Disclaimer: FMA is not mine.

Jean Havoc sees Riza Hawkeye as the Colonel's right hand woman. He schemes and plots, she sees that his plans are carried out. Everything she does she does for a reason, even if he can't always tell what that reason is. He knows she isn't cold - she is strong. He's seen those rare moments when she lets herself shine through - when she's caring for Hayate, when she's speaking to Elysia Hughes or her friend Rebecca. It doesn't happen often though, because she doesn't let it.

Kain Fuery sees Riza Hawkeye as a strong, capable young woman, wholly devoted to her job. She keeps her emotions well hidden, though he knows she has them - she isn't as heartless as she sometimes seems. He sees her as the woman who didn't shed a tear at Lieutenant Colonel Hughes's funeral. He sees her as the sniper who never misses a shot. And every time he looks at her, he can't help but wonder what happened to make her so strong. He isn't sure he wants to know.

Vato Falman sees Riza Hawkeye as a near perfect soldier, completely capable in any situation. She is an excellent, near-flawless marksman. She never slacks in her duties. She continues to train and practice, though many wouldn't continue to do so if they had achieved her level of skill. She is young, yes, but capable. She follows orders almost without hesitation. She has earned her position, there is no doubt of that.

Heymans Breda sees Riza Hawkeye as a woman who knows her weaknesses, and works to eliminate them. He sees her as a woman with excellent discipline, who pushes herself too hard sometimes. She never does anything unless it's necessary. Her words are few, and when she speaks it is the cold, hard truth. She tries not to get too attached to anyone, but he knows she cares for all of them, especially the Colonel. Everyone has flaws.

Roy Mustang knows he sees more of Riza Hawkeye than he should. He sees more of her than she wants him too. He sees that she's not as strong as she appears. He sees that he is her weakness. He sees the flicker of betrayal in her eyes each time he hurts her - unintentionally, on purpose, it doesn't matter. He sees that she would give her life for him without a second thought. He sees her as his masters daughter, as the timid child she was once. He sees her as the sniper who saved his life in Ishbal, as the young woman who has seen too much in her short life. She's seen more than any woman her age should have. He sees exactly how human she is, everything that she pretends not to be.

He sees things in her she doesn't want him to see.

He remembers something she said to him when he was still her fathers student. She'd been talking about her father at the time, and he hadn't known what she had meant.

Love is watching someone die.

The meaning of her words is all too clear to him now.