I hadn't planned on passing this out so early, but the good news made me do it; Fairy Tail the ANIME is COMING OUT THIS FALL!!!! FTW!!!!! This is my first multi-chapter and I promise to update on a weekly basis. Please bear with me, as each chapter is suppose to be a bit vague.

DISCLAIMER: If I owned Fairy Tail, Natsu would take off his clothes just as often as Gray. (For different reasons, of course.) We never get to see Natsu pants-less. It's a shame.


The Forgotten Glory of the Sunflower Patriot



"Dawn of Romance"

She was brought forth from William Thatch,

Who died in a clover patch.

Natsu stared and realized

True Love was there,

Before his eyes.


Part 1

"Children of Men"


"Really now, Mirajane! You must be more lady-like, or the boys won't like you at all!"

"SHUT UP WILL! Do you think I friggin' care what boys think about me? They can all go to hell!" Mirajane stomped across the floor, disapproval and anger reflected in the indents she left in it. This left a much dumfounded William Thatch to sit by his lonesome, scratching his head as he pondered what on earth to do with the child.

This was William Thatch. William Thatch was a pleasant man. He was a 'stop and smell the roses' kinda man. William Thatch was a man who could put up with anything Mirajane threw at him simply because she was his daughter.


He assumed all the children of the guild as his own. There were children, some as young as 8, running around the guild because they had no where else to go! All of them, orphans, with too much life experience to deal with at such a young age. He felt a tug of compassion at his heart when he saw how independant each child was; each, their own person, each in need of love.

Natsu Dragonil looked at William Thatch from across the dining hall.

He smiled.

"You try too hard, Dad."


AN: Weekly installment on Saturdays. I swear. I feel that the shortness of each chapter will egg you on gently, each with a cliffhanger to kill you off with.

I really do hope you enjoy this. I love this plot; it makes my heart burst with joy. I was in the middle of writing when I realized that I was the only one who knew how old Natsu was. Natsu is nine. I want to say he found Happy when he was ten or eleven.

If you review, I'll let you touch my dog. She doesn't bite. Ok, I lied. She bites.