Hello once again everyone. Life sure is fun, lol. I have a business trip tomorrow, however, it is my mate's birthday also… Yeah, I didn't realize that when we scheduled the trip, so silly me. She's taking it well though, although she hates that I'll be gone, much like myself. I hate being away from home, but it's just one night away, luckily. Anyways, work is really starting to irritate me. Our current project has a review this Friday, and I seem to be lagging behind due to several issues that have arisen during this small sprint. To add to this irritation is a few trivial things that have been spoken about on how we did certain things. Meh, just not been a fun last week or two I suppose, lol.

Writing wise, this is the last chapter for Reunion. I'm sure some of you are sad, some who are happy, and some who just don't care, lol. Anyways, read the bottom of the chapter for details on what will happen after this story.

Review time!

The Rainwalker: I'm feeling much better now since last time, so thanks. Heh, not too surprising with that cold weather there. We've had snow here twice thus far this year, with a few frigid days, but nothing too bad. Good luck with saving up for the next Sakura-con. Yep, Iya and Lilly have both talked with Yukio, with Lilly seemingly maybe getting some results. Yeah, Iya really has had a rough life, with him being unable to control himself with Kaia, then his many years of traveling to kill The Thirteen. At least he seems to be somewhat on the mend. Thanks about the knack for things, hehe. True, Yukio does have a lot to think about, what with Iya and Lilly both talking to him. Heh, yeah, Inuyasha just can't catch a break anymore. Actually, Miroku and Sango were in my previous story, Another. They both were turned half demon as well as Kagome, Lilly, Kohaku, and Rin. However, only Lilly and Kagome are half demon still yet, with Sango and Miroku returning to normal near the end of Another. At any rate, Sango was pregnant when that story ended, and her and Miroku were staying in Kaede's village. You should check out Another to find out what you missed, hehe. Anyways, I'll try to get back in touch with you sometime soon. Just been way too busy to have time to. Thanks for the review!

Kattana: Yeah, Lilly did a good job in being a step mom. Heh, my mate mentioned something about Lilly being Yukio's step mom. She's like the hot new mom who is far younger than Yukio, lol. Yukio is 285 years old, while Lilly is merely 16. Big difference, hehe. But yes, she seems to be able to handle Yukio. True, Yukio is acting more like his uncle Inuyasha than anyone else. Lilly is handling things well because she understands that Iya didn't intentionally hide a child from her. He didn't even know, lol. Yeah, it was heart wrenching for Iya to tell his son that story, without a doubt. Hopefully Yukio will accept his father and try to get along, but you never know about that hanyou. Thanks for the review!

Thank you both for your reviews. It's you two, plus Espada Zero, that really kept me motivated throughout this story. I am slightly disappointed this story didn't catch on as much as Another, but that's just me I suppose. I still had fun writing this story regardless, and if it only was liked by a few people, then at least it was liked, lol.

Anyways, I'm done for now. Do check at the end of the story for what I plan on doing. I think the ending of this story will tell everyone what is happening, hehe. Enjoy!

Chapter 13

Picking up the sound of footsteps approaching, ones that he determined instantly as his sister-in-law's, the black haired dog hanyou turned his head away from the sight of the slow moving stream. Standing up onto the dock, he saw Kagome moving towards him with a small smile on her face.

"Enjoying the chance to relax?"

Allowing a small smile to form on his own face at the question he was asked, Iya smoothly replied "Just a bit, I suppose. I'm so used to traveling after all these years that it's kind of odd to stay in one place for so long."

"I sort of know the feeling." the female dog hanyou commented. "Inuyasha, Shippou, Sango, Miroku, Kirara, and I all six traveled together for what felt like a lifetime, but in reality we only traveled for five years. Sometimes I miss it, I suppose. Just being on the move all the time and not really stopping was interesting, but at the same time kind of trying since I had to return home often. Now that we no longer do so, it's kind of strange."

Once more smiling, the male hanyou nodded his head, saying "I understand what you mean. Living at the Western Stronghold is so different. I had forgotten how very different it was from being on my own."

Pausing for a moment, the male hanyou's brow furrowed before he slowly asked "How are those three doing?"

Pursing her lips, the female hanyou feigned a smile. "They're all three completely healed up. They are strong enough to leave at any time."

"I figured as much." Iya dejectedly commented while turning his back to his sister-in-law.

