(Cathy's POV)

From that day me and Danny have always had some special connection. We weren't exactly boyfriend and girlfriend we just were always together, talking about life. He never did tell me he loved me till a few years out of college….

I smiled at Danny. His glowing emerald eyes just laid there, on me as we stopped the long walk on the beach. Then Danny's eyes shot down to the ground and he screamed.

"Ah!" a crab snapped at his toe. "Run!" he yelled. Apparently this was no ordinary crab. It formed into an alien, an alga site.

"Danny!" I squeaked.

"I got this" he confirmed. He took out his blaster and shot it oodles of times until it got furious. The alga site took his first and swung towards the ground where Danny struggled.

"No!" I screamed. But Danny wasn't dead. He was doing flips that seemed so complicated for a 25-year-old.

"Hiya!" he yelled realizing it was going to be a hand to hand combat.

"Danny don't do that! You'll turn into an alga site!" I forced the words out. He didn't listen, he just went on and on till I tossed him flowers I found by the shore. He chucked that at him so hard, like I've never seen. (Danny had lived his long life dream, to work with rockets with grandpa, then totally fascinated Singletown by his amazing skill of skateboarding, then started becoming famous on rapsodia for his baseball skills, I know cool, right? Also started on the smaller league in Singletown). The alga site sneezed an immense of times in a minute and Danny changed his blaster into a vacuvator. Danny charged in and vacuvated him, he flung back towards my direction though. It took a good 5 minutes vacuvating it, but then Danny looked back at me when he was done.

"Cathy?" he asked.

"Yes?" I said in the most desirable way.

"After we settle this puppy for the galactic authorities" he started. He got down on one knee "Will you marry me?"

I swallowed hard and almost started crying.

"Yes" I chocked out. I hugged him and he mumbled the most heart warming words: "I love you"

I never forgot that day.

(Danny's POV)

I had asked Cathy to marry me, and I was as happy as the first time I got my first skateboard. Although on our wedding day…I peed my pants, yeah, yeah, I know pathetic. But THANKGOD that it was a few minutes before she started walking down the aisle. But who said I changed my pants? Well when I wetted myself was when I talked to the preacher and he started talking about kids after marriage. I swallowed hard and well, ya know. The first person I told was Chris who was my best man. He was fixing his bowtie in the mirror and I stood there waiting for him to ask why I was staring.

"Yes Danny?" he asked.


"What?" he asked backing away from the mirror.

"I sorta…kinda…got sc-you wetted yourself?" Chris interrupted in a whisper.

"Yeah" I got to the point. Chris smacked his forehead.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Sam" Chris called over.

"Yeah?" she answered.

"We need your help-Danny went in his pants didn't he?" she interrupted.

"Yeah.." I trailed off. "How'd you-remember at the 3rd grade carnival on the ferries wheel?"


"And ever since" she said.

"Okay you guys, Danny needs pants, right away" Chris reminded us both.

"Right" I spoke. And so our plan was this: Chris washed out my pants (haha, loser), Sam sprays her perfume with it, then we blow dry it. My parents kept asking why I smelt like perfume though. But then again, I was happy. We were all happy, since all our lives felt complete.

(Chris's POV)

I swore never to tell anybody about that kiss me and Samantha shared. But afterwards we never even had an inside joke about it. Like we both forgot it. Sometimes it even seemed as if Sam was better friends with Danny, or even liked him, but of course, she didn't, they were too close. I wonder if she told him cause they always took a look at me and Danny would mumble something with a smirk and Sam would punch him in the arm. As I said, we pretty much had forgotten about the whole thing until she came over to my house to play blast-a-tron.

"Hey Sam" I smiled as I swung the door open.

"Hey" she lightly smiled as if she had taught mark a good lesson. She walked inside with the video game unintentionally behind her back and looked around.

"Hasn't changed much" she commented from the paint job she helped me with during the summer.

"Yes" I smiled.

"So let's play some game" she smiled and ran towards the sofa. She had a pretty determined face on. The whole time she was destroying my ship the whole time, only because I didn't feel very determined, maybe even depressed.

"You okay?" she asked looking up with her hazel eyes. We stayed in this position for a while, then I shook my head trying to get away from the gaze.

"Yeah" I shook it off.

"What's wrong?" she asked putting down the game controller.

