Whatever Happens...
Dedicated to: JessicA
Haku's Biffle
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto…
Sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes.
Yay! It is the sequel! Yay!
Chapter One: School's Back!
Naruto's POV
I'm back! Yeah! What's going on? Nothing? How was your summer? Still on it? Hm... Weird.
My summer turned out great! Well almost. Sasuke never called me while I was away in Hawaii. It was so sad.
I was all alone with Jiraiya and I couldn't even hear Sasuke's voice.
Okay! I'm going to kick his ass. I got to go!
==Whatever Happens==
I was in the car with Jiraiya going to my school. I flipped open the visor and looked at my self in the tiny mirror.
"Ready for school?" Jiraiya asked.
Hell no!
"Of course."
I turned on the radio and a commercial was playing. Why the heck do they have those on radios anyway?
I pulled out my brush from my bag and started brushing my hair a little.
Jiraiya took a deep breath and let it out. That's when Hot N' Cold starting playing.
"O. M. G. I love this song!" I pretend my brush was a microphone and started singing along. "You change your mind. Like a girl changes clothes. Yeah you, PMS. Like a bitch. I would know." I looked at Jiraiya and began to serenade him. "And you always think. Always speak. Cryptically. I should know. That you're no good for me." I took a deep breath. "Cause you're hot then you're cold You're yes then you're no. You're in and you're out. You're up and you're down. You're wrong when it's right. It's black and it's white. We fight, we break up. We kiss, we make up."
"What the heck," Jiraiya said.
I looked at him. "What? I like this song!"
Jiraiya rolled his eyes. "Yeah..."
"Are you still mad at me?" I asked. "I'm sorry that you couldn't do your research in Hawaii because of me."
"Next time I'm going on vacation I'm leaving you with Sasuke."
I smiled. "Really?"
He thought about it. "No."
What the frick...
I cleared my throat. "You're hot then you're cold. You're yes then you're no. You're in and you're out. You're up and you're down," I sang. "Someone call Sasuke."
"Sasuke?" Jiraiya asked confused.
"Got a case of a love bi-polar. Stuck on a roller coaster. Can't get off this change your mind. Like a girl changes clo-" I stopped singing because Jiraiya shut off the radio. "Why did you do that?" I asked.
"We're here."
Jiraiya parked the car and we got out.
"I got to go to the office. Later."
I walked to my room and opened the door. I saw Shino looking at a container of flies. He looked at me as I closed the door and put my stuff down.
"Do I want to know what you're doing?" I asked him.
"Nope," He said.
"Okay." I walked up to him and hugged him.
"What are you doing?"
"Hugging my friend."
He hugged me back then pushed me away. "Go hug Sasuke."
I looked at him. "Sasuke."
Shino looked at me weirdly. "Yeah..."
"That reminds me I have to kick his ass!"
"Where is he?"
"In the lunch room eating breakfast."
I smiled. "Thanks! Later Shino!"
I ran out of the room and walked to the lunch room. I saw Kiba in the line for food. "Kiba!" I yelled.
He looked at me. "Naruto!"
I ran up to him and grabbed a plate. "We are finally seniors!"
"I know! This is going to be the best year ever!"
I grabbed milk and a little box of Fruit Loops and Frosted Flakes (I can't decide which one). Kiba got Apple Jacks.
We walked to our table. I sat down in front of Sasuke and Kiba sat next to me. Gaara was sitting next to Sasuke.
"Hey Sasuke," I smiled. (A/N: Totally forgot about Sasuke not calling him.)
"Hey," He smiled back.
"What about me?" Gaara asked.
"Hey Gaara," I said.
"Hey," Gaara replied.
"What's going on?" Sasuke asked.
"Well," I said. "I can't decide which cereal to have."
Sasuke and Gaara looked at me weirdly. "Uh huh," they both said.
"It's really hard to choose between the two." I held up my two cereals.
"I like Frosted Flakes," Gaara said.
"I like Fruit Loops better," Sasuke said. "How is it hard?"
"I have to choose between sugary goodness," I said as I held the Frosted flakes higher. "Or fruit-a-licious." I held up the Fruit Loops higher. "Hard." I thought about it.
