My eyes bore into the computer screen. Kevin and Joe have convinced me to tag along in this chat. They posted a video saying to ask questions and we'd answer the ones most asked. Yeah, that got a lot of comments within twenty-four hours!

One minute Kevin's blabbing away about how private schools or better than public schools, then Joe is horribly singing along to his ringtone, and suddenly I'm being nudged to answer a question. Am I the only one who thinks talking to just a screen is kind of… crazy?

I open my eyes and look at the question.

Nick, in interviews with past love interests, they have said you were clingy. Is this true? Why do you think you are?

I press my lips together in thought.

Why am I that way?

"I guess… I just like feeling loved by someone other than family… And I hug onto it, afraid if I let go they'll slip away from me."

I feel my brothers' eyes staring at me.

I can't handle it, so I get up and walk away. Like I do from all my problems.