Okay, new story!!!! I have like four others, tee hee, but I really like the idea of this one. It seriously hit me like a ton of bricks, and I wrote six pages in a half hour, which is like crazy for me, you have no idea. I usually have to think so hard about things like that. I will be sure to check and recheck this story for grammatical errors or anything like that. I really need a Beta!!!!
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to twilight, and honestly this story is just kinda using the characters, it really has nothing to do with vampires or werewolves. It's an all human story and there isn't really that much of a big conflict you know, but oh well. Hope I didn't just ruin the story.
Remembering and Reminiscing:
I woke up to the shrill ring of my phone. I wasn't ready to get up yet. The dream I had been having for the past month came again last night, and it ended in the place it always did-right before I kiss Edward, and cue the sigh.
I had know Edward Cullen, his sister Alice and brother Emmett, and the Hale's-Jasper and Rosalie-since I was a kid. All of our parents used to be good friends before my mom left my dad when I was just a baby. She took me with her to Phoenix, but gave me back to Charlie when I was seven so she could get her new marriage up off the ground.
That's when I met the Cullen's and the Hale's for the first time. I could still remember it so clearly.
A boy with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes was approaching the sandbox I was playing in by myself. I blushed for no reason at all, something I would do often as a little kid.
"You're in my sandbox!" The boy said.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't think anyone would mind." I said, then got up to leave. He pushed me down-hard-and I started crying.
"Jasper! If you don't stop picking on Bella I will tell mom!" I heard a girl say. I looked up to see a girl with the same blonde hair and blue eyes as the boy, standing with her hands on her small hips. Even as a child Rosalie Hale had been beautiful.
"Jeez Rose why do you have to be such a party pooper?" Jasper asked.
"Because I can! Now apologize to Bella and go play with Edward and Emmett."
"Fine! Sorry Bella," he muttered then ran off to play with two other boys.
"Sorry about that Bella." Rose said then offered me her hand. I took it and she helped me up.
"How do you know my name?" I asked.
"My mommy told me about you." She said, then added. "I'm Rosalie Hale. But you can call me Rose or Rosie if you want."
"And I'm Alice Cullen!" Alice said popping up out of nowhere.
"Hi." I said shyly then blushed.
"Sorry about my brother, again. I think he loves you or something, because he only does that to Alice, and I know he loves her."
Alice then started sobbing uncontrollably, and Rose frantically apologized. Apparently Alice had a thing for Jasper, and didn't like the idea of him being in love with another girl.
"Ali what's wrong?" A boy with golden bronze hair asked, while a boy with curly brown hair looked at Alice with a worried expression. They were clearly her big brothers, and the same boys I had seen Jasper run off to play with. Jasper was now hugging a very happy looking Alice.
"I'm fine now Eddie!" Alice said.
"Are you sure Ali? I'm bigger than Rosie, I could beat her up for you." The boy who must've been Emmett said.
"You wouldn't dare Em. Besides mommy said it's against the law for a boy to hit a girl." Rosalie said to him. Emmett just flashed a smile at Rose. God they were a perfect couple, even then.
"Oh everyone this is Bella!" Alice said brightly still hugging Jasper. They too were a great couple even then.
"I'm Emmett!" He boomed, then flexed his muscles which were pretty impressive for his age. Everyone just laughed at him.
"I'm Edward." The other one said taking my hand and kissing the back of it.
"Smooth move Edward, you get that one from daddy?" Alice said making everyone laugh, and Edward blush.
Ever since then Alice, Rose, and I have been best friends. And Edward and I were like brother and sister. It wasn't until freshman year that I stopped looking at him as my brother, and started looking at him as the guy I was in love with.
"Bella! You will never guess what just happened." Edward exclaimed as he came up to me and grabbed me up and spun me around. When he would do this butterflies would fill my stomach, and I would smile like crazy, and I had no clue why. Edward was my big brother, my protector on occasion, and I would always love him, but not in that way. Or so I thought.
"I'm sure I could guess, but why don't you tell me anyway." I said with a smile when he finally put me down. Lately he had been talking about Alexi Taylor, and how great she was. I figured it had something to do with her.
"I asked Alexi Taylor out on a date, and she said yes!"
It was then that I realized I was in love with Edward Cullen, because when he told me that, my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach, and all I wanted to do was cry.
"That's great!" I said through a fake smile.
"Yeah," he sighed. Then proceeded to tell me all about it as we walked to our only class together-he's a year older than me. I didn't hear a word of what he said because I was too busy stalling the tears I could feel coming.
I had cried myself to sleep for the next week until I realized it wasn't doing any good, and I was waking up with a headache everyday.
That was my freshman year in high school. I was now a freshman in collage. Edward was in his sophomore year, and still happily dating Alexi. It was summer break, so technicaly now I was a sophomore, and Edward was a junior. I hadn't seen Edward or any of the Cullens or Hales-aside from Alice who I went to school with-for nine long months. I was so excited to finaly be seeing them again. I wasn't so excited about seeing Edward and Alexi together, but you couldn't have one without the other, so I just had to deal. The thought made me want to cry.
I was pulled out of my wallowing by my phone ringing yet again. I was awake now, so there was no point in not answering. I looked at the caller I.D. before answering-it was Alice.
"Hello?" I asked cautiously.
"Bella Marie Swan! I was about to come over and deliver your wake up call in person! Honestly it's ten in the morning!" Alice practically yelled into the phone.
"Not all of us can be morning people!" I said groggily.
"Whatever, get up and get dressed. I'll be there to pick you up soon. You're going to hang out with the gang at my house today."
