Title: Crimson Eyes

Genre: Drama/Romance

Rating: T

Pairing: SasukexHaru

Disclaimer: I never own KHR or Naruto although I really want it sometimes.


Sasuke walked through the alleyway under the shadow of the high buildings around him. Blood dropped to the ground from his injured stomach. He didn't know where he was, everything was foreign to him. He needed to go faster but his body wouldn't follow the brain's command. His body was tired and sore from running for days. Although he's a perfectly trained shinobi, being in this kind of situation did him no good. He could pass out any moment and he didn't want it to happen before he found somewhere safe to hide and die peacefully. Too bad, he has reached his limit. He fell to the ground, and his sight was blurring.

"Hahi? Are you okay? H-help! There's an injured person here!" He heard a woman shouted before everything went black.


Sasuke didn't know how long he's unconscious. One thing for sure, he's still alive and breathing. Without opened any eyes, he knew his in hospital's room. He could feel the soft surface underneath him, heard the chirping sound of birds somewhere near, and familiar smell of medicine he had gotten used until recently. Although his chakra returned only a bit, it's enough to check the surrounding environment. There's someone beside him, but he didn't sense any bad intention from the person. After fast observe and believed he's safe, he decided to open his eyes and he's right. He's in a simple hospital room. The sunlight from the window brightened the white room then he saw her. A woman sat on a small chair, slept with her head on his bedside and her arms as the pillow. He tried to sit but the bandage on his stomach pushed him to lie again. It successfully awoke the sleeping person. She startled and rubbed her eyes to clear her sight.

"Hahi? Aa! You're awake! Thank God." She's about to stand up when she saw the strange expression on Sasuke's face. "Mmm, what's wrong? Are you feeling pain somewhere?"

Sasuke shook his head and she smiled. "You're in Namimori Hospital. Um, I'll call the doctor to check your condition. Just wait here for a while, okay?"

She walked out, leaving Sasuke alone rethought of the name. Namimori. He knew he's in Japan but where had he read about the name? Well, at least he's not in Konoha or, generally, in Fire Country anymore. Not waiting long, the woman came back with an old man wearing white coat introduced himself as the doctor. He followed what the man told him to do since he has nothing else to do. Nothing's wrong with his body, though, except the big hole on his belly. However, he was surprised when the doctor told him he passed out for two days. Two days? That long?

"He's fine and the wound almost healed. He can leave in maybe three days." The doctor said to her and she smiled brightly.

After the doctor left them, Sasuke looked outside through the window, while the woman was brushing her hair in front of the small mirror near the toilet. Several minutes of observation ensured him that it's a safe place and no strange and bad chakra around the area. He exhaled a somewhat relief breath. When she finished and put the brush back in her bag, she sat again on her chair. "I'm Haru. What's your name?"


"Aa, that's a good name. Well, Sasuke-san, do you want to eat something? I know you got the food infused to your body, but I don't think it's enough to fulfill your nutrition need. I find myself always hungry when waiting here." Haru giggled.

Why is this woman waiting? But, something told him that he could trust the woman. "Hn."

"Hahi? Hn? Is that a 'yes' or 'no'?" She confused with the monosyllable word spoken by the raven-haired man. Got no answer from him, she giggled again when his stomach growled. "I'll take that as a yes."

Days passed away as Sasuke spent his time in the hospital, healing his body. In the fourth day since he entered the place, his chakra fully replenished and his body healed greatly. The doctors and nurse, who took care of him, amazed by this progress and they said he could be release tomorrow.

"Ano, Sasuke-san, where do you want live?" Haru asked when they sat on a bench outside his room. He shot her a suspicious look. What did she want? "I mean, you said that you're new to this place and you don't have any relation lived here. Isn't that mean, you…."

Oh, she got his made-up reason. "Homeless? Yes."

Came to think of it, he didn't consider this when he first left Konoha. If only he still got his bag, he could get an inn to stay. Too bad, he didn't remember where the bag was.

"Oh yeah, I found this bag when we brought you here. I think it's yours since it had your name there." Haru handed him a small green bag, which is his lost bag.

He took it, checked the contents, and relieved when it's all there and nothing's gone, especially his money and weapon scroll. He thanked her and he was sure he saw a faint smile there. Now, the problem was, where would he live? He never went to this city before.

Haru saw the confused expression on his face and she immediately knew the reason. "About the place, there's an empty room in my friend's apartment complex. The price is cheap and the place is nice. I can ask him to rent the place for you."

Sasuke didn't say anything but nodded. He didn't know where to go from here and he even didn't know what to do with his life anymore. He was sure he had died when his beloved died, but now since he's still alive, something came up in his mind. Maybe there's something he has to do before his life ended. To find out what it was, he'd gladly accept any kind of help he got, including the one offered by the woman in front of him.

A/n: Love the woman, hate the boy. I just want to know what will happen if the two become a pair. Anyway, I apologize for any mistakes and I really appreciate any comment given by you. Thank you for reading :D!