Gurren Naruto : Drill that binds us together
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Gurren Lagann. If only….*sigh….Never mind.
Written by: Mr. Kyuubi
"Ahhhhh" means talking
"Ahhhhh" means thinking
"Ahhhhh" means Beastmen talking
"Ahhhhh" means Beastmen thinking
"Ahhhhh" means Evil Naruto talking
"Ahhhhh" means Evil Naruto thinking
Naruto is a mysterious man who arrived at Jiha Village 10 years ago. After the death of Simon's parents, Naruto took care of Simon because of a promise he made with Simon's parents. Kamina, a young adult, is a very good friend of Simon. Follow their adventure on the surface where humans were slaughtered by the Beastmen.
Previously on Chapter 1….
"Isn't it lonely for you, to have lived for that long, not getting old while people died around you?" asked Simon in tears
"Yeah….But, after living for so long, you tend to ignore it….it's not that hard….Even so, I still missed my wife and son. They died of old age and cannot keep up with me, but, they always live inside my heart." Said Naruto, making Kamina and Simon cried
"I can never understand your pain, Naruto. You have feed us, raised us and even helping us, but we cannot do anything for you." Said Kamina
"Don't say that. Those 6 years of raising you both is the happiest moment I ever had in thousands of years. Now come, let us join the others in the dining table." Said Naruto, smiling
Unknown to them, Yoko is listening to Naruto's story and cannot stop crying because of Naruto's pain.
Chapter 2: Check Out my Gurren!
2 days later….Ritona Village….
When all the villagers of Ritona Viallge gather at the dinner, Dayakka, one of the important men in the village, gives his idea on how to protect them from Gunmen's attacks. They were planning to ambush the Gunmen and use the hill as bunkers. Kamina, however, have another thing in mind.
"Hey, man! Are you suggesting we fight like a coward?! We should fight them head on like a man!" Said Kamina enthusiastically, making Naruto hit the back of his head
"IDIOT!" yelled Naruto as he hit Kamina's head again
The villagers then stare at Naruto and Kamina making Naruto feel uneasy.
"Please, proceed." Said Naruto to Dayakka
Dayakka then continue his rant before Naruto disturb him with his sneeze. Naruto then laugh while scratching his back.
"We should also use the boy's Gunman as bait" Said a man beside Dayakka making Naruto throw stone at him
"Are you suggesting my son becomes a sacrificial lamb for you?! I DON'T THINK SO PAL!" Said Naruto angrily
"N-no….We're just" Said the man before being interrupted by Naruto
"I don't care. My son will not be a bait for the Gunmen and that's final!" Said Naruto before he left the meeting
When everyone was asleep, Naruto went to the top of the hill to stare at the moon. He noticed that someone was following him but he just ignored knowing who's the one following him.
"Ah….The moon is so beautiful tonight. Don't you think so, Miss Yoko?"Said Naruto staring at Yoko's hiding place.
"Okay. You got me. What are you doing here, Mr. Naruto? Don't tell me you want to stare at the moon?" asked Yoko smiling
"Actually, yes, I'm to stare at the moon. It reminds of who I am and where I'm from every time I see it." Said Naruto, staring at the moon
"I'm here to apologize for eavesdropping on your conversation with Kamina and Simon. And I was wondering if you can tell me your past." Said Yoko
"As you know my name is Naruto, right? Well, my true name is Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki. The place I'm from is a country named Japan, which is already gone from the world. Even though I look 24 years old, my age is actually more than 1000 years old. I've already forgotten my exact age." Said Naruto
"Okay….Let me get this straight. You are a 1000 years old man but still looks like you're in your 20s. Wow, this is too much information to absorb." Said Yoko holding her forehead
"Yep….I don't really care if you don't believe me." Said Naruto
"Wait….If you are that old, then you must know the leader of the beastmen, Lord Genome so well." Said Yoko
"Well…..yeah. I've for a long time now. He was one of my best friends. I've known him since we were kids. I was so disappointed when he betrayed me and almost killed me." Said Naruto frowning
"Doesn't it hurt? I mean when your own best friend betrayed you?" asked Yoko
"Yeah….It does. But I learned to ignore the pain. My mission now is to make sure he's going down very hard. Oh yeah. By the way, nice boobs you got there!" Said Naruto smiling perversely and holding thumbs up
"YOU F-ING PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Yoko while punching Naruto as she could, making Naruto screamed
Meanwhile, Kamina and Simon were playing some poker, as Naruto taught them years ago, when they heard a scream from the hill.
