A/N: Hi everyone :D the tenth chapter is now up :D and thanks to my beta Shakespeare's Lemonade it's now without gramma mistakes and so :D

Disclaimer: don't own anything..


Why, why, WHY did she run away? One moment we stood and admired how sweet they looked together, the next moment she kissed him and then ran away. It made no sense, he liked her and she liked him. I could see it. I really wished she could see it.

"What happened?" Emmett asked. I sighed.

"She found out of her feelings and obviously she doesn't think he likes her the same way – so she ran..."

"But that doesn't make sense 'cause he does like her." He said. I could hear he was confused. I sighed again.

"Yeah, we know that, he knows that – but she doesn't. Well I think she does but won't admit it to herself because she's scared he will hurt her if she lets him in her life."

"Again; doesn't make sense."

He was right, but there wasn't much we could do about that, well, there was but Bella wouldn't like it – even if it turned out to be the best for her.

"Rose, I think we need to beat some sense into her mind." I smiled mischievously and went in the direction that Bella went.

Before we left the beach, I turned back and found Edward standing the exact same place he was standing at when Bella ran away.

"Bella?" Rose said - no answer. We were standing in our room, which was in total darkness. "Bella, please answer" She tried again. We looked around but couldn't see much because of the darkness. She had drawn the curtains. Suddenly we could hear sniffs from mine and Bella's room and I went in there, only to find a crumbled Bella lying in her bed, with tear stained cheeks.

"Aww sweetie" I said and ran towards her and laid my arms around her. "Why are you so sad? You like him don't you?" I already knew the answer to that, but a girl needs to ask anyway. She nodded. "Then why are you torturing yourself instead of having the time of your life?" She looked up at me and I could see her make-up running down at her cheeks.

"Because... He doesn't feel the same way!" and then she cried again.

"He kissed you back didn't he?" Rose said from the doorframe.

"Yes..." Bella said, "But he could do that even if he didn't like me." I laughed.

"Edward would never do such thing," Rose defended him and I showed my agreeing by nodding.

"You don't know that." Bella said. Rose snorted.

"Of course I would. I practically live with him every day." Bella seemed thoughtful of that.

"True" she answered, she didn't cry anymore which was good, but we still needed her to realise that he liked her too.

"Bella," I said in my best calmly and soothing voice, "the guy likes you, and you like him. Get yourself together and trust me in this." I smiled slyly, "when have I ever been wrong in something like this?" she gave me a small laugh.

"Maybe you think that, and maybe you're right, but it doesn't change the fact that in a week I'm going home and the so is he, and we'll never see each other anymore" She sniffed.

"Ah, so that's what's wrong... Of course, you'll see him, and we can always get the boys to stay with us the rest of the summer vacation, you know, Emmett practically lives with Rose anyway, so it's just Edward, and I don't think Mr. and Mrs. Hale would have anything against it if he stayed there for the rest of the summer. And then we can have movie nights and we can make them go shopping with us," she groaned at that and I laughed, "You know what I mean. I just think it could be an option." She thought about that and then sighed.

"Fine, it could work, I suppose..." I smiled at her and she gave a small smile back before getting up.

"Where're you going?" I asked, and she turned around.

"To the bathroom to get this make-up saved and then I'm going out and I'll try to have the time of my life." She said and smiled a much bigger smile than before, which I gladly returned.

We went to the beach party again, after one hour of me and Rose trying to save Bella's make-up and hair. We ended up with her hair down and new make-up, little mascara and some eye shadow and she was ready to go.

I was surprised that it didn't take long to make her realise that I was right – as always.

Rose was the one to find the boys and we made our way toward them.

"Hi guys, look what we found in our room." I said happily and looked around. One guy was missing.

"Where's Edward?" Bella asked, she had noticed it too, of course.

The boys looked at each other before pointing at the dance floor. We looked at where they were pointing, and there – in the middle of the dance floor – stood Edward, still rooted to the ground, and looked in the way Bella were running at in the first place. It surprised me he didn't see we came back again.

"Oh my, that boy has it hard." I murmured under my breath so they couldn't hear.

"What is he doing out there?" Bella asked. Jasper and Emmett looked at her.

"Well he hasn't moved since you left." Emmett explained.

"Oh my God. That nut head!" She said and stumbled out on the dance floor.

We other just watch with amused looks at Bella who had now reached Edward, smacked him on the arm and began to yell at him, we couldn't hear what though, but it was still funny to look at. Then she lowered her voice and spoke to him, he answered and she spoke again, and it went like that in a long time, until something happened which surprised most of us and after that something which NONE of us expected!


Why did she leave? I didn't do anything she didn't like did I? I thought back, nope, I don't remember anything she could get mad about. And the she said sorry? Why? There was nothing to be sorry for. I liked her more than I've liked anyone before. Maybe she was sorry because she regretted the kiss. No that couldn't be, didn't she like me too? Otherwise, she wouldn't kiss me would she? No, I would not believe she just kissed me and then regretted it but something in my mind – that devilish little voice – told me it was the reason.

