"In this world, there are three simple things to remember; ALWAYS respect your self, ALWYS honor yourself, and ALWAYS trust yourself."

"Would it be possible to break these rules and not go into total darkness? Would it be possible to break these rules and still be yourself?"


"You broke your contract." A voice said monotone.

"B-BUT! I'm sorry! I couldn't help my heart!" Another voice cried. "I can't help that I loved her enough to give her the only thing that she wanted!"

"It doesn't matter. Child or no child. Love or no love. Heart or no heart. You broke the contract." The first voice replied.

"I didn't! I only fell in love! Nothi-" The second voice was cut off.

"It doesn't matter. Love one person so much and they will tell you to do things for them. If they love you in return, they will command you to be safe. Stay away from danger." The first voice said. There was a noise that sounded like a sword being pulled out of it's sheath.

"NO! Please! I-" The second voice pleaded but died off.

The first voice looked down with her black eyes, her black hair falling over her face, and said; "Contract terminated."

She walked off as the body continued to bleed, leaving a red blood stain that would soon turn into a dark rust color and eventually turn into a deep dark brown.


Deadly Exchange

"SORA! Come back! You know our Mother will be furious if we aren't back for the dinner tonight! Remember! It's a peace dinner! Father wants to finally make peace with the Hallow Bastion Kingdom!" A small boy shouted as his brother ran further and further away from their home. The boy released a soft sigh as some of his blond locks fell in front of his azure eyes.

"Is there something the matter, Master Roxas?" A smooth, silky voice said from beside the small boy.

Roxas looked up and saw his brother's best friend, and personal body guard, standing beside him. "OH! Riku! Yes! Sora ran off again! This time, he's gonna try to leave the castle grounds! Could you please help me find him and bring him back here?"

Riku nodded and some of his silver hair fell over his face, blocking out his sea foam eyes. "Yes, Master Roxas. I'll help you get the twelfth in line, Master Sora." Riku ran off towards the gate.

Roxas huffed and followed after Riku. Roxas saw Riku run to the left, towards the town. Roxas continued to run straight ahead, towards the woods.

Roxas was a small boy, around the age of ten, but he was more mature than most boys his age. It also happens that he in the thirteenth in line for the throne of the Twilight Kingdom, the town being called Twilight Town. Sora, his older twin by a good four minutes, being the twelfth in line. They both had their fathers eyes. Roxas, however, took after the man more than Sora, with his hay blond hair. Sora, however, took after their mother with his chestnut brown hair.

Both of them had their fathers unruly hair that stuck up on all directions. Sora's hair was the worst, sticking up left and right, while Roxas' swept to the left side in a graceful manner.

Roxas also had his mother's bravery, same as Sora. Although, when it came to Never Land woods, he lost all sense of bravery and fought to keep it hidden.

"S-Sora!? Where a-are you?" Roxas said into the darkness timidly. "C-come o-on! Father isn't going to be happy!"

Roxas hadn't been walking for a few minutes before he felt eyes on his back. With wide, scared eyes, Roxas turned , still walking, looking for the person. He only found a small rabbit twitching it's nose at Roxas. Roxas let out a sigh of relief. "Just a rabbit." He said. Roxas smiled a little bit.

Roxas turned back around and came face to waist with a black cloaked figure. Roxas let out a scream and ran away from the person, hearing a deep laughing coming from the person. Roxas didn't bother to look back, he was too busy looking forward to the first rays of sunlight as he exited the forest.

However, he didn't find it as he promptly fell down a hole. The whole way down Roxas was screaming his little ten year old lungs out.

"HEY!" Roxas heard somebody shout as they grabbed onto his wrist.

Roxas looked up to see bright jade eyes looking down at him. "N-no! Let m-me go!" Roxas shouted as he thrashed about.

The person, however, didn't even bother to let go and simply pulled Roxas back up. "Hahah....You almost fell completely down the hole! Most people only do that when they wanna die! I haven't even seen anybody use that entrance in a long time either!" The person said still holding onto his wrist.

"Nice to know! Now, as the thirteenth in line for the Twilight Kingdom, I, Roxas Katekyo Strife, command you to let me go! NOW!" Roxas stomped his foot down and tugged one more time.

