AN: Okay, this is one of two of my "Kakashi is an assassin" stories. Although I am writing two, they are completely different. This one focuses more on the romantic aspect than it does the actual assassination. My second one will be more action than romance, if there is any. Anyway, enjoy.

Disclaimer: Naruto does not belong to me and it won't belong to me at any time throughout the course of this story being posted, so it applies to all chapters.

As Kakashi crouched on the skyscraper rooftop, looking through the scope on his silenced rifle, he looked back at when things changed so much. He was barely 30 and everyone thought him dead. He slightly shook his head. Now was not the time to reminisce. His target was in the perfect position. Just pull the trigger…

The sound of the boss falling caused everyone to turn around. There he was, a hole in his head and a slowly growing pool of blood surrounding it. Some screamed and ducked for cover, others were looking around seeing if they could see the sniper.

"Alli está!" One of the searchers shouted, pointing at the top of the skyscraper Kakashi was crouched at. However, they only managed to catch a glimpse of silver hair fading out of sight as Kakashi made his escape.

The drive back to his rented apartment was quiet. No one would find him. By this time tomorrow, he'd be back in the states. He entered his small apartment and packed up the little belongings he brought with him. After making sure he left nothing behind, he picked up his phone.

"Hey, it's done. Come and get me so we can get out of here."

"No problem. I'll be there in 15."

On his way to the airport, Kakashi had some time to let his mind wander. He was wondering how they were. The ones he left behind. He wondered if they missed him. He bitterly chuckled when he thought that they would be better off if they hated him for leaving. That would make this pain easier to bear.

"Hey, you okay?" His friend asked. The toothpick in his mouth moving with his frown. "You seem kinda blue lately."

"I'm fine. Just keep driving."

"Whatever you say." Came the sarcastic reply.

Iruka was packing his bag when his son, Naruto, came into his classroom.

"Hey, Dad. Ready to go?" The teen asked.

"Yeah, just give me a second." He was putting his planner in his bag when a piece of paper fell out. He made a grab for it, but his son was too fast and grabbed it first. The blond haired teen opened it and read it; his mischievous eyes dulled and were coated in pain.

"Why do you still have this?" He asked.

"Why not. It's the last thing we have left of him."

"It's a suicide note. Don't you think it's a little weird to be carrying this around with you?"

"I don't know. Don't you ever wonder why they never found a body?"

"Dad, I'm not having this argument with you again, now let's go." The teen took the letter and walked out of the room, leaving Iruka in slight shock. The brunette shook it off and followed after his adopted son.

Dinner that night was a little awkward to say the least.

Back in headquarters in the middle of Nowhere, USA, Kakashi finished giving his report to the large-breasted, blond-pigtail-having, leader of the mysterious group known only as ANBU. "Now, if you don't mind, Lady Tsunade, I'll be taking my leave now."

"Hold it brat, not so fast. You're not done here yet."

"So soon? Don't you think it'll look a little suspicious for me to be traveling so much?"

"Actually, this one isn't overseas. It's only a few hour drive away."

"Great." Kakashi said, taking the file and he started to walk out of the office.

"Wait, the details!" The loud blond yelled after him.

"I'll read the papers, don't worry." Came the shouted reply back.

'One of these days, I'll beat some sense into that thick skull of his.' Tsunade promised herself.

Back in his room, Kakashi opened the plain manila envelope and read his next target's details. Not so hard, but that wasn't what made his eye widen and face go paler than he already was. It was where the assassination was to take place that shocked him. His old home, where everyone he left behind now resided. This was not good.