Notes: Heavily inspired by a fanfic in the Teen Titans fandom and conversations on the couch during commercials.

Disclaimer: The awesomeness that is iCarly wrapped up in a quirky Seattle belongs to Dan- the CREATOR MAN - Schneider.

Part Four: Word Association

Kerry Park. There hadn't been any secret matchmaking schemes in months.
Sam sat on a park bench, wolfing down a hotdog with all the fixings while Freddie muttered under his breath about how she was going to get sick. Eventually. She retorted between bites in words he couldn't quite make out, and they both watched Spencer and Carly laughing and throwing a football back and forth, neither of them very good at it despite Carly's designs on the new star running back of their school football team and Spencer's good-natured ambitions to try out for the Seattle Cobras.
"Hey, Fredward, let's go feed the ducks," Sam suggested up at once, tossing the paper hotdog tray into a wastebasket and producing two packages of fatcakes from her cargo pockets.
"Sam. You can't feed fatcake to ducks. You'll make them as round as turkeys."
Freddie raised an eyebrow.
"Word association. Play along."
He rolled his eyes but didn't protest. "Canada."
"Hang man."
Out on the field Carly caught her first pass of the day and danced around in victory, not noticing her two best friends.
"Me." Sam wrinkled her nose and made a sour expression. Where did that... She reached out and poked Freddie in the ribs, amused by his confused expression. The bridge of his nose dusked pink and he looked down at his shoes, heaved a sigh, looked up.
"You," he murmured.
Sam's stomach flipped in a very un-hotdoglike way. "I won't break your arm," she replied, none too smoothly.
