Gurren Naruto : Drill that binds us together
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Gurren Lagann. If only….*sigh….Never mind.
Written by: Mr. Kyuubi
"Ahhhhh" means talking
"Ahhhhh" means thinking
"Ahhhhh" means Beastmen talking
"Ahhhhh" means Beastmen thinking
"Ahhhhh" means Evil Naruto talking
"Ahhhhh" means Evil Naruto thinking
Naruto is a mysterious man who arrived at Jiha Village 10 years ago. After the death of Simon's parents, Naruto took care of Simon because of a promise he made with Simon's parents. Kamina, a young adult, is a very good friend of Simon. Follow their adventure on the surface where humans were slaughtered by the Beastmen.
Chapter 1: Prologue
Long time ago, humans live on the surface. Then, they discovered Spiral energy which marked as the rise of humanity to whole new level. One day, the Anti-Spiral, beings who were a Spiral race a long time ago, declared war on the humans and other Spiral races. The Spiral races lost to the Anti-Spirals after fighting them for a long time. The Anti-Spirals left a machine that could destroy the humans after their numbers reach 1000000 people. Genome, a brilliant scientist and one of the most fearsome Spiral warriors, who created the Beastmen race, knew that the humans will destroy themselves and force them to live underground. In despair, he commanded his troops to kill every human being that dare to walk on the surface. For thousands of years, humans live in fear, knowing they would never survive on the surface. Eventually, humans began to forget of the reason why they fear the surface. Some of them are foolish enough climb up to the surface and never return.
10 years ago, a mysterious man named Naruto came to the Jiha Village. He claimed that he was from the surface but the villagers do not trust him. A man named Jin, offered Naruto to move in with his wife and his son, Simon. 4 years later, a huge earthquake killed Jin and his wife, leaving Simon in Naruto's care. It was during that time they met a teenage boy named Kamina, who claimed that he already climbed up to the surface with his father. Naruto recognized Kamina as Kuro's son. He once met Kuro on the surface before his death. Naruto also saved Kamina's life from the Beastmen, even though Kamina doesn't remember it. He doesn't want Kamina to know that his father is already dead. So, he also took Kamina under his wing and trained him in the art of sword fighting. He also taught both Kamina and Simon his survival techniques. For 6 years he raised them both with dedication. Not even once they complained about anything.
Kamina have grown into a very adventurous man. He wants to walk on the surface without fearing for his life everyday. Kamina is very popular with the ladies for his smooth talking, thanks to Naruto's training. As for Simon, he is now one of the best diggers in the village. Simon is about 5 feet 4 inch tall because of his good diet, thanks to Naruto, who always force him to eat healthy food. This is also the reason why Simon is one of the most popular teenage boys among the girls in the Jiha village. Naruto is still the same as he was 10 years ago. This makes Kamina and Simon wander, Why Naruto still look the same as he was years ago? But they never said anything to Naruto, fearing that Naruto will force them to run around the village until sunset. Naruto is always there for them and take care of them. That's why they loved him not as a brother, but as a father figure. Kamina also knows that his father is already dead from Naruto who revealed the truth to him 2 years back. This is why Kamina wants to climb up to the surface, to find the remains of his father.
One day, something falls down from the surface. It was a giant moving face that resembles a wolf. Naruto knows that this day would come and that's the reason he told Kamina and Simon to activate the machine they found yesterday. Suddenly, a young girl, wearing bikinis, jumped down and shoots the giant face. The giant face then throws his arm towards the girl, who had nowhere to run. Naruto immediately saves the girl and carried her to a safe distant. After making sure the girl is alright, Naruto when to the mouth of the giant face and stab it but the thing doesn't even feel it. Simon and Kamina, who finally get the hang of piloting the machine, attack the thing that is now identified as Gunmen, but it only makes the Gunmen fired up. Naruto appearing before Simon and Kamina, lifted them and throw them at the Gunmen. The machine then transforms into a drill and destroys the Gunmen by piercing its mouth. Kamina and Simon were shocked by Naruto's incredible strength. The girl can only watch when Naruto throws the machine. The girl then introduces herself as Yoko. Naruto asked Yoko if they could go to her village and she agrees to take them there. They then climbed up to the surface, only to face three Gunmens. Naruto easily defeat one of the Gunmens with his fist and leave the rest to Kamina, Simon and Yoko.