Feeling a clawed hand land on his shoulder, the male hanyou glanced back to see worry reflecting within the female hanyou's honey colored eyes. "Iya, are you going to be alright?"

Turning around to face the female hanyou, the male hanyou flashed a weak smile. "I don't know what to do Kagome."

Sitting down onto the dock and crossing his legs, the male hanyou's ears drooped as he dropped his head into his hands. Taking a deep breath, he raised his head and looked out at the stream.

"I'm afraid of what will happen when he leaves. In my heart, I hope and pray that he'll decide to no longer wish to try and kill me, and it's my deepest desire that we can attempt to get to know one another."

Shifting his head so that his eyes were covered by the shadow of his bangs, the hanyou added in a sad tone "But I'm afraid that instead, he'll try to come after my life again, and that in the end, I'll one day have to kill him."

Kneeling down behind her brother-in-law, Kagome gently pulled Iya into a warm embrace and squeezed him softly. "I know you'll do the right thing, Iya. All you can do is what you feel in your heart. Don't give up hope."

"I don't want to, but I'm afraid he'll reject me."

Lightly chuckling, the female hanyou shook her head, saying "You are so much like your younger brother."

"How so?"

"Inuyasha was worried his entire life about people rejecting him. When he finally found Kikyou, she didn't reject him on queue. Instead, she somewhat accepted him. In the end though, the two of them were separated by Naraku's evil scheme, thus sealing him to the Sacred Tree and sending her into the afterlife."

Pausing for a moment, she soon continued on. "Fifty years passed before I was pulled through the Bone Eater's Well and discovered Inuyasha. When I first saw him, I thought he was so handsome and looked heavenly. Of course, I woke him up not long after that and released him from the tree. At first, we never got along. But slowly, over time, he began trusting me and the same for me with him. I was never really afraid of him, though he did scare me with death threats at the very beginning, but even then, I wasn't too worried for some reason. Anyways, he was always on the lookout for rejection from me and others. But I could never reject him. Even when he asked me to mate with him, I knew that fear was in him still yet. We've been mated for a little over six months and I think that he's finally realized that I love him without a doubt in my mind. He knows that I won't reject him like others may have in the past."

"What I'm trying to say is, don't be afraid of rejection. If Yukio does reject you, don't lose hope in him. There may come a day when he realizes just how much you care for him."

Releasing her hold and scooting around to look the male hanyou in the eye, Kagome once more smiled and said "After all, you are his one and only father. Though he says he hates you, I think deep down he knows how much you care for him. Just give it time. I'm sure it all will work out."

Digesting his sister-in-law's words, the male hanyou slightly nodded his head. "Thank you, Kagome. You are wise beyond your years."

Smirking, the female hanyou replied "If only you could convince my mate of that."

"You know you have him wrapped around your finger, especially since you are pregnant." Iya slyly remarked.

Blushing slightly, Kagome wagged her finger at the male hanyou, saying "It's comments like that that make me believe the two of you are brothers."

Reaching out and gripping her finger, Iya smirked as Kagome's eyes widened slightly. "I take it that makes you reminiscent?"

Feeling her finger being released, the female hanyou once more blushed and abruptly stood up. Folding her arms over her chest and huffing, she grunted out "Men…"

Standing himself, the male hanyou lightly chuckled, saying "Sorry about that. I just remembered something Inuyasha had told me once. I didn't mean to upset you, if I did."

Turning around, the male hanyou backed up slightly to find the female hanyou with her tongue stuck out and making a childish face. Unable to contain his laughter, the male hanyou returned the favor and made a childish face himself. The pair soon broke out into fits of laughter, with each finishing with a smile on their faces.

"We should get back."

Nodding, Iya once more smiled, saying in a kind voice "Thanks Kagome."

"You're welcome. Now come on, we have things to do before we let those three go."

Ripping off the final seal to the doorway of the hut, Uryū called out "You three can come on out."

One by one, the three incomplete demons stepped out into the late afternoon air, each in silence. All three seemed to take in a deep breath, expressing their happiness to be out of the hut they had shared. Regaining their focus, each eyed the group of four hanyous and two humans with different emotions running through their eyes.

Scowling at the black haired dog hanyou that stood slightly in front of the group, Yukio stepped forward towards him. Spotting his sword, he eyed it momentarily before bringing his vision back to the male hanyou. Coming to a stop with only five feet between the two of them, the white haired hanyou stared into the muddy brown eyes of his captor, but remained silent.

