Notes: As a way of apology for taking so long to update I'm including part 3 in this as well. I'd like to thank everyone for thei're reviews, favs and alerts! I'm really happy that this story got a positive response :)

Anyway, for those who are reading my other Naruto fics I'd like to apologise some more. Time is short on my hands but I'll do my best to make the most of it! Hopefully an update isn't too far away in the future haha XD

Now, let's get on with the story! :P


Part 2

Itachi exited the Hokage's office after a brief report on the Uchiha clan's decision of how they would proceed with the upcoming festival. It was an incredibly mundane task his mother had sent him on, but one that needed to be done in any case. As one of the most powerful clan in the ninja world, they did not just represent their own village, but also what their name stood for. He knew there had been little chance of seeing Sakura in the Hokage tower when he accepted his mother's request to go, due to the medic's increasingly long shifts at the hospital, but he had been pleasantly surprised to meet her in the corridor. Looking worse for wear, she'd immediately puffed up and almost let off a cloud of steam as he slid past her small form, allowing her to see the slight amused smile her appearance caused. That ought to teach her to keep her window closed at night, when her pretty little lethal but life-saving hands brought her pleasure while his name fell off her lips, only to serve as a reminder that he could not join her, not this time.

Her little bet had amused him, and he had found himself extremely curious to see how long it would take his proud little female to give in and come to him. He was used to go without intimate meetings, caresses and touches for a longer period of time, but he soon discovered that while he had gone to missions that had lasted for a month or more and managed, this was pretty different. On missions, he was far away. On missions, he held the power to finish the mission faster, and due to that, get home to smell the true fragrance of the cherry blossom. Now, she was right there; trying to relieve her sexual frustration on her own. He could see her from behind the window at night, he could almost smell her, almost feel the taste. It was so very tempting, but he wanted her to come to him. However, a few days after the bet was made, he had decided to help the situation along to work for his advantage. Now, a week after the first night he used his illusion skills, he could read in her every movement the longing, the frustration and need she harbored.

Soon, he mused, soon.


Part 3

Cracking her spine as she stretched, Sakura gave a tired sigh. It had been a long day; running errands during the evening, and working a shift at the hospital in the afternoon – that, and certain other things had kept her from getting any proper sleep at all these last couple of days. She vaguely remembered a time when she had been comfortable in bed, when something warm and hard and male had been beside her and lulled her to sleep with his hot breath and light caresses. That's what she keeps telling herself anyway, because if she would admit that those memories were all but etched into her mind she was positive she would lose the bet within the next 24 hours.

Too tired to even express her frustration in a grimace, Sakura stepped out of the hospital and breathed in the fresh air with another heavy sigh. She tried to get rid of the sting of disappointment that had haunted her ever since her shift ended and he had been nowhere in sight. All day she had anticipated his usual visit, and although she told herself she would be better off not seeing him, she could hardly deny that it made her chest ache, just a little bit. Like it always did when he was away from her sight for too long, but it was something she chose not to think about. Especially not now, she reminded herself. Especially not with the—

"—Sakura," a smooth, low voice whispered in her ear, making her react on pure reflex in her shocked stated; swirling around to place a chakra enhanced punch at whoever dared sneak up on her. When her first was easily dodged and a deep chuckle was heard from behind her again, she managed a low growl. Itachi.

She was about to turn and face him, but his hands on her arms held her still. Realizing that he was touching her, Sakura's breath hitched and she found herself shivering in pleasure. Her body was reacting to his familiar warmth, and as his mouth came close enough to her ear for her to feel the hot, damp air tickle her skin she almost ceased to breathe.

"You were always so sensitive," he mumbled, moving closer till her back rested against his frame. "Especially after I had been on a longer mission."

She swallowed, already resting all her weight on him and drinking his body heat like someone stumbling across an oasis after days in the desert. Her head was swirling with questions. Had he given in? Did she win the bet? What's he going to do? Is it finally over? What is he thinking? He inhaled, nuzzling his nose in the curve of her neck and making her mind go perfectly blank and her knees shake very so slightly.

"I wonder," he whispered against her heated skin, "how sensitive you are now?"

And then,

he was gone.

Sakura caught herself, barely avoiding falling to her knees as her support disappeared so abruptly. Panting, her eyes wide, she realized what had just happened. She went rigid; her eyes narrowed and before she could stop herself she let out a loud scream of frustration.

When she got her hands on him, then by God, he would suffer.

End notes: Oh my Itachi, you aren't playing fair! Ah well, more amusement (and such...) for us, no? :P Hope you liked it! Please review! :D Keeps me motivated :P