Whatever Happens

Dedicated to JessicA: Who I like shaking off

chairs xD

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto! :(

:) For those who are curious as to when I can't update and such, it's all on the calendar on my site. My website address is in my profile. Be sure to sign the guest book! :D

Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes.

Hope you like this chapter! The final one! Dun dun dun...

Most of this chapter is probably the intro. You guys asked a lot of questions. More than I thought people would.

Chapter 21: This is it...

Naruto's POV

"Hey guys!" I yelled excitedly. "Say hi guys," I said to my friends.

"Hi," they all said at the same time.

"This is the final chapter and we are here to answer your questions. So, let's get started." I unfolded the paper with all the questions on it. Whoa! That's a lot of questions... 0.o "The first set of questions are from Gaara'sCookiezz. The first question is to Kiba. Gaara'zCookiezz asked, 'How's it feel to be the non-gay one in the group? Yes Shino said he wasn't gay, but he likes butterflies. It counts,'" I said to Kiba.

"Yay! First question is mine." He laughed. "And you're the main character."

"Just answer the question," Sasuke said to him.

"Fine. I'm glad you think Shino counts because I do too. I think he's secretly hiding that he's gay. How it feels weird to be the non-gay one in the group. It's weird because you never know if they might like me-"

"Never," Sasuke, Gaara, and I said.

"Fine. I answered the question!" Kiba yelled.

"Okay. Next question," I said. "Is to me! Why the fuck do I like pancakes so much? They're the best food to have in the morning. Hm. All the sugary goodness. Doesn't everyone like pancakes?"

"I don't," Gaara said.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Next question is to Shino." I tried to hold my laughter while reading it. "'Are you sure your not gay? As in, you like dudes? You'd be a great uke!'" I couldn't help it. I started to laughing.

"I'm pretty positive that I'm not gay and no comment on the uke part." Shino turned at looked at me. "I wouldn't be laughing Naruto. You're an uke."

I stopped laughing. "I am not an uke!"

Sasuke laughed. "Yes you are."

I blushed. "Leave me alone! I am not an uke and I'm sure the fans know it!"

Sasuke laughed again and grabbed the paper with the questions on it. "That's all the questions from Gaara'sCookiezz. Next set of questions are from 0Misake0. Her first question is to me. How was life with out Naruto?" He looked at me then the paper. "Interesting. Next ques-"

"That's all you're saying?" I asked him. "One word?"

"Fine. It was interesting. Now it's three."

I don't think he likes questions. "Go on."

"Next one is to Gaara. She said to tell them about you and Neji," Sasuke said to Gaara.

"Hm," Gaara said. "Well, we are going out and having a lot of fun. If you know what I mean."

Kiba leaned to me. "I don't get it," He whispered.

"Me either," I said honestly.

"But that's all I can say with these idiots around," Gaara said. "Back to you Sasuke."

"Okay," Sasuke said. "Next question is to Kiba. She asked, what ever happened to Akamaru and how'd you sneak him in?"

"Well, Akamaru is still in Sasuke's room. Hehe. I got him in by waking up early in the morning, while all the teachers were asleep, and bringing him to my room. I also have to say thanks to my sister for bring him over."

"Next question is to Shino. Why are you so fascinated with bugs?" Sasuke asked.

"Bugs are great creatures. They do things that you probably don't know. Like the-"

"Let's not get into details," I said. "We have a lot of questions to go."

"Fine," Sasuke said. "Next question is to all of us. 'What happened to Ino and Sakura? they like...disappeared..'"

"I'll answer that," I said. "Well, Sai and Ino have been busy with each other. As for Sakura, after I blew off the plan, we never talked again."

"What plan?" Sasuke asked.

"Pfft. I didn't say plan."

"What did you say then?"

I grabbed the paper out of his hand. "Nothing!" I yelled. "The next questions are from TheAuthoressAnonymous. Her first question is to all of us. She asked, 'What is your favorite word and why?' My favorite word is fickle because it means likely to change."

"I like the word narcissistic. It's nicer than calling people self-centered," Kiba said.

"Wow. You know a big word," Gaara said. "My favorite word is malevolent. Look it up in a dictionary and you'll see why."

