Disclaimer: Twilight and the characters aren't mine; I just like messing around with them.

Hello loves, now I know I should be working on WC, but I really wanted to post this. So basically, Edward Masen, a special agent working with the CIA, works alone. Bella Swan, an agent working in Italy, is reassigned to Washington DC to be Edward's new partner.

Edward Masen

"Masen, my office. Now." The Director barked at me through the speaker.

Setting my coffee on my desk, I got up from my desk while trying to remember what I had done last to set the Director off like this. Though this was a regular occurrence, Director calls me to his office, gives a lecture and a warning and the next day it happened all over again.

Emmett McCarty and Jasper Whitlock, my two best friends, were special agents like me, but sometimes I wonder how we got passed the system and managed to stay at this agency.

"This better not be about overflowing the toilets with those gloves, " I said looking directly at Emmett, "or whoever hacked into the CIA again, just to piss them off," turning to Jasper. "Because if it is, then I'm bringing your asses down with mine."

"Wouldn't expect any less," Jasper drawled in his southern accent, turning to smirk at Emmett who was now grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Masen," the PA system growled.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I muttered as I headed to the Director's office. Angela, the Director's secretary looked at me and smiled softly, "Be careful, he's getting impatient. "

"Oh he'll get over it, I know he secretly likes it when I keep him waiting." I teased Angela blushed and waved her hand to the door.

"Well, I think he's done waiting." Angela said as I walked in. I liked Angela, she wasn't like all the other women here who looked at me with what they would call 'bedroom eyes''.

"Carlisle, how you've been?" Apparently Angela was right he did look somewhat agitated and definitely not amused.

"Director Cullen, it's Director Cullen," he sounded exasperated.

"Trouble with the wife? Your credit score not to high? Is Nationwide not on your side?" I teased sinking in the chair in front of his desk putting my feet up against the pathetic coffee table that no one ever uses.

"Edward, please this is serious and put your feet down. The table is pricey and I'm sure you don't to be the one paying for a new one." The Director never said please unless he was desperate or frustrating, my money was on both.

"Alright, I'm listening." Whatever he had to say, it must have been serious.

"After much consideration, the board, myself included, have decided to give you a new partner."

"Woah, what?" A new partner?

"Listen. We think it's time we try this again, every other agent has a partner. Why should you be any different?" The Director asked.

"Because you know damn well Carlisle, that I work efficiently without a partner. I don't need a partner," my voice final.

"I understand that after what happened last year, you don't feel comfortable working with someone. But it's time to let go and forget."

"He was my partner, he put his life in my hands and I let him slip. I am not going to risk losing someone else."

"Graham's death was not your fault." His face softening a bit, "Edward, you need to stop beating yourself up over this, he wouldn't want you to feel all this guilt that you choose to carry around."

"I should have died," my voice getting angry, " I could have prevented it. So don't give me crap about not feeling guilty."

"Calm down Edward," he said coming around his desk and putting a hand on my shoulder. "This isn't negotiable, you will be assigned a new partner. Ms. Swan should be heading in soon."

"Ms. Swan?" They were giving me a female partner-this should be easy-once she sees how much of a hardass I am; she'll be begging to be reassigned.

"Yes, she's with the our CIA branch in Italy. She's their best recruit since she joined a few years ago; apparently she's one of their best agents, well trained and has gone undercover numerous times. She's good and when they said gave me the offer I had to take it. They were pretty persuasive and they wanted their best agent working with my one." His face was sincere and honesty was written all over his face.

He must of seen the look of disbelief on my face, " I know you're shocked, especially coming from me. But you are my best agent, yes you often drive me up the wall and though you don't respect boundaries or rules-you're a damn good agent, loyal, and insightful. I'd be an idiot if I passed off this opportunity. Trust me."

And for a moment I did.

Bella Swan

After finally gathering my luggage and collecting my weapon from the airports Head of Security, I looked around trying to locate my driver. Glancing over to my left I saw an elderly man dressed in a black tux standing near a car holding a sign with my name on it. I slightly frowned when I saw it with my full name written of it.

