairs. They saw it was him and they all stood, one boy coming forward.

"Master Skywalker, there are too many of them. What are we going to do?" The youngling, a boy about five standard years old asked him.

He looked into the child's bright blue eyes and saw no fear. This boy trusted him to take care of the situation. Anakin had come to kill this child and his friends and the boy was clueless. Anakin recognized the youngling as one of the children he had taught lightsaber drills to.

From three to six standard years the younglings are given lightsaber training with low powered lightsabers. The lightsabers wouldn't do much more than sting if they were to touch one of the younglings, or the master who was teaching them as the case often was, and the blade was only about a foot and a half long.

Anakin knew this boy was good with a lightsaber, but right now the child was practically defenseless. All the younglings in the High Council Room had their training lightsabers with them, but the smaller tools were nothing compared to Anakin's own. The youngling's lightsabers would be able to deflect blaster fire but not much else. Seemingly oblivious to the frailty of their weapons the younglings clutched their lightsabers as if they were about to go out and take down the entire clone army, this little blonde boy at their lead.

The boys name was Rolim Fardreamer and he was from Bestine, the capitol city of Tatooine, not far from where Anakin grew up. Anakin had been hoping that he would be able to take this boy on as an apprentice, but that was before. Before the siege, before Palpatine, before Anakin's world flipped upside down.

The other younglings stood behind Rolim waiting. They ranged in age from five standard years to three standard years. All of the younglings were human; there were five boys and two girls. Anakin looked the younglings over and recognized each one. They were all part of the Ash Angel Clan, a clan of younglings he had partial responsibility for training.

He saw Tuc Antilles a blonde boy with brown eyes who Anakin knew loved to play pranks. Next to Tuc stood Jaryn Archer and his twin Jeven. The two boys were a rarity at the temple, it wasn't often twins were both born with the force. The twins were the smallest younglings in the council room; they were only three standard years old. The boys looked exactly alike, both had light brown hair and green eyes, the only way Anakin knew to tell them apart was to use the force. The boys might look alike but they used the force differently. Jeven's force was like a blanket, he wrapped himself in it, using the force to protect himself and to extend his senses. Jaryn was different; the force around him was like an ocean. It flicked out in waves touching everything around him.

Cyan Voyx, a four standard year old boy was standing in a group with Bek Harkor, and Nova Mai the only two girls in the room. Cyan was tall for his age; he stood a head above every other youngling in the room, although he wasn't the oldest. He had straight, jet black hair, and dark eyes. Anakin enjoyed teaching Cyan because the boy honestly loved to learn. Cyan soaked up everything Anakin had to say and he never had to be told twice.

Bek and Nova were best friends, Bek was blonde, her hair reminded Anakin of a sunny day on Naboo and her blue eyes were like the sky. Nova looked just about as different from Bek as possible; she had curly black hair and brown eyes. She reminded Anakin of Padmé, both in looks and in personality. All the younglings were waiting for Anakin to respond to them.

Anakin knew what he must do. He was sent to kill all the Jedi. Not just the Masters and the Padawans but the younglings too. He knew that they would try to fight back, after all he had been the one to teach them. But he also knew they were children and they wouldn't last long.

He turned on his lightsaber and felt it hum to life. The blue blade shot out of the end and illuminated the dark corners of the room. Rolim and the others took a step back. They could finally see the truth.

Anakin hadn't come to be their savior. He had come to be their destroyer.

"Mm..Master?" Rolim spit out. "What are you doing?" The boy wasn't afraid yet, Anakin knew that deep down the child knew what Anakin was about to do.

Anakin turned his blade off.