Drawing the halberd out of the ground, Iya took a few steps forward towards his son with the blade still facing downwards. Stopping only a foot before the white haired hanyou, he slid his hand down the hilt a bit and offered the sword to Yukio.

Staring at the blade being offered to him for a few long moments, Yukio finally spoke up, saying "Fenrir was destroyed in our fight."

"It was, but I had it repaired."

Reaching out and taking hold of the hilt and pulling the sword away from the black haired dog hanyou, the white haired hanyou held it before his body and ran his eyes over the sword's blade. "It is different."

Nodding in reply, Iya weakly smiled. "To repair it, the sword smith, Totosai, needed a fang of mine. I guess now you have a fang of three different people in that blade."

Not saying anything, Yukio swung the sword in a quick arc through the air, seemingly testing it out. Finished, he reached up and pulled the two blades that formed the halberd apart and placed them into the slots that were just above his rear. Once done, he bore his muddy brown eyes into the eyes of the black haired hanyou.

Silence filled the air for what felt like an eternity to the group but in reality was only a mere two minutes. At last, the white haired hanyou broke the silence, solemnly saying "I can never forgive you for what you did to my mother all those years ago."

"I understand." Iya quietly responded while his ears drooped slightly and he turned his gaze towards the ground.

Taking in a sharp breath and closing his eyes, Yukio said "However, I no longer wish to kill you either."

Looking up instantly, the black haired hanyou saw his son reopen his eyes slowly with what looked like a hint of sadness within them. Before he could say anything, the white haired dog hanyou began talking once more.

"Hanyous are not meant to have demon heats, yet some do suffer from them. I am one of those hanyous who do not suffer from them, yet you do. In some ways, I can never understand why you did what you did, nor do I wish to either. Still, to continue seeking vengeance against you would be pointless. I've come to understand you a little, and I believe that you did not willingly harm my mother. Your demon blood did those horrible things to her and made her the way she was before her death."

Staring Iya in the eye, Yukio added "Perhaps that is why I no longer hate you the way I did when I first encountered you. Because of that, I find myself no longer able to desire to kill you, so I will no longer hunt you."

"But Yukio, he…"

"Be quiet, Sanosuke." the white haired hanyou hissed, effectively silencing the incomplete battle demon. Returning his full attention to the black haired hanyou, he smoothly said "I think it is time that The Army of The Thirteen ended it's quest to take your life. Lord Byakuya is gone, and once more, I believe he was wrong now."

Turning towards the two incomplete demons behind himself, the white haired hanyou faced the incomplete battle demon, saying "Sanosuke, I am resigning my commission as leader of The Army of The Thirteen. I will not be returning with the two of you, so effectively immediately, you are in command."

"I do ask one last favor of you though. Do not take up the quest that we began again. I honestly believe no good will come of fighting with those that defeated the members of The Thirteen. To continue down such a path would only get more of our comrades killed."

Looking away from the white haired hanyou, Sanosuke crossed his arms over his chest and grunted out "You know the council will never accept that decision. Even though I am technically the leader of them now, they will not agree to that."

"Try to convince them." Yukio pressed. "That is all I ask. If they cannot be swayed, so be it."

Letting out a ragged sigh, the incomplete battle demon returned his line of sight to his white haired comrade and softly replied "I'll try my best."

Slightly bowing, the white haired hanyou smoothly said "Thank you, Sanosuke."

"Where will you go, Yukio?"

Whirling around to find it was the black haired hanyou who had asked the question, Yukio quietly responded with "I'm unsure right now."

"You could come home with Lilly and me to the Western Stronghold."

Shaking his head, the white haired hanyou evenly said "No, I decline. "

A bit hurt by the response, Iya hid the hurt and remarked "I see."

"In that case, why not stay here?"

Looking to see the elder Quincy walking up beside of his father, the white haired hanyou began to respond, only to be cut off by Uryū.

"This village could use another person to help protect it and build up it's defenses. Since my left arm no longer functions on it's own, that puts us at a disadvantage. We could always use another person besides Sai and myself to help keep this village safe."

Remaining silent for a moment, the white haired hanyou slowly asked "What is the catch?"

"No catch." Uryū commented while pushing his glasses back up onto his nose. "You are free to come and go as you please. If you find you don't wish to remain here, you can leave. No one will keep you here against your will. I only ask that you help us in protecting this village. That is all that will be asked upon you. The rest that you do is voluntary."

