Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS or Michael Weatherly…because if I did then Jeanne and Tony would have never broken up and Kate would have never died.

Um, Hi! This is my first NCIS fic…hope you like it. It's just an idea I had last night, and it would not stop badgering me until I had down on paper. So, hope you like it. Love, Brownie.

Finding Family

Chapter 1: Missing

Twelve year old Tony Sheppard smiled as he entered his house, yelling, "I'm home," as he dumped his backpack on the floor next to the main door, locked said door, and then raced for the kitchen because that was where he though his mom, who had taken a day off of work, and his sister, who was home because it was Senior Skip Day, would be and because he was starving. He blamed the fact that he hadn't realized anything was wrong – for one it was too quite – wrong until he entered the kitchen and saw the mess it was in on hunger.

There were shattered plate fragments all over the floor – a sign of struggle –, but what really scared him were the drops of blood all over the room and the big puddle near the sink and next to a vase with traces of blood on it. Obviously, someone had hit somebody on the head with it; he only hoped it was either his mother, Jenny Sheppard – Director of NCIS, or his sister, Kate – a senior at Washington High School, that had been the one doing the hitting.

Now, most kids would have been panicking, but not Tony, he did what he had been taught to do incase of an emergency since he had been old enough to talk; he walked to the living room, picked up the phone, and called NCIS, more specifically his mother's secretary Cynthia, thinking that he had to get cops here first, he could panic later, a second could be the difference between life and death of his family.

He cut Cynthia off when she started to say, "This is NCIS, how can I help you today?"

"Cynthia, this is Tony…" he started and then, after taking a deep breath and squeezing his eyes shut tightly, hoping with all his might that he would wake up from this nightmare, he continued, "I…I think my mom and Kate have been kidnapped." And that was when the truth of the matter kicked in and a choked sob almost came out, but he held it back, although with great difficulty, "I need a team sent to my house ASAP."

He hear Cynthia, make a call to someone and then address him, "They'll be there in fifteen, T…", Cynthia would have continued, but Tony having heard what he had needed to hung up on her, usually he wouldn't so rude, but these weren't exactly normal circumstance, now, were they.

Tony sat on the couch as he waited with his elbow on his knees and his face in his hands; now that he'd done everything he could and didn't have anything to occupy his mind, he couldn't control his emotions. He couldn't believe this was happening! The house was supposed to be their safe haven, their sanctuary, and now their sanctuary had been compromised and his family was God knows where. Tony squashed the tears that were threatening to pour out ruthlessly, now was not the time to cry…he could do that later, when his mother and sister were there to comfort him.

Tony was still in that position when the sound of roaring engines caused him to jump up in surprise and then race to the door when he realized the only people it could be – the feds. They had gotten there sooner than he'd thought they would – it had only been about five minutes since he'd called.

Once he was at the door, he opened it and continued to run, only stopping when his head collided with something solid and his butt made contact with the concrete of the driveway. Sitting on the driveway with his arms behind his back and holding his weight, a dazed Tony, looked up and into blue eyes that seemed painfully familiar, but he couldn't place for the life of him and so he asked, "Do I know you?"

The owner of the eyes, a man with salt and pepper hair and who looked to be not much older than his mother, helped him up and replied, "I don't think so."

"Oh, okay," said Tony, brushing his hands of on his Nirvana t-shirt, somehow keeping his cool despite the circumstances. He then held out his hand and introduced himself, like his mama had taught him, "Hi, I'm Tony…Tony Sheppard."

He didn't miss the secondary flicker of surprise in the man's eyes before the man hid it and then shook the offered hand, "Hi, Tony. My name is Gibbs…Special Agent Gibbs. Can you tell me what happened?"


(If you want me to)

So what do you think? Good, bad, iffy? Should I continue?

Reviews and Constructive Criticism are always appreciated.

Thanks, hope you like it, love Brownie.