"I like the word subterfuge. It means escape a consequence or hide something," Sasuke said.

"I like the word bug," Shino said.

"Okaaay," I said. "Moving on. Next question is to Gaara. Do you and Neji have any pet names for each other?"

Gaara smiled and said, "No. If we did... I wouldn't tell anyone them."

"Gaara, she wants to know who's top."

"I am."

"Unreasonable Idiot asked a few questions too," I said. "She asked me, would I ever eat pancake flavored ramen, if there is such a thing? I know I like ramen and pancakes a lot. But! No, I wouldn't. That kinda sounds gross." It does... "Next question is to me again. Whatever happened to your jealousy plan with Sakura?"

"Why is everyone talking about this plan?" Sasuke asked me.

"There is no plan," I said to Sasuke. "I broke off the plan after Sasuke and I broke up."

"What?" Sasuke asked confused.

"Nothing. Nothing."


"Next question is to you Sasuke! Unreasonable Idiot asked, Would you have murdered Daiki for arresting Naruto?"


"Okay! This is for people asking Kakashi_Loving_Anime_Freak for another sequel or Sasuke's POV. She said most likely not. If she does do one of those, it would be after the other stories she wants to write. Right now she wants to focus on her new story, The Demon In Me, which is dedicated to 0Misake0. To get one of her stories dedicated to you...you just need to support her and if she likes how much you support her, then she'll asked you if she can dedicate her next story to you. Why is dedication important? It's what keep her motivated to write. No motivation, no story. With that said. Here is the last chapter to the story." I will miss you guys...

~Whatever Happens~

Damn. How did it end up like this? Why did Daiki have to arrest me in front of fellow my classmates and schoolmates? Not to mention, I am now at a police station in one of those questioning rooms. You know, like the ones on TV shows, were theres a metal table in between you and the fucking police officer who arrested you. It's just like that. And that damn Daiki is the one sitting in front of me.

"You seem very happy to be here," sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"Who would be happy to be here," I growled. I hate this guy so much. I want to punch him. Really badly.

"You'd be surprised," he laughed.

"Only crazy people would like to be here-Oh! Whoops," I said sarcastically. "I didn't notice I was talking about you."

Daiki slammed his fist on the table. "Don't call me crazy. Dobe."

I glared at him. "Don't call me that! Only Sasuke can call me that!"


"Say's the one who slam his fist on the metal table a minute ago."

"I hate kids," he muttered.

"I am not a kid!"

"Fine," he uttered. "'Young adult'."

"Whatever," I said to him. "Asshole," I muttered.

"That's not a nice thing to say, Naruto." He smiled wickedly. "Didn't your Parents teach you that?"

I gripped my chair tightly. "Jiraiya told me only to be nice to nice people." And your not one of them. Asshole.

"I wasn't talking about him."

He didn't mean... "You mean my biological parents?"

"Who else would I be talking about?" Daiki laughed.

"Leave them out of this," I hissed.

Daiki smirked. "It's not like it's your fault they died." He was clearly saying it was my fault. "Or maybe it is..."

I know it's my fault. It's always my fault. I know it, but I don't need to hear it from this jerk! "What do you want?"

"You know what I want."

Sasuke's brother. "I don't know where he is!"

"I know."

I was bewildered. "What?"

Daiki laughed. "Are you really that stupid?" What? "This is what I planned. I made sure Sasuke wasn't in the cafeteria when I arrested yo-"


"That way he can hear about it."

What? "I don't get it."

"I made sure Sasuke wasn't in the lunchroom. That way he will hear what happened from his classmates and he'll have no choice but to reveal where is brother is to save you." I couldn't stop shaking my head. I disagree with everything he is saying. "Don't agree? Just think about it."

I was going to think about it. I just don't think he'll give his brother up for me, his ex-boyfriend. It's not normal. I sighed. Now I'll go to jail and be with real criminals. Ones that have killed people and such. I'll also probably become one of their bitches since I'm small compared to them. Oh shit. What if I get raped? They always show it in TV shows and talk about it in real life. The showers and how it starts with soap. "I don't want to go to jail," I said out loud. A part of me wants Sasuke to rescue me but the other part knows that Sasuke should save his brother.

