Lost Son

I do not own Yugioh and do not own this concept totally. My inspiration comes from the fan fiction My Dear Son by Black Egyptian Dragon.

This story is about Atem and his two twin sons, Yuro and Yugi .

Chapter 1

Atem stares out the window thinking back to his childhood.

(Flash back)

Prince Atem stares out the window looking down at the people he will once rule. He notices a group of boys around his age running around . One of the boys notices poking the others. They all stare up at him. The bully of the group sticks his tounge out. Atem laughs the bully confused.
King Aknadon comes in seeing his sons envy of the lives of the boys surprised because in the last three days Atem had refused to eat and could now barely move behond sitting up and lieing down.

King: Son you haven't eaten today, you should eat.

Atem: I am not hungry. Atem tries standing.

Atem : See I can stand I am fine.

Atem faints. Aknadon catches him.

King: Is that so? Why did you just collapse then?

Atem : The midday sun so hot

King : Here sleep through the heat.

Aknadon places his son down in bed. Little eight year old Atem feel asleep.

(end of Flash back)

Atem shifts his vision to his own son Yugi who was also sleeping through the midday sun. Yugi is only one month old but rather curious when awake. He has a older twin brother Yuro who was rather naughty a week ago he had shaved Mana's cat. Yugi and Yuro had crimson eyes like their father and blond hair with three streaks of purple just like their father.

( Atem remembers another event of his childhood)

(start flashback)

"My son you see those two golden puzzle bxes over there? asked Aknadon

"Yes dad what about them?" Atem you have kids of your own I want you to find the most pure-hearted of your childern and give them one of those puzzle boxes,
keep the other for the time comes the two puzzles will be solved and you'll understand why I asked this of you."

"Daddy how will I know if my child is pure I can barely keep myself pure!" Atem protests.

"Oh you will know because you are ..."The king was cut off by a servent. "sir sorry to interupt but you have a foreign affairs meeting."

"Daddy?" Atem says grabbing onto his fathers arm. Aknadom removes his sons hands from his arm and leaves the room.

(ends flashback)

Atem's other son Yuro enters the chamber. Atem notices his son holding a rat. Atem is not concerned until he sees his son trying to squeeze the rat to grabs the rat placing it out of his sons reach. He then turns to his son

" I don't care if you don't like or hate an animal, you have no right to kill it for just not liking it. do you understand Yuro?"

Yuro looks at Atem and starts to get mad tring to hit his , Atem's wife comes in seeing Yuro tring to hit his father. She grabs Yuro and Yuro starts cring looking at his mother with a daddy is mean and hates me face. Teana believes yuro more than she does Atem so she hits Atems face like she had been doing since Yuro was born.

"My dear, What did you do this time? " She asked.

"I stopped him from killing a rat." Atem answers.

Teana hit him again "That rat probatly deserved it just like how Mana's cat deserved a shave. I have had enough of you, I am divorcing you. I will let you keep Yugi cause I never liked that shrimp, sleeping through the midday heat, Pathetic." Teana hold Yuro in her arms and leaves.

Yugi wakes up because his mother had been to loud Yugi was cring. He was scared by her tone of voice.

"Sh Yugi, Sh she won't harm you Sh." Atem said tring to calm his son down.

"Da.....da.....daddy?" Yugi says confused.

" Yes Yugi i'm your daddy."Atem says.

Meanwhile Teana goes to Mahad,Atem's most fathful advisor.

"Mahad, I want to divorce the king!"

"Oh why?"

"He's a pathetic father, saving the life of a rat. This is no place for kids, Yugi stays with him and Yuro comes with me!"

"I hope you really know who you are divorcing." Mahad says leaving.

Because all family matters go through Atem for judging Atem stared at the divorce papers for days on the third day he finaly signs it. He heads out towards Teana who is now about ready to yell at her ex-husband for taking so long to sign. Before she could however atem weakly says 'So it is written, so let it..." He faints. Mahad runs to Atem and Teana stares at Atem coldly.

"Well serves you right." she says grabbing the papers beliving that atem had not signed looks at them and sees atem had signed them.

"Why did you take so long to sign them! If you were going to sign them then why did you keep me suspensful? she grabbed him.

"Had it accured to you that mabey, just mabey even though you hit me practicluly everyday that i had..." Atem clenches from pain, Mahad held his king. "Mabey as a Royal husband I loved you?" Atem falls asleep.

"Loved me, wait you never did retalitate when I hit you. After two days of our marrige you did stop trying to hit back. Man why in Ra did i divorce you?"