The voice only laughed some more before pulling Roxas away from the hole. The person pulling Roxas only stopped once they reached a small amount of light filtering in from above. "And, I, Axel Nomura Emeritte Trepe, eighth in line for the Hallow Bastion Kingdom, command you to calm down! Seriously, kid, I'm not going to hurt you." Axel chuckled a little before finally letting go of Roxas.

Roxas looked Axel up and down. Axel had fire maroon hair that was slicked back, but still spiked in every which way. He had two small black upside down triangles under each eye. He was wearing a long black cloak that had chains at the top.

"OH!" Roxas dropped down to the ground. "I'm s-sorry! I didn't know who you were!!"

Axel looked down at the blond boy and raised a thin eyebrow. "It's OK! It's to be expected!" Roxas looked up and sniffled. "K-kid! Roxas! D-don't cry about it!"

"I-I'm not crying!" Roxas stood up and looked at his feet. They were silent for a few minutes before Roxas finally looked up and stepped into the light.

Axel's breath hitched. The boy was wearing simple clothing that held the Twilight Kingdom's colors of oranges, reds, pinks, and any color of the sunset. His right sleeve held the symbol of his kingdom. His eyes, though, held everything that Axel had only dared to dream about growing up. His azure eyes brighter than the sky itself. Bigger than any eyes that Axel had ever seen.

"W-where are we?" Roxas asked timidly.

Axel blinked a few times before answering. "OH! We are underground!" Axel pulled back a few stray pieces of roots from plants before continuing. "Welcome to Hallow Bastion!"

Roxas' mouth dropped open as he stared at the underground kingdom. He could clearly see people walking around with smiles on their faces as they talked with everybody around them. They were all content with their surroundings, even if they were underground. Roxas couldn't understand it.

"Why are you underground?" He asked after about a minute of confusion.

"Ah. That's an interesting tale that my father will tell at the dinner tonight. As for now, we need to get you up to the surface, kid." Axel said as he raised a finger to prove his point."

Roxas nodded and followed Axel past everybody, who had stopped to stare at them passing by. "Why are they staring?"

Axel laughed slightly. "It's not everyday that we get visitors from topside! How old are you Roxas?"

Roxas formed a small 'oh' shape with his mouth before telling Axel his age. "How old are you?"

"A year older than you. Eleven, commit it to memory, kid." Axel said as he tapped his temple.

Roxas hit his arm and playfully glared at Axel. "Seeing as your only a year older than me, doesn't give you the rights to call me a 'kid' and if it does, then that gives me the rights to call you an 'old man,' old man!" Roxas stuck out his tongue.

Axel stared at Roxas for a minute before laughing. "I guess you right, shortie!"

Roxas stared up at him with utter shock, but didn't say anything. They kept walking in silence.


"Awwww....Do I really have too?" A chipper voice whined.

"Yes. Do you know what you did to your brother? You worried him, making him fake his attitude, again. Then, you were so absorbed in your stupid little games that you more than likely didn't stop to think about what would have happened to me if you didn't come back unharmed! Do you know what would have happened, Sora?" A silver hair boy said as he threw a boy with chestnut spiky hair, Sora, over his shoulder.

"Riikkuuuu...." Sora whined as he tried to get out the Riku's grip. "You would have been fired."

Riku laughed. "If only I was so lucky, I would have been exiled from the land, and any other lands that your father has authority in. OR! I would have been hanged, beheaded, killed. Pick your choice, Sora. It's the same out come to me." Riku readjusted Sora on his shoulder, causing Sora to yelp in surprise. "It's my job as your body guard to keep you and Roxas safe."

"Yeah. Yeah. HEY! Mainly me! Roxas is getting his own body guard soon! Why did my parents pick somebody who was only two years older than us to keep us safe?" Sora questioned as he put his head in his hand, elbow on Riku's back.

"Cause, my family has been protecting your family since they founded this kingdom. It's in my blood to protect you."

"No! I mean, why not protect the first in line or the second?!"

"Cause, Cloud has Leon and Naminé has already married into another kingdom, making Larxene useless, although Naminé keeps Larx around still. They got really close. As for me protecting you and Roxas, I am the one in my family that has the greatest potential to keep you guys safe until the day you marry or die. Now," Riku set Sora down on a large rock outside of the Never Land forest, "why did you run off like that?"