Gaara leaned across the table and smacked the Fruit Loops out of my hand it landed on the floor. "Oops," He said. "Oh well, Frosted Flakes is better."
"I was going to eat that one!"
Sasuke laughed.
Hey... Wait a minute!
"I have a bone to pick with you!" I pointed at Sasuke and he looked at me. "Why didn't you call me during the summer!?"
"You what?"
"I thought you wanted some alone time..."
Alone time...
"What!" I screamed.
Why the heck would I want alone time away from him...
Would you want alone time if you were dating Sasuke? I wouldn't think so.
"Shh. Naruto keep your voice down," Gaara said.
"I'm sorry," Sasuke said.
"That's not good enough," I said.
"Fine," Sasuke said while getting up and walking around the table to me. He sat on the side Kiba wasn't sitting on. He grabbed my chin and lean forward.
"No kissing in the lunch room," Someone said.
Sasuke looked at the person. "Kakashi. Let me kiss him or I'll tell them what I saw this morning."
Kakashi sighed. "Fine." He slowly walked away.
Sasuke looked back at me and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back.
He pulled away and smiled. "Does that make it up?"
"No. I'll need more of that."
Sasuke smiled and started to lean forward.
"Stop," Gaara said and Sasuke moved away from me. "Someone might see you."
"Hey," Kiba said and we looked at him.
"What happened with Kakashi this morning?"
Sasuke shrugged and said, "Nothing much really... Just him and Iruka... you know..."
"Oh my god," I said.
"Um... I don't get it." Kiba yelled.
"They were having sex," Gaara told him and Kiba's mouth dropped.
"Don't tell," Sasuke said.
"Who was seme?" Gaara asked.
"Kakashi... It was sick... I really don't want to see that again," Sasuke said.
"Poor Sasuke," I said and he nodded.
"Wait," Kiba said. "What does seme mean?"
What?! Oh my god!
We laughed. "Do you know what an uke is?" Gaara asked.
"No," Kiba said.
I laughed even harder. He's so clueless...
"If your a seme your on top and uke is the bottom," Gaara said. "Get it?"
"Yeah!" He yelled. "How do you know if someone's a uke or not?" Kiba asked.
"You can just tell," Gaara said. "They're are usually more gay than the other one."
"Oh!" Kiba looked at me then back at Gaara. "So, Naruto's the uke."
Yea- wait what?! Heck no!
Gaara started laughing.
"What!? What did you say!?"
"You have to admit its true," Gaara said.
No! It's not!
"No!" I looked at Sasuke. "Right Sasuke."
Sasuke held up his hands. "I'm not in it," he smirked.
No! He thinks it's true! Hell no!
"You thinks it's true don't you." He just smiled. "No sex for you."
Sasuke laughed. "I don't think I'm getting it anytime soon."
"I'm waiting till I'm twenty one or married," I said.
"Uke," Kiba and Gaara said at the same time while laughing.
"Shut up!"
Shino sat next to Gaara. "Hey. What's going on?"
I glared at Gaara and he chuckled. "Nothing," He said.
"Did you hear?" Shino asked.
"What?" Gaara asked.
"Sai and Ino broke up."
"Really?" Sasuke, Kiba, and Gaara said at the same time.
"They were dating?" I asked.
"Yeah. During the summer," Shino said. "Oh! That's right you were in Hawaii."
"Yeah," I said.
"How was it?"
"It was great," I said. "Except a certain someone didn't call me." I looked at Sasuke.
"Sorry," Sasuke said.
Pfft. Alone time my ass...
"What did you do?" Shino asked.
"Oh! Well, Jiraiya met these girls that he was going to do research on and I was really sad because of you know what." I looked at Sasuke as I said the last part. "They let me talk about my problems to them the whole time I was there."
"Jiraiya must have been mad," Sasuke said.
"He was," I said.
"Naruto, I'm sorry I didn't call you. I'll make it up to you I promise," Sasuke said.
"You better," I said while punching his arm playfully.
"You are such a jerk!" I heard someone scream.
I turned around to see Ino yelling at Sai. "Whoa," I said.
Things are getting heated up over there...
"You're a self centered bitch," Sai said to her.
Oh crap...
Thank you for reading! :D
Next Chapter: Ino
I hope you like the sequel.
Thank you!