A/N: You know the drill: ten drabbles written within the time frame of ten different songs. Let's see how I did, shall we?

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon.

All We Know (Album Version) – Paramore

Misty glared at the raven-haired trainer before her. "Is this what you really want?"

Ash met her glare for glare, sparks flying between the two 'best-friends'. "There's nothing I'd like more, Misty; besides, you're the one that's always, always, wanted to leave."

"Is that what you think?" the red-head snapped, outraged and more than a little concerned—did it all mean nothing to him? Couldn't he see how much he meant to her? Did he really not understand?

"Yes! That is what I think!"

"Ashton Ketchum, you are the most dense person I have ever, ever, had the misfortune to meet—"

Seeing Misty going into a full blown rant, not wanting her to leave and not being able to think of any other way to stop her, Ash did perhaps the bravest—and best—thing he had ever done. He leaned over, and desparately kissed her.

Ain't No Way – Aretha Franklin

"Friends forever, right, Mist?" he asked her, the sadness in his voice mixing with an awful finality, as she comprehended the double meaning of his words—we're never going to work, Misty.

She nodded, somehow feeling at a loss for words.

"Misty?" he ventured, hating the way her usually ever-so-strong blue eyes were filled with a sadness and vulnerability that was all his fault. I swear it's not like it seems, Mist, he thought to himself. But I'd only hurt you; I don't want to do that to you. I swear I love you.

"No, I get it, Ash," she murmured, lifting her head to meet his eyes. "Friends forever."

She could have sworn she imagined it, it was that quiet—but Misty could have sworn he whispered under his breath, "I'm sorry". And despite everything, when he grabbed her arms and pulled her into a rough hug, she was powerless to resist, folding herself into his hold and clinging to his chest like he was the last thing keeping her sane.

Buckbeak's Flight – John Williams

Ash watched with pride as Noctowl soared into battle, relishing the feeling of being one with his Pokémon and knowing they were nigh unstoppable. He grinned, knowing that most trainers failed to comprehend the one thing that made a great Pokémon and trainer team was the bond that human and Pokémon shared; you could not win if one mistrusted the other.

Shouting with glee as a few swift attacks brought down his opponent's Pokémon and he was declared the winner, he looked to the sidelines, where his best friends, Misty and Brock, sat. For a moment, his and Misty's eyes connected, and he felt something more profound than Pokémon, than training, and it took him a moment to recognise it: love.

Dialmentia – Tim Davies Big Band

Misty tossed in her sleep, a frightened shout escaping her lips. In her dreams she ran, ran, never stopping, always running from the nameless menace that threatened to overwhelm her, to consume her, to never let her see the light of day again. Tossing and turning, she sought that elusive being: restful sleep, always out of reach, haunted by nightmares.

From the bed across from hers in the small room in the Pokémon Centre, dark, chocolate-brown eyes watched her worriedly. Each time she turned, each time she cried out, icy claws dragged at Ash's heart, worry for his best friend and the girl he had long held secret feelings for haunting him. He warred with himself, the desire to go to her and chase away the demons that haunted her sleep nearly overwhelming the sense of caution he felt: the thought of Misty waking to find him at her side, or, heaven forbid, in her bed was not a pleasant one; he had received one too many bruises for him not to be cautious.

She cried out again, one hand flinging up as if to shoo away some invisible demon, and the decision was made for him. Quietly rushing out of his bed to her side, he whispered, "Misty, wake up, it's just a dream—it's me, Ash!"

She didn't seem to hear him, for she cried, "No! Don't – no!"

He ran a hand over her arm in an attempt to soothe her, making shushing noises, and panicking, wondering what on earth had caused her so much distress. He started when he realised the action seemed to have some effect on her, as her tossing ceased, although she still moaned in fright.

"Hush, Misty," he whispered, stroking her hair and arm.

Her eyes shot open. "A—Ash?" she whispered.

Ash froze, yanking his arm back.

However, the next thing he knew, Misty had leaned out of bed and engulfed him in a hug, wrapping her shaking arms around his torso. Ash hestitantly returned the embrace, relaxing as he realised she had calmed, and vowing not to let whatever had frightened her so come to pass.

Crushcrushcrush – Paramore

Misty hated to admit it, but for once in her life, she felt as if she knew what her sisters felt, why they dressed they way they did, why they loved the spotlight. She was loving it, the attention, and Mew, whoever had created the dress she was wearing deserved to be praised eternally. Dancing in the middle of the dancefloor, the short black mini really revealing far more than was absolutely necessary, she caught the eye of her long-time boyfriend Ash Ketchum and winked.