Digesting the words of the Quincy for a few moments, Yukio calmly said "Very well then, I will stay here, for now."


Returning his attention to the two incomplete demons, the white haired hanyou coolly said "You two should get going. It will take you quite a few days to return home."

Mutely nodding, Sanosuke walked forward till he was right before the white haired hanyou. Reaching out, he offered his hand, which the hanyou took and shook.

"I'll do my best to lead the village."

"I know you will." the white haired hanyou remarked.

Moving aside, the incomplete battle demon watched the incomplete hybrid demon move before their comrade. The two stood in complete silence for a moment before the hybrid demon allowed a small smile to appear on his face.

"You're serious on this, aren't you, Yukio?" Kenji questioned.

Receiving a nod in reply, the hybrid demon offered his hand to the hanyou. The two shook hands, with the hybrid demon saying "Take care, Yukio."

With their words spoken, both incomplete demons began walking away from the group and towards the wood line. Soon enough, the pair vanished into it, leaving behind the group of hanyous and two Quincy.

"Quincy, can you take me to where I will be staying?"

Breaking away from the retreating figures, Uryū noted the white haired hanyou's eyes were focused on him. Nodding in agreement, the Quincy said "Follow me and we'll find you some quarters."

Bowing slightly to the group to excuse himself, the white haired hanyou followed after the Quincy, leaving the group to themselves.


"Wind Slash!"

Slamming into one another was a set of two white demonic energy blasts, the first being in the shape of a claw and the other a single beam. The two ground against one another for a few long moments before dispersing and sending dust flying into the air.

With the dust settling, the figures of two dog hanyous staring one another down appeared, with one, a silver haired one, lightly panting. Each held a halberd in their hands and both had looks of determination on their faces.

Slightly smirking, Iya spoke up, saying "You've improved, Inuyasha."

"Feh, I have a long way to go yet."

Shaking his head while softly chuckling, the black haired hanyou replied "That may still be true, but you have to admit, you're much stronger than when we last sparred."

Releasing the transformed state of his halberd back into it's normal rusty state and sheathing it, the silver haired hanyou grunted out "I guess."

"I'm not just saying that to put you on, Inuyasha." Iya commented as he sheathed his own sword. "You really have improved since last time. I'm impressed."

Folding his arms over his chest, the silver haired hanyou nonchalantly said "Kagome and I have been training quite a bit in the recent months. That'll come to an end since she's pregnant."

Letting out a soft sigh, the silver haired hanyou turned away and let his shoulders slump slightly. "I can hardly believe she's pregnant."

"Scared?" the black haired hanyou teased.

Receiving no answer, the black haired hanyou approached his brother and noted how quiet he was. Moving before him, he saw his face etched into a deep scowl.

"What's the matter?"

"It's just, I'm…" Inuyasha began, only to shake his head roughly and grunted out "Feh, forget it."

Suddenly feeling a set of clawed hands land on his shoulders, the silver haired hanyou found himself confronted by the face of his brother. "Inuyasha, talk with me."

About to snap back a comment, the hanyou found himself unable to when he saw the concern and worry in his half brother's eyes. Taking a deep breath, the silver haired hanyou lowly said "I'm worried about becoming a father. I never knew our father, other than tales I heard about him and that one time I saw him when Sesshomaru and I defeated the Sounga. How am I going to become a father when I never had one to learn from?"

Relaxing his hands on his brother's shoulders, the black haired hanyou weakly smiled, asking "Is that all you're worried about?"

Noting his brother was ready to snap back, Iya continued on, saying "Inuyasha, though you didn't know father, I see a lot of him within you. True, you are probably rougher around the edges than he was, but you are very similar also. You have the same sense of justice and desire in your heart to make things right. And I can see also the love that you hold for Kagome. Without a doubt in my mind, you'll make a great father. Just do the best that you can do. That is all anyone could ask for."

"I suppose."

Releasing his hold on his brother, the black haired hanyou stepped back and began walking away before hearing his younger brother ask "What about you?"

Watching his brother turn back towards him, Inuyasha asked "What do you intend to do about Yukio?"

Staring down at the ground for a few moments, Iya quietly replied "I don't know. I intend to try and visit him from time to time, like every few months. Lilly still wishes to visit her family on a more consistent basis, so while we're here, maybe I can see him."

"Do you think he meant what he said earlier? About not hating you any longer?" the silver haired hanyou questioned.