"Alice I really don't feel like seeing Ed.."
"Bella," Alice lowered her voice to a whisper. "Alexi is gone for the summer, it's just going to be the gang. Trust me Alexi isn't part of the gang, and I would never include her in it at all."
I smiled at that. Alice and Rose didn't like Alexi either. We all thought she was a bitch, and thought she monopolized Edward's time way too much. Even Emmett and Jasper thought little of her. They only approved of her because she made Edward happy, the same reason we all approved of her to Edward's face.
"Alright Alice." I said. "See you soon."
"See ya Bella." She said then hung up.
I grabbed a clean pair of "Alice approved" clothes, a towel, and my toiletries bag and went to take a quick shower.
I dressed quickly, then pulled a brush through my hair, brushed my teeth, and put on some mascara. I knew Alice would make me suffer through more when I got to her house so I didn't do anything more elaborate.
I heard Alice beep her horn, so I left a note for Charlie and went out to her.
"Very nice Bella! We'll have to do the hair and make-up at my house, but all in all a nice job."
I rolled my eyes but smiled at my best friend.
The rest of the ride was silent. I was thinking about my dream last night. Alice must have been thinking about Jasper, who she had been with since the seventh grade. Even more amazing Rose and Emmett had been together since sixth grade.
My phone started playing Claire De Lune, signaling Edward was calling. We picked out our ring tones for the others phones last year. Edward picked out his because it was one of his favorite pieces to play on the piano. I choose You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift, because it was the perfect song for obvious reasons. I told him it was because it was my favorite song.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey Bells!" Are you coming over?" He asked
I laughed at him and said, "Yeah, Alice has me in the car right now. We should be there in about two minuets."
"Okay cool cuz Em, Alice, and I have something to ask you, Rose, and Jazz."
"Okay we will there soon."
"Oh Bella, Alexi is calling. I gotta go. See you soon!" Then he was gone, taking my good mood with him.
"Idiot," Alice muttered under her breath. She had obviously heard the conversation.
Alice had wanted Edward and I together since I had finally told her about how much I love him, maybe even before then. She didn't approve of his decision to date Alexi, and she still thought he was dumb for not choosing me.
I-on the other hand-couldn't blame him. Alexi was tall and absolutely beautiful. Nothing compared to Rose or Alice, but she was beautiful in her own way. She had caramel colored hair with one blue eye and one green. And she always looked like a model who had just stepped off the runway. She was captain of the cheerleading squad, and Edward was the captain of the football team when they were in high school. It was the natural and perfect match.
I could never compete with her. I was medium height with stick straight brown hair, and brown eyes. I didn't have big boobs, or a nice butt, or many curves to speak of at all. Where as Alexi did, she had them in all the right places. I was plain, completely and utterly plain.
We made it to the Cullen's mansion-yes mansion-quickly. Edward was still on the phone with Alexi when we got there, so Alice rushed me quickly to her room, giving me no time at all to catch up with everyone. Rose was waiting in Alice's room, and we hugged and squealed like little girls who have been seperated for too long. Then she got down to buisiness.
"Okay Bella, time to make you stunning!" Rose said clapping her hands together.
I rolled my eyes. "I doubt that's possible, but before you try I need to ask for help from the both of you." I took a deep breath before continuing. "This summer I want to make Edward notice me as more than his little sister. I want him to think of me as sexy, and I want to be able to make him as crazy as he makes me. Will you help?"
Rose and Alice just stared at me with shocked expressions on their faces for a second then they smiled widely.
"Of course Bella!" They squealed, then got straight to work.
They did my hair and make-up.
They curled my hair loosely then put a pink headband in it.
Next was make-up. They used a foreign mascara that made my eyelashes thick and long. They then put eyeliner on me. Making me look intense-or so Alice said. Silver eye shadow was applied to my eyelid. They told me it made my eyes stand out. Then they used lip plumper even though I didn't need it. That was the one thing I loved about myself, my lips we so full. They stood back examining my hair and face for a second before nodding in approval.
"She can't wear this if she wants to get Edward's attention." Rose said pointing to my outfit. Alice nodded in agreement, then rushed out of the room to look for another set of clothes.
"Am I going to regret asking you guys help?" I asked Rose.
"Let me answer that with a question of my own. Will it be worth it when you get Edward?"
I nodded my head yes.
"Then no you wont regret it," she said as Alice entered the room. She was holding a yellow skirt, a gray tank top, yellow and gray striped wedge heels, and undergarments that looked like a yellow lacy thong and yellow push up bra. I better not end up regretting this.
"We will have to find a new hair accessory, but I completely forgot about this outfit! I bought it for her like two weeks ago and I love it!" Alice said.
They helped me dress, so as to not ruin my hair, then clipped a fake yellow flower into the curls.
"Okay Bella! What do you think?!" Alice asked.
I looked in the mirror for the first time, and gasped at what I saw.
"Oh my gosh guys!" I gushed.
I was still me, and I looked like me, but I looked more grown-up and mature. I was also beautiful, as beautiful as Rose and Alice which made me more beautiful than Alexi-hopefully.
My eyes looked amazing, and my lips were even fuller than they were before-giving them a sexy pout-y look. And my hair was too pretty for words.
The heels and the skirt made my legs look like they went on for miles, and the push up bra gave me boobs! With cleavage and all. I looked-dare I say it-sexy!
"Thank you so much!" I said, then hugged my two wonderful best friends.
"Let's go knock em' dead Bella!" Rose said. We all linked arms, then headed downstairs to the boys. Soon to be our men, I vowed to myself.
So what did you think?