Back to Mahad and Ishizu..

"Why did you tell the Pharaoh to come back with Yami in three weeks is the medication at the end of the batch or something?"

"you could say that..."

"You're hiding something!"

"Well you've heard of experimental medicine before right?"

"No, You gave Atem an experimental medication to help one of his sons, Are you crazy if this doesn't work you are in a deep hole!"

"Well that's why I told him to bring Yami in in three weeks or if he has weird symptoms."

"And what will you do if he does have a reaction to the medicine? Our Pharaoh will be expecting a different method of treatment for Yami."

Back to Yami

Yami clung to Yugi.

"Brother what is wrong?"

Yami coughs more in Yugi's arms.

Atem goes and feels Yami's forehead.

"Not good. Here." Atem takes Yami in his arms sitting down seeing Yami fall asleep on his shoulder.

"Dad Is he ok?"

"No he seems to have another case of the chills. I'm not surprised though, it has been rather chilly recently. Yugi can you get a blanket from the closet for him?"

"Sure dad." Yugi grabs a blanket bringing it back covering Yami. As he runs back he looks like a little superman because the blanket was like a cape.

"Here brother." covers Yami.

Yami strains reaching for Yugi. "Otou..."

"Yami, hush you'll be ok." Yugi lets Yami rest his head on his shoulder. "There, relax." Yugi says rubbing Yami's back.

Yami shivers in this embrace. His face folds as well.

"Oh no, Yami!" Yugi turns to his father, "Daddy, aneki..." Yami coughs harsh and falls out of the embrase. His breathing becomes labored and frantically reaches up.

"No, not good your fever!" Atem said. Atem holds the boy up hugging him. Yami continues to cough hard and shiver.

"Dad, is brother ok?"

Atem doesn't answer and feels Yami kicking at the blanket.

"Brother, no don't kick the blanket you need it."

Yami looks at Atem and Yugi scared.

"Calm down you'll be ok. Don't worry." Atem says to Yami.

Yami continues shivering and coughing. He clung to Atem.

"Dad What's happened to him he seemed so calm earlier."


{Yami What is wrong?}


"Dad Yami is linking me saying he feels cold."

Atem grabs another blanket from the end of the bed draping it over the current one Yami had. Yami seemed to calm down.

{There, feel better now Yami?"}

{di...dizzy...} Falls into the Pharaohs lap.

"Yami, here relax." Atem told Yami as he lay the boy back down.


"Yes brother?"

Yami reaches for Yugi slightly lifting his body as he does so, he coughed and fell back shivering again.


"I just told you to relax, don't force yourself."

Yami brings his hand to his mouth mocking the movement used for the inhaller. He then shook more coughing harshly.

"No you shouldn't need the inhaller so soon after using it..." Atem says then suddenly he thinks about Ishizu's comment. If he has wierd symptoms she said well I classify him suddenly taking ill and a dependence on the inhaller wierd.


"Yes Yugi?"

"What you's thinking about?"

" think I need to call Ishizu in can you stay with your brother and don't give him the inhaller while I'm out, I don't think overdosing with help."

" Okay."

"and stop using slang Yugi It is getting on my nerves."

"Yes Dad i'll stop"

"Good" Atem leaves the room heading back to Ishizu who immediatly smiles and doesn't expect him to grab her by the arm.

"What the... Pharaoh, What in the world is wrong with you today?"

Atem just looks at her glaring daggers. She gulps relizing it most have something to due with the medication she prescribed.

He leads her to where Yami is and she looks the boy over as she does he cries from the pain the slight movements were causing him.

(Yami POV)

As she moved me I felt a jolt of pain. I couldn't help but scream from it. I felt my chest tighter my breathing becoming harder than before. I really wanted the inhaller, the temporary relief even if it is for only a few seconds. I really couldn't think straight as I stubornly reached for the inhaller. Yugi stopped me.

"No Brother" Yugi firmly told me brocking the path my hand would have taken.

"Ishizu Is this what you meant by weird symptoms? Symptoms similar to what he already has?"

"No I meant anything. But this definably falls under that category."


"Meaning that the (wispears: experimental) medication is not suited to his body, unfortanatly this is the only known (not yet proven) method to treat astma."

"ISHIZU do you take me as a fool, You were wispering under your breath and I don't like the attitude you're taking. You mean to tell me that there are no other treatments and that this is proven? Hah if that be..."

That is all I heard before I grabed Atem's sleave scared. He looked at me.

"Brother, Oh what's wrong you look scared."


"Shu brother don't worry you won't die."

I wasn't convinced so I continued to repeat my question each time being told to hush and/or rest a little.

Ishizu tried to leave in my sudden outburst but I started yelling "Murderer" Over and over pointing at her. Yugi and Dad tried to tell me I would be ok but I wouldn't listen as I drifted into a fitful sleep.