I was still standing in the exact same spot I was in as she left, I couldn't move.

After a big discussion in my head whether or not she ran because of regret, I concluded that I was insane. Not insane as in that I thought she ran because of regret – no, insane as in there's seriously something wrong in my head! I could feel stares at me.

Time went and I looked at nothing. More time went and I still stood, looking at nothing – thinking about Bella.

Suddenly someone smack my arm and I saw Bella in front of me.

"What are you doing?!" she yelled, but I didn't answer. "Why are you just standing here?!" still no answer from my side, "Answer me!" wow, she was mad, but what has she to be mad about? Then she tried another technique to make me talk. "Emmett and Jasper told you have been here since I ran away? Sorry about that by the way." She said calmly. "You have every reason to be mad at me, and that's probably why you don't answer me." She looked down at her feet, wait me? Mad? Why would I be mad? Well actually, that would be the logical reaction, but I wasn't mad at her.

"I'm not mad at you." She looked up with a surprised look on her face, either because I talked or maybe because I wasn't mad.

"You're not mad?" she asked. I laughed.

"No, I'm not mad, a bit surprised though, but defiantly not mad." I said and smiled, she smiled back.

"That's a relief, I'm still sorry though, I just panicked. I wasn't supposed to kiss you," my face fell and I couldn't hide my disappointment and she could see it too, "sorry, that came out wrong! Yes, I wasn't planning on kissing you, it just happened but to be honest, I don't regret doing it." I looked at her, and I could feel the warm running through my body when she said she didn't regret it.

"I'm glad, because I don't regret being kissed by you." I said and cracked a smile, which she returned with one of her beautiful smiles. I just couldn't resist and I kissed her gently on her lips, she returned my kiss and before it even began, it ended. I looked up to find one sweet Bella being tore away from me by one very angry and really ugly looking Mike.

"What are you think you're doing?" He asked and he looked really panicked. I looked at him.

"Well, from my point of view, I would be thinking we were kissing, but do tell me; what did it look like we were doing?" I said sarcastically, he didn't make eye contact with me, but his eyes flicked around. I saw Bella trying to get free but couldn't.

"Would you mind letting her go?" I asked annoyed. Mike looked at her but didn't let go.

"It looked like you were kissing. Why were you kissing? Bella belongs to me, we all know that..." He said. His eyes still not focused.

"No, Mike. Bella doesn't belong to you or anybody else. How much have you been drinking?"

He didn't answer. Suddenly he let go of Bella and pushed her so she fell, then he slung himself toward me and tried to hit me. But I ducked and luckily, he didn't hit. I could tell that he has been drinking – a lot, so I thought it would be best for all parts if I didn't hit back. He tried to hit me again and as before, I ducked.

I could see Jasper and Emmett on the way, and I could hear Bella yell for him to stop but he didn't and it ended with him being taken away by Emmett, Bella being comforted by Alice and Rosalie, and me and Jasper explaining to the hotel staff what was happening. And with that, the party ended for us and we all retreated to the girls' room to talk about... Everything.


"What just happened?" I asked when we all sat comfortably in mine and the girls' room. We were in my bedroom and I, Jazz, Bella and Edward sat on my bed while Rosalie and Emmett lied down in Bella's.

"No idea" Rosalie said truthfully, Emmett looked at us as if we were morons.

"Duh, didn't you see it?! Bella and Eddie were kissing, and the Mike came and tore Bella away from Eddie and then he began to hit Eddie but he ducked and then I came and took Mike away, and now we are here." He said in a matter-of-factly but childish way and we rolled our eyes at him.

"Yes dear Emmett, we saw that, but why did it happen?" I said annoyed.

"I don't know." He answered. I gave him a look, which said something like 'exactly' and then said:

"And that's what I'm asking about." I looked at Bella and Edward who were curled up on the other end of the bed. They looked too cute. I was sitting between Jasper's legs with my head leaned at his shoulder, I looked up at him and kissed him sweetly on the cheek he smiled down to me and I smiled back.

"I think I know why it happened," Jasper said and we all looked at him and waited for his explanation. "We all know how Mike still thinks Bella and him belong together right? He has assumed that for quite a while now."

"He has?!" Bella said, almost yelled.

"Well obviously you didn't" Jasper said and gave a small chuckle, oh how I love his chuckle...

"He has, and he really thought it would be at this vacation his dream would come true. That you two would be together again."

"But that would never happen. He should know that." Bella answered.

"Yeah, but he didn't, and then he sees you at the party and he asks you to dance, which I might point out you said yes to, and it got his hopes up, but then Edward comes and take you away and suddenly kisses you-"

"Technically it was her who kissed me." Edward interrupted and Jasper rolled his eyes.