Sora looked at his feet as he played with his fingers. "Welllll...." Sora stalled.

"Well?" Riku asked as he placed his hands in his hips.

"I don't know why father is going through with this peace arrangement. He hates Hallow Bastionites! I think he's setting them up for a war that he knows they'll lose!"

Riku shook his head. "Sora, if that idoes/i happens, then, no matter if I am a Hallow Bastionite, I will protect you from any harm that comes your way. I'll hide you some place safe and then go and help my people. You just have to have my back by saying that I kept you safe!"

Sora looked up from the ground and nodded his head. "Promise! Promise?"

Riku extended his pinkie and smiled, "Promise."


"Well, Roxas, this is as far as I go. You will be able to get back by following that path, although, it seems that you will find some people of yours a little ways up the path. Until tonight," Axel bowed and started back down the way that they had just come from.

Roxas smiled and watched him go.

Roxas let out a sigh of relief. "Well, I'm glad that I will know at least one person tonight."


"Well, well, well. Looks like you've got a new interest. Am I right?" A male voice could be heard along with the rustling of leaves.

"Ah, Four, glad to see that you're finally awake." A female voice sneered. "Yes, if you have to be that damned nosy, I do have a new interest. I even think that boy will help me out in getting Mr. Red head!"

"Six, stop worrying about this. Let me, Three, and Two take care of One. We are ore powerful than you and have more powerful Contracts." The male voice, Four, said as he sat down beside the girl.

"Shut up! Get the hell out of town! Remember what you told me? 'In this world, there are three simple things to remember; ALWAYS respect your self, ALWYS honor yourself, and ALWAYS trust yourself.' " The female voice, Six, sang back to him.

"Remember what you told me? 'Would it be possible to break these rules and not go into total darkness? Would it be possible to break these rules and still be yourself?' So, if you really think that you can handle it, then put your money where you damned mouth is! If not, then cash out and get the hell out of town." Four stood up and started back.

"Consider it done!" Six said tucking her black hair behind her ear. "He shouldn't have done it! That's they only reason I'm going up against One."

"Man, oh man. Your still hung over that one human?! All that time ago? Well, hmm....Don't let your revenge drive you the whole way." Four said as he disappeared.

Six smirked as she stood up and jumped off the tree she was on top of, the chains around her hood rattling with the impact. She then took off running towards the place that she knew he would end up visiting.

I'm quite proud of the fact that this only took me about two days, having started this yesterday, to type out. Then again....-rubs back of neck-This story wouldn't let me sleep properly. lmao

So, to those of you who hate yaoi, then I suggest that you leave right now. I don't want to hear it. It's what I love and what I wanna write, I don't have to bend over in painful angels to please you. I love this story and will continue writing it even if you don't read it or don't want me to finish it. And even if I get banned from here, then there are other ways to post my work so others who like yaoi can help me out.

Asfor spelling mistakes, then I am really sorry to those of you who have an issue with it. I WILL CHANGE ANY AND ALL MISTAKES IF YOU WANT ME TOO! GRAMMER MISTAKES! THAT'S ALL!!


Also, if you don't like Kingdom Hearts, then I'm sorry, but that's what this fanfiction is. A Kingdom Hearts Yaoi. So, please leave too. WAIT! Answer me this though! I wanna know why your here on a Kingdom Hearts Yaoi if you hate/don't like/don't really care about it?! Hmmm.... Ah well, if you can't really tell, I'm kinda in a pissey mood.

I do, however, wanna get out of this mood and say;

SPECIAL THANKS TO TERRA! Here at ~ 1526574/terra_hotaru and here at dA~ http:// . com/ Either plac you go, you'll see her. She helped me with the title, and the look for Six. So yes, a special thanks to her. I'd be bashing my head into something if she wasn't here to keep me from doing so!XD

So with all that being said, I don't really want flames, unless I see that they help me, then I will mark them as spam. Helpfullness will be much loved and I will give you a cookie or omething if you can really guess who Six and Four are! I think I kept their....something ot other a verry good secret!!;P As for this little comment of mine, I'm done. Now, for the credits!!