"Jail's not a good place. Don't worry though," he said surely. "You're not going to jail. Sasuke's going to walk through that door any minute now."

How does he know? Sasuke hates me. "If you think so..."

"It's kind of sad..."

"What is?" Huh?

"I mean... your mom died giving birth to you. Your dad died protecting you. Sasuke's going to give up someone important to him because of you." He looked at me. "It seems like everything is your fault."

I looked down at the table. My fault. Everything that happened is my fault. I'm sorry, Mom. You didn't even get to see me grow up. I'm sorry, Dad. If I didn't tell you that I wanted to go to that store then you would have never died. Sasuke, I'm really sorry for you. If I never met you , you would have been able to save your brother. "It's all my fault." I felt my eyes sting. Tears wanting, daring to come out.

"Yes. It i-"

"What are you saying to him?" A voice asked.

My head snapped up and I looked at the person. "Sasuke!" I yelled as I saw him. He looked at me and I finally realized it. He's here, that means... "It really is my fault."

Sasuke turned and glared at Daiki. "What the fuck did you say to him?!"

"I didn't say anything," Daiki said to him.

Sasuke grabbed Daiki by the shirt and slammed him into the wall. I jumped up and ran to Sasuke's side and tried to pull him off of Daiki. "Sasuke, let go of him!"

"Listen!" Daiki yelled. "Just tell me where Itachi is and I'll let Naruto go."

Sasuke stared to him and let him go. He was going to tell him?! "No! Sasuke, don't tell him," I told Sasuke.

Sasuke ignored me. "Downtown. In a warehouse, number 4357A."

Daiki smirked. "Good." He ran out of the room in less than a second.

Sasuke and I were alone. "Why did you tell him?"

"It's fine."

"No! It's not fine! Itachi-"

"Is safe."


Sasuke turned and looked at me. "We found the guy who really killed my family. Itachi is going to tell the police and they'll catch this fucker."

I felt tears fall down my cheeks. "Sasuke..."

Sasuke froze. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just sorry. I'm really sorry."

Sasuke smiled and wiped my tears with his hand gently. "Dobe, don't be sorry. It's not your fault."

"Yes it is!"

Sasuke pulled me into a warm embrace. "No. It's not your fault."

I wrapped my arms around Sasuke. "Sasuke, I-"

"Naruto, can I say something first?"

"Yes." What is he going to say?

"I miss you. I love you and I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble, but I still want to be with you. Please take me back."

I smiled. "Teme," I said. "I was going to ask you the same thing."

Sasuke pulled away from me and I looked into his onyx eyes. "Really?" he asked.

"I love you."

Sasuke smirked. "I love you, too." He pulled me closer to him and gave me a kiss that left me breathless.

"I missed kissing you," I said.

Sasuke laughed. "There's a lot more coming," he said. "I have to make up for the time that I missed." He smiled.

I laughed. "You better make up for it."

Sasuke was right. They did get the guy. The guys name is Madara. He had a grudge against the Uchiha family, for some unknown reason. Itachi was free and finally got the normal life he wanted. It's a happy ending. The best part of is that Sasuke and I graduated school. Okay, I barely made it, but I still passed! Even though most people in the school think I'm a criminal now but whatever! To make the best graduation even better, Sasuke asked me to move in with him. I said yes of course! It was one of the best moments in my life. It was so great. I can't help but smile whenever I think about it.

With all that happened, I leaned a lot of things. Some more important than others. I learned that life can become crazy, confusing, and difficult at times. But, when it does become hectic we will always be there for each other. We'll do whatever it takes to get through it together. Whatever happens we will always be by each others side...

What can I say? We're in love...

This is it! I hope you liked it.

Sorry that it's kinda short. I hope you guys still liked it though. :D

School is starting Wednesday. So, I won't be updating as quickly as I did before.

I also hope you read my sister's and my new one-shot! Hehe.

Also read my new story dedicated to 0Misake0, The Demon In Me. First chapter is coming out today or tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed. Thanks to JessicA for being my muse and my motivation.

Thank you!