"Potato, potato if I may come back to my theory..."

"You think I look like a man?!" Bella interrupted and Rose and I snickered, this would be fun.

"No that's not what I meant Bella-" Jazz started, but didn't get far in his explanation before she interrupted him again.

"Then what did you mean that I speak like a man? Act like a man? Tell me Jasper what did you mean when you said potato, potato?" I knew she was joking, but even after years of knowing her, Jasper didn't.

"None of that Bells, I just meant it didn't matter who kissed who and can I come back to my theory now? Please" He said in desperation, and Bella smiled.

"Sure go ahead." She said happily and Jasper narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her, she was smiling innocently at him.

"Wait a minute, you didn't feel hurt at all by my comment did you?" He said.

"Nope" she answered and popped the 'p' and then her smile grew larger.

"You sneaky little girl" he said and I couldn't help laugh because if it were even possible her smile grew larger than before.

"Yeah whatever, please do return to your theory about tonight's happenings." He sighed and continued:

"I came from where Bella suddenly kisses Edward and he feels confused because he thought it would be him who would kiss Bella, so he begins to drink, a lot – I watched him – and then he sees you two kissing again and in his drunken state he freaks, and that's what I think happened." When he was done, we just looked at him.

"What?" He said, I think he was feeling a bit self-conscious.

"Since when did you become a psychologist?" Emmett asked and we laughed.

We talked for a long time before decided to go into the living room to watch a movie. When we were all seated, Jazz and I on the couch, Rose and Emmett on the floor and Bella and Edward in the love seat (of course), Rose started the movie 'Interview with the Vampire' and we all sat and watched. Half through the movie and looked at Bella and Edward who were curled up in the love seat, sweetly asleep.

"Hey guys, what do you say to us leaving the living room to retreat to respectively Rose's and mine beds?" I said and nodded toward the lovely couple in the love seat and Jasper and Rose understood but as always, Emmett whined.

"But I want to see the rest of the movie."

"You will honey, but some other time okay?" Rosalie said and pulled him up with her and we all went to bed.


I woke up in the living room with Edward besides me his arm around me. I tried as slowly as I could to turn around and look at him. He was even cuter when he slept. He looked so peaceful. I remembered yesterday and how Mike had pulled me away from Edward, only to punch him, I had screamed to beg him to stop but he didn't listen. I couldn't help feeling scared that something awful would happen to Edward but it never happened, thank God for that.

I kissed him lightly on the cheek but that little movement was enough to wake him up.

"Good morning beautiful" he said and smiled his crooked smile.

"Good morning" I said smiled back.

I tried to get up but his arm held me back.

"Edward let go please," I laughed and he held tighter.

"No, can't you just stay here?" he asked.

"I could, but who would make us breakfast then?" he thought about that.

"What about waking Alice or Rosalie and make them do it?" I laughed, was he serious?

"First of all, that requires to get up anyway and secondly, you wouldn't want them to make you breakfast, they'll ruin it because none of them can cook." I laughed.

"Well, then there's no point in waking them..." he sighed and said sadly "that means I have to let you go."

I laughed again and got up, found the necessaries to make a good breakfast with bacon, eggs and pancakes and began to cook.

"Wow it smells good in here, what are we having?" I could hear Emmett's voice from the hallway. I was done with the pancakes and was beginning to fry the bacon. The eggs were already stirred together, ready to be put on the pan when the bacon was done.

"Bella is making her and I breakfast, but I don't know what you are having" Edward said jokingly, but it was too early for Emmett to get the joke, but then again it was Emmett we were talking about, he wouldn't understand it whether or not it was morning.

"Bells is that true?" Emmett pouted and I couldn't help but laugh at his expression.

"No of course not my little bear. There's enough food for you too." I said and smiled.

"Edward would you please wake the others and tell them there's breakfast now?" I asked sweetly and he rose from his seat and went to wake the others.

"Soo, Daisy Baisy, are you and Eddie boy a couple now?" Emmett asked while I was making scrambled eggs.

"I don't really know, we've only known each other for five days or something like that. I would like to get him to know each other before I say something about being a couple." I answered truthfully.

Before Emmett could answer, the others came and sat down around the table.

"Breakfast is served." I said and placed the food on the table.

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked.

"Dunno, don't care right now. Eating." Was Emmett's answer while the other just shrugged there shoulders. I sighed and began to eat as well.

A/N: hey guys:D Thanks for reading my story, keep doing that please :P I don't know when the next chapter is up but i hope it doesn't take too long :D

I've been calculating and I think there's only gonna be three or four chapters more and MAYBE an epilogue, that depends on how I'm finishing the whole thing.

Please review:D that'll make me veeeery happy :D

I'm out :P – sas0893