Taking a moment to ponder over the question, the black haired hanyou softly said "He wasn't lying earlier. His scent didn't change when he said those words, so either he's exceptionally good at hiding a lie or he was telling the truth. I prefer to think of the later myself."

"I do know one thing for certain. No matter what happens from hence forth, I will not fail him. I care too much to let anything happen to him."

"Figured as much." Inuyasha commented. Glancing up at the setting sun, he let out a small sigh. "Kagome and I need to leave tomorrow, seeing how Sango was close to being ready to have her children before we left. I'm sure Miroku is panicking that we'll not make it back in time."

Slightly chuckling, Iya replied "Yeah, Lilly and I planned on leaving tomorrow also. We need to return to the Western Stronghold. I'm sure Sesshomaru has plenty of questions for me about what happened."

Smirking, the silver haired hanyou smugly said "Good luck with that asshole. He'll probably string you up for this whole thing."

"No doubt he'll blame me, like always." Iya slyly commented. "Come on, we should head back. I'm sure our mates are waiting for us."

"Yeah, better not keep them waiting. Kagome will 'sit' me to hell if I'm late for dinner."

Panting heavily leaning heavily against his large cleaver blade shaped sword, the sound of blood dripping to the ground from his wound on his right shoulder and forehead irked the orange haired quarter demon. Raising his head to glare at the man not far from him with his brown eyes, the quarter demon let out a low growl and straightened his body. His clothing consisted of a simple black kimono top and pants with a white obi and a red piece of leather that went from his right shoulder to nearly his left hip and looped back around his back.

"Damn it Kisuke, you nearly killed me that time!"

Staring back with an impassive look was a man dressed in a dark green kimono top and pants, with a black obi. Covering his top was a long black coat that reached his knees in length that had white diamond shapes across the bottom of it. On his head, obscuring his eyes with shade, was a green and white stripped bucket hat that covered blonde hair that stuck out the sides. A pair of geta were on his feet, leaving them mostly exposed. In his right hand was a black and silver blade had a dull gold "u" shaped guard, and a hilt that was straight for a while till it curved slightly near the end. On the end of the hilt was a red tassel, while below the guard was a red ribbon.

Taking a few steps towards the angered quarter bobcat with the sound of his geta striking the ground, Kisuke came to a stop and lifted his head up slightly, revealing his dark blue eyes. In a cheery tone and a smile on his face, he said "Ichigo, I would never kill my prize pupil."

"Don't bullshit me, Kisuke!" Ichigo growled. Drawing his sword out of the ground and gripping the white clothed hilt, he pointed his sword towards the blonde haired man.

Smirking a bit, the blonde haired man suddenly vanished into thin air. He soon reappeared before the quarter bobcat, who had seemingly anticipated the attack and parried. Not finished, the blonde haired man pushed off from the quarter demon to a few feet away before digging his blade into the ground. Feeling it firmly in the ground, he used it to turn his body so that he threw himself at the quarter demon feet first.

Unable to block the incoming attack, the quarter bobcat was smacked in the cheek by a wooden geta, sending him sprawling backwards onto the ground. Quick to get up, he barely had time to parry an attack aimed for him.

In a low growl, Ichigo snarled out "Why you!"

Again and again, the two fighters' blades clashed with one another, with neither seemingly gaining the upper hand on the other. Pushing apart, the two stared one another down, with the quarter bobcat panting lightly.

"You've improved somewhat, Ichigo, since our last sparring session, but you're still not ready."

"Damn it, I told you this is the best I can do without Bankai!" the quarter demon hissed.

Vanishing before another word could be said to him, Kisuke reappeared behind the quarter demon and kicked him roughly, sending his opponent tumbling to the ground. Following up with a quick slash to the back of the quarter demon, which drew blood instantly, the blonde haired man violently kicked the falling quarter demon once more, this time in the ribs, sending him flying through a nearby rock pillar.

Walking calmly towards the remains of the rock, the blonde haired man suddenly came to a stop when he suddenly felt a very familiar demonic aura flaring from the rocks. Dust and debris suddenly flew up into the air, sending it scattering across the battlefield.

Standing up, the quarter demon kept his head bowed down while a cold smirk formed on his face. Seeing this, Kisuke calmly said "Well, well, about time this …"

"Uh, uh, uh, it's not polite to refer to someone as this." a voice said that sounded similar to the quarter demon's but was laced with what sounded like insanity in it. Raising his head to reveal a cold smirk and a partially formed white bone mask covering the left side of his face, he added "You idiot!"