3 days later, they arrived at the Ritona Village and went to see a man named Dayakka. Dayakka then let the group rest at their camp. Many people are interested in Simon's miniature Gunmen, which Kamina named as Lagann. At that night, Naruto revealed the truth about himself.
"Kamina….Simon…I know that you two are curious about my past, right?" Said Naruto
"Yes. Both of us have always wondered why you didn't age." Said Kamina
"We are also curious about your eyes." Said Simon
"I will tell you both a story about my past. It all began thousands of years ago, when humans are at their peak of evolution. Technologies are everywhere. We also live on surfaced peacefully. One day, we discovered Spiral energy. That was the time when human began to evolve into a much stronger race. But it didn't last long. A race called the Anti-Spiral suddenly declared war on the entire Spiral race." Said Naruto before being rudely interrupted
"Wait….So you were saying that we are a Spiral race?! And there are other besides us?!" asked Kamina
"Yes and don't interrupt me when I'm talking. So, as I was saying, the Anti-Spiral declared war on the entire Spiral race. I was one of the warriors that fight using the same thing as your Lagann, Simon. My partner, Genome, now known as Lord Genome and also the leader of the Beastmen race, was a very fearsome warrior. He was a very strong pilot and together we are an unstoppable team but we lose. Genome, in despair, experimented himself and betrayed his comrades, including me, to make sure the humanity continues to exist. I'm the only one survived. Since then, I disguised myself and went from place to place to make sure he never finds me. It's not that I feared him, it's because I'm preparing to take him down." Said Naruto
"But that doesn't explain how you manage to stay alive for this long" Said Kamina
"It is because my body is powered with Empty Spiral" Said Naruto before he was interrupted by Simon
"What is Empty Spiral?" asked Simon
Naruto glared at Simon making him shrink back to his seat. Naruto then sighed before continuing his story.
"Empty Spiral is a very rare type of Spiral Energy. Unlike the normal Spiral and the Anti-Spiral energy, it absorbs any type of Spiral energy. My body already absorbed enough energy to powered up 4000 Gunmen" Said Naruto
"That means you can't die, right?" Said Kamina making Naruto stared at him ridiculously
"Actually, no, I can still be killed. I'm not immortal. The same goes for Genome. He may have lived for thousands of years but he still can be killed. Genome lived for a long time thanks to his immortality research" Said Naruto
"Isn't it lonely for you, to have lived for that long, not getting old while people died around you?" asked Simon in tears
"Yeah….But, after living for so long, you tend to ignore it….it's not that hard….Even so, I still missed my wife and son. They died of old age and cannot keep up with me, but, they always live inside my heart." Said Naruto, making Kamina and Simon cried
"I can never understand your pain, Naruto. You have feed us, raised us and even helping us, but we cannot do anything for you." Said Kamina
"Don't say that. Those 6 years of raising you both is the happiest moment I ever had in thousands of years. Now come, let us join the others in the dining table." Said Naruto, smiling
Unknown to them, Yoko is listening to Naruto's story and cannot stop crying because of Naruto's pain.
To be continued….
Chapter Preview: Chapter 2: Check out my Gurren!
"Naruto raised both of us and was always there when we truly need him. I always fear that he will never greet us when we went back home. I always admire his determination and his courage. I've seen him save many people but he never asked for anything in return." Said Kamina
"Yes....When my parents died, he never leaves me. He gave me his shoulder for me to cry on and stayed there by my side. Kamina and I always think of Naruto as our own father. I can never imagine how our lives without him by our side" Said Simon
My sister cannot update her stories right now because she's getting married this week. So, this will be a very busy week for her. From now on (maybe), I'll be in charge of this account. I'm out. Adios!
Mr. Kyuubi