"Nothing" I looked down. I guess I was sorta depressed that Sam had forgotten everything between us.

"Trust me" she looked again in my eyes. I wanted to turn so bad because her eyes was like acid burning through my soul.

"it's not me it's you" the words slid out my teeth like ice. "I didn't mean it that way!" I instantly said.

"Sure" she laughed getting up, but I could tell inside she was hurt but amused.

"Sam-I" I struggled to say. She went to get water. As she took a sip I tried to explain.

"Sure" she said again putting down the cup and walking into the back yard.

"I really meant something else" I said as she stopped in the middle of the backyard.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I meant to say I'm really sick of it"

"Of what?"

"You and Danny snickering and looking at me, and because u forgot"

"Forgot what?"

"Everything!" I nearly shouted. Before she can reply I continue "Forgot us" I spoke a little softer. I didn't mean to turn it into drama though. She took a long pause and shuffled her feet while looking down at them. The pause seemed like forever and I broke the silence.

"I never meant to-" but before I could talk any longer she put a finger up to my lips to silence me.

"I'm sorry" she said with a guilty look on her face. "It really is my fault, isn't it?" she asked.

"No-I was selfish" she blinked and interrupted at the same time.

"How?" I asked getting kind of nervous she had some other guy she was dreaming about.

"I wanted to forget because I didn't want things to change" she said. I scratched the back of my neck.

"It doesn't even matter" I shook my head.

"You look like you're in the state of depression!" she exclaimed.

"Why don't we just forget about this?" I asked.

"Yeah" she agreed looking up at the stars.

"Sure are pretty" I commented.

"Sure are…uh I got to go" she said looking around her.

"Oh okay, what about your game?"

"I will get it later" she said sort of in a rush. I was kind of in a bad mood cause I thought she was freaked out by me.

"Okay bye" I waved as she opened the back gate.

"Wait, one more thing" she said turning back. She came back over to me and kissed me. I was startled at first but then enjoyed the last two seconds that remained. It made my head spin when she let go and walked out of my yard just walking as if nothing had happened, which for a second made me a little ashamed like it hadn't changed anything. But she opened the gate door and winked. I closed my eyes and just thanked whatever source that had brought me to this accomplishment.

"Yes!" I said aloud.

(Sam's POV)

After me and Chris had finally kissed, we still stayed friends but not normal we were kinda together but kinda not, you couldn't tell cause we still never told anyone. Well, that's a lie after Danny's wedding (long after me and Chris's kiss) I told him that everything that had happened. I mean how couldn't I? He was the closest friend I had. I met Danny before Chris, then I met Cathy. She's the one who helped me turn more into a girl as I got older, I mean even if she was Rhapsodian she had great taste for a human, well actually only sometimes. When Danny and Cathy walked down that aisle me and Chris cheered the loudest. Probably this was my favorite day, in fact. When we got to the eating cake and dancing, us four kept switching, no matter who it was. My favorite part of the dancing was when Danny and Chris danced. I couldn't stop laughing neither could Cathy. The wedding was huge. And that's all I could say. Guess where Cathy and Danny went for their honey moon? Rhapsodia. Apparently Cathy's grandfather came up with a potion where she can go to Rhapsodia in her human morph. As they left for their honey moon I turned and looked at Chris.

"This is it" I spoke.

"This is what?" he asked.

"They are going to really have fun there" I winked having him understand.

"oh, yeah I know" he laughed.

"Sam?" he asked looking deep into my eyes.


"Will you marry me?"

Something inside me felt like it dropped and I smiled.

"Heck ya!" I screamed as I hugged him.

"She said yes!" Chris screamed on the top of his lungs.

Everybody cheered for us and I screamed for the heck of it. This day could absolutely not get any better.

"Wait Sam!" called Cathy as she came up the stairs of the church.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Danny, Chris" she called over.

"MBC" she put her hand in the middle.

"MBC" I put my hand in.

"MBC" Danny put his hand in.

"MBC" Chris put his hand in.

"And their assistant!" yelled John from behind us. We all laughed.

"Gosh you guys are amazing" she smiled.

"I know" Danny laughed. They got into their limo but before Danny closed the door he ran up to me.

"Sam?" he came up to me.


"No matter how times may seem rough…have Girl power"