More than anything she loved the effect she could still have on him—and this outfit proved it. Sauntering up to him, she grinned and wrapped her arms about his neck. "What's the matter, Ashy-boy?" she teased, noticing how he gaped at her and blushed.

He grinned in reply. "Mew, Misty, whoever sent you to me deserves eternal praise."

Journey to the Cemetery – Andrew Lloyd Webber

They haunted her, the memories, always there, always watching, laughing, mocking her, how everything had ended so cruelly, so abruptly. Misty Waterflower, the current reigning Water Pokémon Master—oh, how they loved to mock her, as if to remind her that now, her title was nothing. Kneeling, desolate and lonely in front of the cold, grey, gravestone, she ran her hands over the engraving.

Ash Ketchum

Beloved husband and father and friend

Youngest Pokémon Master

He will be forever in our hearts

May he rest in peace

Letting the sobs overtake her, she clenched her jaw, willing herself not to crumble, willing herself to continue, knowing that Ash would want her to live her life, even though he was gone, even though she had loved him with all her heart. She placed the bouquet of flowers in front of the gravestone and let the tears run unchecked, cursing whatever ill fate had taken him from her, and she crumpled.

In the Midnight Hour – Wilson Pickett

Misty grinned and clinked her glass against that of her best-friend and boyfriend, Ash Ketchum, a toast to their friend Brock's engagement, even though they had only eyes for each other, happy as they were for the notorious flirt finally settling down.

Around them, couples were taking to the dancefloor, following the example of Brock and Suzy, and Ash stood, wrapping his arms around Misty and resting his chin on her head.

"As happy as I am for those two," he murmured for only her ears, "you look so damned good that I can't wait to get you home."

And the heat in his voice made her shiver agreeably.

I Caught Myself – Paramore

Misty knew she shouldn't want him, knew it was wrong, but she couldn't stop herself. He has a fiancee, was a mantra she repeated over and over, and yet, even though she knew the girl he was engaged to was a one-time friend of her own, she couldn't help it. When they spent time alone together, just the two of them, and he would whisper to her that if he could he would—that his engagement would be cancelled, a matter of politics and business as it was.

Now, in the cirlce of his arms, cuddled up to his chest, she could let her guard down, and for a moment—one blessed moment—forget all that damned their relationship, and pretend that he was hers and hers alone.

The words slipped out before she could stop them. "I love you, Ash Ketchum," she whispered to him, against his chest, under the blankets in her bed in Cerulean, far from his home and his fiancee.

He held her tighter and she could feel him sigh. "I know, Mist. I know."

I Never Loved A Man (The Way That I Love You) – Aretha Franklin

"Stupid, moronic, ungrateful, bastard!" Misty screamed through her angry tears, punching her pillow with as much force as she could muster, flopping down onto her bed with a muffled angry cry. I hate you, Ash, I really do, she thought angrily, thinking of several ways to make him experience several unpleasantries.

However, the object of her thoughts did not seem to take a hint. Leaning against the doorway of her bedroom, he eyed her. "That wasn't nice."

Ducking the pillow she threw at him, he knew that deep down she cared, and so he laughed, ducking another pillow and scampering from the room, blowing her a kiss over his shoulder.

You Can't Stop The Beat – Hairspray

The party was in full swing; people cheered as couples went up onto the dance floor, determined to outdo the one that had preceded them. Music blared, and the lights flashed; the atmosphere was brilliant, catchy, uplifting, and the trio lounging around a small table near the dancefloor were loving it. None of them considered themselves dancers—Brock was currently swooning over the sight of Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny conversing in a far corner, whilst Ash and Misty were bantering playfully, both wanting to ask the other to dance, yet both being too afraid.

However, Pikachu was the one to break the ice. Becoming increasingly frustrated, he snatched from Ash's head the hat he had refused to take off even at a party, and had scampered onto the dance floor, after stealing the hairtie that held Misty's red locks in place.

Both teens rushed onto the dancefloor after the electric rodent, however, after having reclaimed their items from Pikachu, they found no reason to leave—the music was catchy, the atmosphere fun, and suddenly they found themselves dancing together—albeit not as couples would—and neither had had to break out of their nervousness.

Ash grinned at his long-time best friend, catching her by surprise as he grabbed her by the arm and spun her in a circle, eliciting a squawk of outrage as she nearly stumbled, only to be saved by Ash's arms closing about her waist and lifting her back on her feet. "Watch it, Mist," he teased.

Immaturely, she poked her tongue out at him, and, having broached the barrier once, he pulled her into his arms, dancing with her close. The two friends revelled in the closeness, knowing that for now the bond they shared was enough.

A/N: Well, that was fun. Some were challenging, and I don't think any are up to the standard I expect of myself, but there we go. A small something to get me past writer's block.

- Naranne.