Over thousands of years ago, way back when people thought the world was flat, there was a monster that could manipulate time. He could bring things from the far future into the present, or do things to the past that would affect the present. The leaders of the world tired to fight him, but failed. They gave in and asked Gespenst, the monster what he wanted. So Gespenst, became ruler of the world.

But he didn't stop there. He wanted power over time itself. So he molded the clocks of time till past, present and future became one. It also became chaos. People died from creatures and of diseases that no one knew about. Soon, everything was close to extinction, and Gespenst was getting exactly what he wanted…

A world to create his own kind.

Gespenst need people to work for him, but no one in their right of mind would help him. So, used people and his own powers to make monsters that could send people though time to their death. He would select the strongest people to do his bidding, branding his mark on them when they least expected it. They lost power to think or do anything at will. They were like controlled robots and almost indestructible.


There were three brothers. Each had a birth mark on the left arm that looked like and hour-glass. Their minds were so alike that they could hear each others thoughts. Each had a power that was strong enough to fight off Gespenst minions. After some time, they finally got the nerve to meet Gespenst face to face. They asked for freedom and the right to have their lives back and the times in their normal place. When he refused, they attacked. The battle was long and hard. Gespenst had tons of powers, but the brothers fought harder. They were getting tired, and most times it looked like Gespenst would win. But neither side wanted to loss.

When the brothers knew that they would die if they fought any more, they brought up power deep inside each of them to aide them. Their own powers increased greatly, making them Super. At last, right before the power died out, they defeated Gespenst.

But they didn't kill him.

Before the brothers could give him the final blow, he disappeared. The brothers heard his voice saying, "I may have been defeated, but hear this: I will return."

After that, all times returned to their normal place and Gespenst minions disappeared as well. A celebration in the present was held for the brothers. They were flattered and happy to see life going smoothly again, but they were worried.

They were afraid their powers were too great.

If they could defeat Gespenst, then they could kill just about anyone. So they found seven gems, which they called Chaos Emeralds. Though it would kill them, they put their power inside each gem, so that if Gespenst did come back, the collector of the gems would have the same power they had to defeat him. But the only why to get them, was to find them. As the bothers put their power inside each one, they scatter them all over the world. When they filled the last one, they disappeared along with their power.

Ever since then, life had been good. Changes happened, though out all the times, and new villains appeared. Life was good for the people though, and though out most of it, most people lived in peace. But over time, Gespenst became stronger and was getting ready to rise again.

Of course, though, the world will be ready to fight back. Even if it chooses its heroes out of the most unlikely people.

And the boring, but quiet important prolog has ended. The bold part is the most important part, along with the very last line of the prolog. Next chapter to should be here soon (if I survive my family camping trip). Gespenst means: Phantom in German, if anyone was wondering.