Summary: This is a three shot that will go along with Bella and Edward as he learns the stories that go along with various scars she has on her body. Mostly fluff! This story will take place at 3 specific times in their relationship, right after Twilight (the beginning of the relationship) after New Moon (when Edward comes back) and during Breaking Dawn (at some point on their Honeymoon before she realizes she is pregnant).

Disclaimer: I dont own Twilight but I came up with this story line.

AN: For those who have read Cullen Women Bonding Week I know I said I would be working on the "Charlie going away for the week" story and I am but this plot popped up and wont go away, so as soon as I get it out my mind I can go back to work on the other story and get it moving. For those who haven't read The other story please feel free to check it out, its cute! if I do say so myself ;). and now on with the story...

I hope you enjoy!


This chapter takes place in between Twilight and New Moon when Edward and Bella are still new to their relationship and getting to know each other.

Edward and Bella were laying in her bed talking for what had to be hours by this point. They were asking questions that would get the other person to tell a story about them self from the past.

Bella was lying with her casted foot propped up on a pillow with her head on his shoulder and her arm resting on his stomach. Edward was running his fingers up and down the inside of Bella's arm while she was talking about a trip her and Renee had made to New Mexico when she was 10. As the story came to an end he lifted her arm and brought it up to her eye level.

"What happened here" he asked running his index finger along a small scar on the palm of her left hand.

Bella looked for a moment and smiled "I was 5 or 6 and I was running after the ice cream truck with Renee at the park. I tripped over a crack in the sidewalk and tried to stop the fall with my hands. I hit a rock and skidded to a stop. I cried the entire time she cleaned it up, and then promptly stopped the moment she bought me ice cream and never looked at it again.

"hmm" he said kissing her palm "and here?" he asked holding up her index finger.

"I was cooking dinner for Renee and Phil last year. I was making a salad and while I was slicing up a tomato I nicked my finger, it was hardly a big deal. I'm surprised I have a scar" she said making a face.

"What about this?" He asked pointing to a feint line above her other elbow as he pulled her back against his chest and wrapped his arms around her from behind, then rested his head against hers on her shoulder, all while being extremely careful not to jostle her too much

She rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile as she started the next story. "I was 14 and was cleaning up some dishes when I tripped in the kitchen and dropped the glass I was carrying. It shattered the instant it hit the ground, I couldn't catch my self and landed right on top of it. I was fine until I started getting up and saw that I was bleeding and there was a huge piece of glass sticking out of my arm. So I called for Renee then passed out."

"From the pain?" Edward asked his voice full of concern.

"No from the smell of the blood" she told him making a face and continued on as if she didn't hear him when he started to laugh. "Phil had to carry me to the car, so they could take me to the hospital. Once the got it removed I got 7 stitches"

"How about this one?" He asked kissing just under her chin.

"That was from 'The Crash of 99'" she told him looking back over her shoulder at him.

"That sounds serious" he commented trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh it was! I was riding my bike which, up until then I had never had an accident on. Renee and I were riding in the park and as we were going down hill I somehow lost control and flipped over the handle bars and landed in a bush. I broke my left arm in two places along with a couple of ribs and had some pretty bad scrapes and bruises all over. Most of them healed and faded away but I was left with a few scars from that one."

"There are more?" he asked looking her up and down

"Ummm" she replied turning slightly pink "a few" she said.

He laughed and asked "any more that I can see?"

"Well, not from that accident not now anyways" she said quietly.

He smirked and kissed her on the cheek "ok moving on, what about any others that are accessible?"

She turned slowly to face him again and removed the blanket that was covering her and pointed to her left knee but didn't move it since her foot was in a huge cast.

"8th grade softball, I somehow managed to get on base then tripped when I was running to second and took anther girl down with me. Apparently that saved us from a double play and we went on to win the game. And I was left with this as a souvenir from that fine achievement" she said pointing to the faint line on her knee with an eye roll.

Edward laughed "very athletic of you"

"And here" she said pulling up her right leg to show him the top of her foot. "Renee decided when I was 8 that I needed a trundle bed incase any friends wanted to sleep over. So the first day we got it she was showing me how to make it raise and lower and slide under the bed. I went to do it myself and it collapsed on me and my foot got stuck and got all scraped up on the springs underneath"

After a moment of silence she looked up at him and said "I'm pretty sure that's all of them…that you can see anyways" she added with a blush.

"Are there a lot more?" he asked kissing her forehead.

"A couple" she whispered

"Oh Bella I'm surprised your even still alive with your luck" he laughed "I'm going to have to put you in a bubble or something" he said kissing he forehead again.

"Har har, that's hilarious. It would be even funnier if it was the first time Id heard that in my life" she said this made him laugh even more.

"Ok maybe no bubble, but it wouldn't be a terrible idea" he told her.

"Yes it would be" she told him

"And why is that?" he asked

"Well because, then I couldn't do this" she said as she pressed her lips against his.

"Ah, you have a fair point" He smiled then when he heard her sharp intake of breath he asked "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing" she said quickly "I just turned too fast" she said placing her hand on her side over her broken ribs.

"See the bubble wouldn't be such a bad idea, something nice and padded, soft with no edges" but after seeing her little annoyed pout he added "But with a window for this" he said capturing her lips with his in a quick kiss.

"As long as we have that window, fine" she breathed still holding on to her side as she yawned.

"Its time for you to sleep my love, so you can heal" he said kissing the top of her head as he moved a pillow from the floor to place at her side so she could lean against it since she couldn't put much weight on her side.

"Thanks" she whispered with her eyes closed.

"Anytime" he replied lightly kissing her cheek as he gently wrapped his arms around her and began to hum her lullaby.

AN2: Next up we have Edward learning about the new scars Bella has accuired while he has been away.

please let me know what you think/thought.