"You heard something, bro?" asked Simon
"Nah….Must be your imagination, Simon." Said Kamina
"Royal flush….HA! You lose bro!" Said Simon while pointing at Kamina, laughing
"Oh Goddammit!" yelled Kamina holding his head when Yoko interrupted them
"Hi there….What are you both doing?" asked Yoko
"Oh…this? We're playing poker." Said Kamina
"I see….Can I ask you both something?" asked Yoko
"Sure!" Said Simon while smiling
"Of course you can" Said Kamina
"Okay….Now, I want to ask you both why you admire Naruto so much?" asked Yoko
"Naruto raised both of us and was always there when we truly need him. I always fear that he will never greet us when we went back home. I always admire his determination and his courage. I've seen him save many people but he never asked for anything in return." Said Kamina
"Yes....When my parents died, he never leaves me. He gave me his shoulder for me to cry on and stayed there by my side. Kamina and I always think of Naruto as our own father. I can never imagine how our lives without him by our side" Said Simon
"Hm….I see." Said Yoko before she went to sleep
The day they have been waiting for has arrived as three Gunmen were sighted near their bunker. The villagers attacked the Gunmen but it doesn't even faze them. The big red Gunman went berserk and attacks the bunkers, forcing the villagers to retreat. Kamina, as usual, charged at the Gunmen while Simon and Naruto fight the other two Gunmen. Kamina opened the cockpit of the Gunman and throw the pilot out.
"Heh! This is easy as….." Said Kamina when the Gunman lose power.
"What the hell? I did like I was trained but why? Huh?" Kamina then saw a corpse of a person long dead.
All of his memories come back to him as he remembered the day when his father leaves him. His fighting spirit then rises up and forced the Gunman to move. He then was able to control the Gunman as if it was made for him.
"Oh yeah, baby! Now you're gonna get it, MORONS!" yelled Kamina as he charged at the two Gunmen
"Simon …..Leave this to Kamina. Retreat" Said Naruto
"Yes!" Said Simon
Kamina then easily destroyed the remaining Gunmen and went back to Ritona Village.
"Hey guys! Check out my Gunman! Doesn't it look cool with me as the pilot?" making all of them stared at him.
'He's totally un-cool when he does that' Simon then shook his head
Naruto on the hand thought differently "He reminds me when I first got my Gunman…..Ah….Good times, good times."
The others just sweat dropped at his antics. Kamina then remembered about the corpse and decide to give it a proper burial. Naruto and Simon dig out the corpse. Kamina then check the corpse and he was so shock because the corpse is the corpse of his father.
"Father….." Said Kamina as he cried for the second time in his life
Naruto, Simon and Kamina then buried Kamina's father at the same place he was found. Naruto then put a stone which carved 'A father who always care for his son, Kuro'. Kamina then took his fathers cape and put it on.
"Mr. Naruto….Can you please teach me how to pilot my Gurren? I want to make my father proud." Said kamina with a serious face
"Of course" Said Naruto as he thought "Gurren, huh? Sounds nice"
"I'll help too" Said Simon.
To Be Continued….
Chapter Preview: Chapter 3: Two face?
"Hey! That's not fair! How come you have 2 faces while I only have one face?!" Said Kamina
"What do you mean? Oh! You meant my Gunman? Said Viral
"Yeah! OK, to make it fair! SIMON!!! LET'S COMBINE!!" Said Kamina
"Wha?" asked Simon
Ya-Ha! Sorry for short chapter, though. I get a COOKIE! YAY! Okay, the pairing will be as followed:
Naruto x Yoko
Kamina x OC
Simon x Nia
And others -_-'
Okay then you have other ideas about the pairing, just review. Naruto's Gunman will appear next chapter. If someone can draw a Gurren Lagann-like Gunman, that would be nice. Oh yeah. This fan fiction is brought to you by M&M, which I ate just now. Okay….I'll see you next time. Adios!
Mr. Kyuubi