Well, this is just some drabbles about Spock and Uhura's relationship. However, I plan on continuing with other relationships/friendships. Like Bones and Kirk, Chekov and Sulu, and so on. The title, Yel Halan, is Vulcan for Star Trek.

Disclaimer- I don't own Star Trek. I just think it's incredibly awesome and like writing about it. =)

Yel Halan


He wasn't used to it, never even tried it. However, when she asked him and had put on her puppy dog face, he found it illogical to decline an offer that had an outcome that would not harm him.

"Even though chocolate is illogical and useless on Vulcan, I now understand why humans have such a craving for it," he said, staring at the crumbs of the chocolate chip cookie Nyota had just asked him to eat.


Looking at him, Nyota smiled. He was standing next to the captain, discussing the state of the planet they would be landing on soon. She realized his hair was... different. It was the same shade everywhere, unlike Sulu's, Chekov's, or any other person she had ever met.

Although it was the same color black, it was highly radiating. The light that reflected off of his hair made the space around him glow slightly. Eventually, Spock realized Uhura was staring at him, and his eyebrow was raised. Before he could ask a question, she turned around and went back to her work.


They matched. If it were possible, they would disappear into one person. However, since that was not yet an option and they had jobs to do, they could only connect through their relationship.

Had they not been two incredibly intelligent, strong people, they would finish each other's sentences like high school sweethearts. Instead, they practically read each other's minds. In debates, they already knew who win, what they would each say.

Basically, they were already one person, split into two bodies.


Walking in to Nyota's quarters, Spock saw tears streaming down her face.

Concern in his eyes, he asked, "Nyota, what is troubling you?"

She shook her head, rejecting his question. Going over to her, Spock frowned slightly, worried for her. "I thought it was over, Spock, I thought it ended."

He sat down next to her, putting his arm around her shoulder. She turned towards him and embraced Spock, clutching the back of his shirt. Spock swallowed down his thoughts of what could have been the cause of her crying, and remembered all the crude words that were said to him, and put his arms around her as well.


Nyota clutched the captain's seat arms, wishing she didn't have to take the Kobayashi Maru. The only possible way she would have to take command was if the captain, first officer, and helmsman had gone.

After just a half hour of the battle, she gave up, knowing there was no way she could win.

She disliked Spock, making over half the students at Starfleet have to put up with the test.

"I apologize. Out of all the students to ever take the Kobayashi Maru, I made the observation that you have reacted in the most upsetting way." She heard. Turning around, she saw Spock standing about ten feet away, hands clasped behind his back.


She was on the Enterprise. Finally. The dream she had of getting to be on the starship had come true. Exhilarating as it was, at the moment, she wished she wasn't on it.

"Captain, after translating the entry, the Klingons refuse to stop attacking until both you and Spock talk with them about the current conflict."

Spock and Kirk went to the pods, about to leave. Nyota bit her lip, her eyes beginning to water. She assured herself that Spock would return, unharmed, but she was still worried and unsure. "Jim, promise me he'll be safe. Promise me he'll come back with no more than a few scratches, a few bruises."

Kirk nodded, and Uhura felt the weight of the world lift off her shoulders. Sure, Kirk was annoying and cocky, but she could trust him, especially if it was something about Spock. She smiled and went back to her station, tears now draining from here eyes.

Sooo, what do you think? If you have any suggestions, like words I could use or which characters I should do next, please tell me! Oh, and if you find any grammar issues or spelling errors, or any errors really, please tell me. But politely, please.

I have never done drabbles before, so if I haven't done them correctly (not sure what that means) please tell me.

Please review! And thanks for reading!