The Seven Deadly Sins: Prologue
A/N: This is a mini-story about - shock, horror! - Merlin and Arthur commiting the seven deadly sins! Varies between crack and heavy stuff. It is slash, obviously. Don't like, don't read. Chapter one will be along before the end of the night. Enjoy and don't forget to review!
Life is so very short. It is full of such things: Love, heartbreak, fear, relief, anger, solitude, smiles and tears. You're pushed to your limit, unable to slow down or look about, always urged forward in a desperate struggle to a target you know you'll never achieve. Among the blurry images and the hours that fall away as if they were sand in the hourglass, there are tiny, unnoticed moments of true purpose.
The true purpose for as to why there is life itself.
Sometimes, the vast yet limited mass of life can take breath away. Being so very full, we don't care when it brims over the edges and falls down to the darkness, the end of life altogether. Death is just another path. We may not know where it leads, but we walk down it anyway.
Immortality is something we crave, we desire, we reach for with all our might yet – in a million clouds of impossibility - if ever we reach immortality, we find the truth. It is never a gift but a curse. To sit by and watch the world waste away, trapped like a stray fragment of the mirror of reality, stranded away from all the rest when the mirror shattered. You must watch all those you love wither and die, leaving you behind. Your heart grows cold and your mind hollow. Immortality is death that never ends.
But ever-lasting breaths and unstoppable heartbeats aren't in reach for everyone and so we must make the most of the little time we have. Every second in a risk, knowing that it could be our last. It is so easy to strip a feeble animal of its existence. And in this short time, those moments make life worth living.
Those moments make the unbearable thought of death - walking straight into the shadows with no path back – bearable.
Yet with the light comes the dark. With the life comes the death. With the good comes the bad.
And with those beautiful, fresh moments comes the smothering, brutal moments.
We call these sins.
They are those times when we tint our souls with such feelings and such actions, that they're classed as wrong. We know we are doing wrong, but the feeling of breaking the rules and getting away with it is just so thrilling, we do it anyway. Yet no one gets away with it. Perhaps, in those shadows of death, our tinted souls are judged. And thoroughly punished, as we deserve.
But with repayment, there is always redemption.
Still. These sins are called deadly for a reason. Follow two unexpectedly important pawns on this pointless chess-game of life as two angels fall into the demon's trap and commit these acts of wickedness. As they meet the peril and exhilaration of the seven deadly sins.