First Harry Potter FanFic. It's their seventh year at Hogwarts and James refuses to give up. Will his efforts finally get him what he's wanted?

Emotions suck, don't they? You'd think after 6 years at a wizard school she could control them! Honestly, she can charm a teacup to sing the national anthem, brew up any potion and recite the details of the goblin rebellion of any year. That's not enough though. Confusion has blinded Lily Evans as she starts her 7th Year at Hogwarts. She decides to take a different approach with James Potter. As if being a teenager dealing with emotions wasn't hard enough, the dark side is gathering strength, Lily's learning secrets she never would have imagined, dealing with odd circumstances, keeping secrets of her own, and still, with all that the dreaded NEWTs are drawing nearer. All these things are throwing her 7th year off course. After all these years, is it possible Lily has finally fallen for James? Or is she simply confused? Can she get through her last year, unscathed, and with her emotions towards James sorted out?

Lily laughed and waved goodbye to Alice, who was headed to Astronomy while Lily marched off to Care of Magical Creatures.

She spotted James leaning against the wall next to the main doors watching her. She rolled her eyes.

Why is he in all my classes!? I understand the basic stuff like Charms and Transfiguration, but did he honestly have to take the other things I did? Urgh.

Lily walked through the doors, right past him, pretending not to notice his hazel eyes that were focused to intently on her green ones.

"Aw now that just hurt my feelings." A voice called out to her when she was almost at the bottom of the stairs.

She turned around. "What, Potter?"

James grinned and descended the stairs, and leaned into Lily. She stumbled a little but James caught her arms before she fell.

"Let go of me Potter."

"You want to fall?"

Lily blushed, realizing James had just saved her from a trip to the hospital wing.

"Oh-well thanks then James-" The name slipped from her lips before she could stop it.

James grinned. "Your welcome, Lily."

He moved her next to him and let go. He watched her for a second before running down the remaining stairs.

She watched him go. Feeling extremely confused. Did I just call him James…and he called me Lily? She felt a pricking on her neck when she thought of how her name sounded coming through his lips and scolded herself. No Lily. You do NOT like him. You don't. She smiled confidently and continued towards the group of students forming out by the vegetable patch.

She was nearing the class when she saw James helping a first year pick up her books. She felt a smile appear on her lips.

No Lily.

He then pulled out a Chocolate Frog and handed it to the young girl.

No Lily. You don't like him.

Do you?

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