He must have recognized me because he hurried over to me trying to take my luggage from my hands.

"Grazie, I'm Bella Swan." I smiled. Then I noticed he looked clueless, I quickly said, "Sorry, Thank you. I still haven't adjusted to the whole American change, yet."

"No problem. I'm Laurence." He had a kind a face with a scratchily, warm voice.

He asked me questions about my trip and about Italy and although I wasn't so fond of answering questions; Laurence's didn't bother me. I didn't notice we had reached the agency until he looked over his shoulder and announced, "Looks like we're here."

"Thanks Laurence," I went to grab my luggage when Laurence stopped me.

"No need for that Ms. Swan, you're things are going to be delivered to your new apartment. I'll come by later to pick you up and take you to your new home."

I waved goodbye and walked over to the main entrance. After being heavily searched and given a visitors badge, I was granted access into the main building.

Making my way to the Director's office, I passed two men sitting at their desks looking completely at ease.

One had a curly brown hair and strong, handsome face but I could have mistaken him for a body builder if I didn't see his gun sitting on his desk. He had a burly, large frame with huge biceps.

The other man had shaggy blond hair with crystal blue eyes, he was just has handsome as the other man but in a different way. He had a leaner frame, but wasn't lanky.

"Lost?" The brunette joked, looking in my direction.

"Sort of, I'm looking for the Director's office." The brunette slighty cringed while the blond chuckled in a low voice.

"It's right ahead, take the stairs and it's the first door on your left." The blond replied, so he was from the south. It seemed to suit him.

"Grazie, I mean thanks. I keep screwing that up. I'm Bella Swan."

"I'm Jasper Whitlock," the blond introduced himself then pointing over to the larger man, "and he's Emmett McCarty."

We shook hands and I looked at my watch and noticed I was running late. "Nice to meet you. But I shouldn't keep the Director waiting any longer. Thanks again."

"No problem. Have fun with the Director, Emmett joked.

"That bad, huh?"

"You have no idea. Just try staying on his good side and don't bring up his wife, credit score, or Nationwide and you'll be set." Jasper answered.

Before I walked away I heard Emmett mutter," Isn't the Director still talking to Masen?"

I finally found the Director's office but was greeted by a woman who looked around my age. I assumed this was Angela, Director Cullen's secretary.

She smiled up at me when she noticed, "You must be Isabella."

Que cringe," Yes, but please call me Bella. You're Angela, right.?"

"Yes, we spoke on the phone. How was your flight?"

"Long," I smiled, "is the Director ready to see me?"

"Almost, he's talking to one of our agents, in fact, he's actually talking to your new partner."

"Let me guess, he didn't know."

"No, he didn't. Edward has a way with being quite stubborn but that doesn't stop all the other women, including some men, to swoon over him. He's got the most gorgeous emerald eyes that seem to bore into yours and has the strongest jaw line I have ever seen and this unusual bronze colored hair that always seems to be a mess. Sex hair, if your catch my drift."

"So he's basically a sex bomb," I gathered. Well this should be interesting. Before Angela could respond, the door swung open with the Director standing at the doorway.

"Ms. Swan. Come in." He ushered me in as I walked passed him and stood near his desk.

"I hope your flight went well," the Director said walking back to his desk and sitting down.

"It was, grazie." I thanked him, cursing myself yet again for screwing that up again.

"Edward please meet your new partner Isabella Swan."

I turned and got a better look at my new partner, Edward. Angela wasn't exaggerating one bit.

Not feeling intimidated by his looks, no matter how good-looking he was, I stuck my hand out, "Salve Edward."

Edward Masen

For the first time in a very long time, I, Edward Masen was stunned. She was going to be my new partner?

Well shit.

So, what'd you think? Hit or miss?

Now, I just want to point something out. Although this is rating T like my other story, there will be language, so just a fair warning. Also, for my beloved Wedding Cake readers: I will update soon, I promise. My surgery was successful and I have fully recovered. I just wanted to say thank you for everything. You guys are amazing and I love you guys. Thanks love. Oh and remember to review and let me hear your thoughts.