Gripping the loose cloth on the hilt of his sword, the quarter demon began spinning the blade rapidly, causing a whirling sound to fill the air. Stopping the spinning suddenly as he had begun it, he dug the blade into the ground, causing light blue demonic aura to spill out from the impact.

"Looks like I get another chance to kill you." the crazed voice said.

Staring at the quarter demon with a calm gaze, the blonde haired man took in the change in the quarter bobcat's appearance. The white bone mask covered the entire left side of the bobcat's face, with a single yellow eye peering out from it. His other eye now had a black cornea with a yellow iris.

"So, you've returned to fight me again, eh? Feel like telling me who you are this time?"

Once more smirking evilly, the quarter demon asked "Who am I? How can you ask such a stupid question!? I am who I am!"

Still smirking, he added "You're not dealing with Ichigo anymore! That weakling doesn't even compare to me!"

"You're wrong, as always. How naïve."

"What was that!?" the insane filled voice demanded. "If you honestly think that weakling is stronger than me, then you've lost it!"

Raising his sword, the blonde haired man vanished. Sneering at this, the quarter demon let out an insane filled laugh and vanished himself also. The two reappeared soon enough, with their blades striking each others. Again and again, the two vanished, only to reappear for a moment with their blades clashing against one another.

After nearly twenty minutes of fighting, the pair reappeared with a distance of twelve feet separating them. The blonde haired man was slightly panting while sweat streaked down the sides of his face. Staring at his opponent with a cold smirk on his face, the quarter bobcat let out an insane laugh while charging towards the blonde haired man.

Nearly halfway across to him, the quarter bobcat suddenly stopped laughing as his right eye widened and his left hand suddenly reached up to grasp the edge of the white mask. The hand began yanking on the mask, making the quarter bobcat's jaw clench.

"You…" the insane voice grunted out. "No, you're going to interfere with me again!? You're too weak! Stop! If you chase me out right now, you'll die for sure! Don't you understand, you're not strong enough!"

Tugging on the mask even harder, the left hand of the quarter bobcat began to fully separate it from his face, causing dark light to pour out from under it. A light blue demonic aura began flaring around the quarter demon's body as suddenly a loud roaring voice began screaming. At the same time, the insane voice was growing weaker and weaker. With one final scream, the mask was ripped off, causing the insane filled voice to vanish while a loud yell came from the quarter demon's normal voice.

Panting heavily as the remains of the mask fell to the ground, the quarter demon slumped forward, but drove his cleaver blade into the ground to keep from falling. Looking up weakly at the blonde haired man, Ichigo let out a grunt "Good riddens to you…"

Smirking slightly, Kisuke approached the panting bobcat, saying "Well, well, it seems you managed to suppress him again. How many times does that make you, Ichigo? Is it six or seven?"

"It doesn't matter…" Ichigo grunted out in a winded voice. "He still comes out, whether I'm in my Bankai or Shikai. If this keeps up, I'll…"

"Don't worry so much." the blonde haired man commented nonchalantly. "I think you're finally ready to begin your true training. Gather up your things, Ichigo. We're hitting the road."

Nice cliffy, don't you all agree? (/Notices a mob ready to kill him with pitchforks and torches.\) Uh, sorry? Lol, anyways, this isn't the end obviously. The truth is, Reunion was originally meant to be a one shot that my mate was going to write. Gradually over time, it became a joint venture between my mate and myself, but it soon evolved even further into a small story on it's own. My mate decided to hand it over to me to work on, so I took over and thus this story was born. Originally, when I finished Another, I had wanted to make a sequel, but Reunion was not the true sequel that I wanted to do. It was always looked upon as a short story, which it was (my shortest mind you, lol, which is a surprise). Now that Reunion is over, the true sequel is about to begin. In one month's time, I'll begin posting the true sequel, entitled Descending Twilight. It will take place five years after Another (4 and ½ after Reunion), and mostly deal with a variety of characters. There will be lots of new characters, some familiar ones, and ones you wish would just go curl up and die (I don't think I have any to be honest, lol). At any rate, I will let everyone know when I begin posting Descending Twilight. I'm thinking it'll be the middle of January most likely before I begin posting, but we'll see. Most likely, it won't be as long as Another, but it'll be longer than Reunion. Anyways, till then, everyone take care and have a Merry Christmas and happy New Year!