Author's note: This is only about the new recruits! The couples are SamAmara, BobbyJubilee, RobertoRahne. The x-men are on a Important mission leaving the new recruits alone at the mansion. With the x-men away the recruits will play!

"Bye Professor, Wolverine, and Storm!" The new recruits waved on the porch. They smiled, some smiled evilly (Ray), and some smiled innocently (Rahne).

"We'll see you in few weeks. Take care. Nobody comes over, understand me." Professor made sure it was clear. NO PARTY'S!

"We understand very well professor." Bobby assured him that he and Rahne (the most responsible ones) will not let anyone talk them into a party.

"I very well hope you listen." Professor eyed the more wild ones.

"Don't worry Professor, I'll be on my best behavior." Ray said patting him on the shoulder.

"I trust all of you that you know what is acceptable and what is not. I locked up celebro, so none of you can get in." He told them remembering the last time they got into celebro.

"So I'm guessing no training?" Sam rose an eyebrow.

"Just think of the next 2 weeks as a vacation. No training." He smiled.

"So what's this big mission about?" Amara asked wondering where they'll be for the next 2 weeks.

"We're tracking down magneto in London, we have a feeling he's doing something there and we must stop him." Professor explained.

"Why can't we go?" Jamie asked.

"You guys still need to work on your gifts." He told them as he wheeled into the x-jet.

"Bye!" They said in unison.

"Okay who will we call first?" Ray asked rubbing his hands together evilly.

"Ray, we promised no parties, remember. It was only like 3 minutes ago." Jubilee told him.

"So, since when did we the recruits follow directions." He explained.

"What ever it is you have planned, I don't want to be apart of it." Rahne said walking off with Amara.

"Me too." Jubilee followed her friends.

"Ray, I really don't feel like breaking anything tonight." Sam said walking off in the other direction. "Hey Bobby you wanna play some catch?"

"Sure." Bobby said following Sam.

"Fine! You guys are all uninvited to the party!" Ray yelled.

"Ray. I don't think anyone's listening." Jamie said going inside.

"Ugh…you guys are absolutely boring." Ray blamed them crossing his arms.

"Or your just bored." The girls said coming out of the house with books in there hands.

"So you guys rather read and study then party with me?" Ray asked stopping them. The girls looked at one another.

"Yeah." They said in unison walking off to a bench in the park.

"Really, you guys are..are weird!" he yelled angry everybody actually listened to Xavier.

"C'mon Ray. Why don't you just play catch with us." Jamie said holding the mits and walking out to the field.

"Fine." Ray gave up the battle for a party.

Roberto threw the baseball to Sam with his sun strength. Sam jumped and "cannonballed into the tree which Amara sat under.

"Nice job, Sam." Amara said helping him up.

"Thanks Amara." He said as he got up and their eyes met for a few seconds before Amara turned away blushing. Sam ran back to the boys playing baseball.

"What's with the blushing?" Jubilee smiled hoping what she was thinking was true.

"I'm not blushing. Who's blushing." Amara blushed more when she was being accused she was blushing.

"Somebody's blushing?" Jamie asked walking over to them.

"Go away Jamie." Jubilee groaned from the annoying 13 year old.

"I was just wondering if you could help me out with my homework?" He said innocently, you have to give him credit for the big cute puppy dog eyes he gave the girls.

"Fine, what subject?" Jamie sat down next to Rahne.


With the guys

The guys just looked at Sam.

"What? Is there a stick in my hair?" Sam said checking his hair for a stick.

"You like Amara." Bobby stated blankly.

"Wha-! I don't!" He claimed as he threw the ball to Ray and they started the game of catch again.

"First stage denial." Roberto laughed.

"I could keep telling you I don't like her." Sam denied (AKA lied)

"Sure you don't like her." Ray said. "That's right I forgot you love her." The guys laughed.

"Stop it I don't love or like her!" He denied once again.

"C'mon Sam just admit you like or love her." Roberto said.

"Fine, but you guys won't tell her right?" He asked hoping they all said yes.

"Of course I mean I wouldn't want you to tell the girl I like." Bobby said.

"Okay I like her a lot, more then friends, but I'm sure she doesn't feel the same way." Sam sighed.

"That's okay buddy, that's why you have us." Ray smirked catching the ball and tossing it.

"What do you mean "That's why you have us"?" Sam quoted.

"We'll find out for you." Roberto explained.

"I got it!" Bobby shouted. "We have a secret agent."

"A secret agent?" Ray repeated.

"Yes a secret agent named Jamie." Bobby smirked.

"Why Jamie?" Sam asked.

"Look." Bobby pointed over to the girls. Jamie was having a blast with them. "He's always seen hanging out with them, we get him to tell us what Amara thinks about Sam." Bobby explained his genius plan.

"I like the way you think." Sam high-fived Bobby.