I've been well going to far Danny had told me.

I thought about this situation when hanging up liberty lass posters everywhere. Although this time no Cathy either she was even getting a little sick of this-well not a little a lot actually…Well I can tell her what I get sick of guys taking over a girl in every situation! I furiously stapled a poster to a wooden pole.

"Owe!" I stapled a poster nearly in my skin but just scraped some of it.

I sighed and turned around shrugged shoulders. Then that's when I heard a sound-nossida? Dingle? Pizmo?

I took out my blaster with eyes narrowed.

"Show yourself!" I demanded.

I saw a pinball ball swerving thought a spout through the dark alley that waited before me.

I took a deep breath and walked through it.

Then it was a blur I could see nothing touch nothing-darn not even think anything!

"Sam wake up sleepy head!" I heard Danny in a off distance in this weird place of nothing.

"Sam!" he hesitated.

"Samantha!" he yelled.

"Whoa!' I fell of the floating bed.

"Ugh! Danny!" I groaned wile rubbing my head.

"What was that for?!" I yelled.

"We've got to bust an alien remember?" He put a finger to his head.

"Yeah" I got up and brush my self off. I saw Danny jump to his pod as I looked over my shoulder nobody was here.

Then I noticed something the liberty lass posters! A hole stack!

Oh now I remember I was hanging up some more posters then headed back here but wait I thought I used them all a little bit like my dream except not getting attack.


"Then-what? This doesn't make any sense!" I mumbled.

"Oh what ever there just posters! How scary can they get!" I jumped to my pod.

"Chris were you at?" I asked him on the screen face of my pod.

"Comic book store, someone or something seemed to steal all the liberty last comic books and left us a clue" Chris responded.

"okay got your cornets be there a.s.a.p. !I said.

Soon enough I was running inside.

"Sam!" Chris waved

"Over here" He was behind a shelve.

"It left us a peace of rapsodian cloth but not from Cathy"

"Desha vu " I said to myself.

"What do you mean you've been here millions of times" said Danny walking in with Cathy by his side.

"Well I mean hanging up posters but haven't been much inside were they keep the loads of comic books and stuff".

"Oh yeah don't you guys remember! Sam was hypnotized from that other alien she doesn't remember a thing" said Chris as I stood there clueless with no thought.

"Sam do you remember anything?" asked Danny

I only shook my head.

"Hey check it out!" called Danny behind the wooden, polished, bookshelf.

Me and Chris walked over.

It was liberty lass comic books.

"Huh?! You guys said they were gone!" I said to them

"I know we did and they were!" said Chris.

"This is getting stranger and stranger!" I said kneeling down to the liberty lass comic books.

I heard the bell on top of the door that meant someone walked in-obviously.

"Down!" whispered Cathy.

We got into our regular cloths and we peeked over the shelf. It was a girl about are age with light brown hair, bangs on the side and wore almost everything purple.

"Hm some how she looks familiar" said Cathy

"Yeah I know…" I said.

"Come on lets get out of here we sneaked behind her and went back to the club house.
