It Happens to Everyone, Right?

Title: It Happens to Everyone, Right?

Summary: Harold, a nerd, is forced to stick in with the kids at his school while struggling to become a well-known author. But when a bully, Duncan, finds his work and starts to make fun of it, Harold figures out that he needs to stand up. And with the help of his friends Cody and Beth, he'll know just what to do to write his book and defeat the bully Duncan.

Disclaimer: I do not own any TDI characters mentioned in this story.

One of a Kind Fanatic: So, here it is. My first TDI fic! I'm really happy about doing this. I've read Winter-Rae's story 'Nothing Lasts Forever' and it's really good! And I also hope you'll enjoy this story.

Chapter One: A Bully

Harold Miller, a geeky boy sat down on his blue Penn State bed. His dell laptop sat in front of him, just waiting to be used. Harold opened up the laptop and turned it on.

While it booted up, Harold looked around his room. It was basically decorated like a Penn State stadium. His parents had chosen it for him before he was even born. So it was like Harold had no choice on what it could be. The banister on his bed was filled with some of his notebooks.

You see, Harold Miller loved to write. He worked on many stories at once. And today was a bright and sunny day for Harold. Because he had a fresh idea in his head.

"Let's see." Harold said opening up the typing area on his laptop.

He started to type. Harold's parents were amazed at how fast he could type. But normally, they never paid much attention to Harold.

This was normal for Harold. Soon, he was already on page three of his story. After writing chapter five, it was already ten at night. Pleased, Harold shut his laptop after saving his work.

The next morning, Harold climbed out of bed and threw on his cheeseburger shirt and green pants like usual.

He hurried out the door, grabbing an English muffin without saying hi to his mom or dad. But even if Harold would have, his parents wouldn't have noticed. They usually ignored him.

With his laptop in his backpack and other books and papers, Harold was eager to get to school for another day.

But today would be different. If only he knew.

Upon arriving school, Harold caught up with his friends, Cody and Beth. "So guys," Harold said like he always began the discussion.

"What do you think about beta-reading my stories?"

This was something new to Beth. "Beta-what?"

"Beta-reading." Cody said to his friend. "It's when a person reads a story before it's published to make sure it's okay."

"O." Beth replied. Then she turned to Harold. "What's the story about?"

Harold now got relaxed. "Well, it's about this boy named Mark who's always being picked on by bullies."

As the group passed a tree, the high-school bully appeared with his two 'buddies', Mike and Carl.

"Hello." Duncan said, smirking. Just then, his girlfriend, Courtney appeared besides him.

"Duncan, I don't know if you should be beating him up." Courtney said.

"Relax." Duncan cracked his knuckles. "This gonna be fun." The three friends started to run away but the three bullies caught them.

Duncan punched Harold in the gut which caused him to fall backwards.

Mike threw Beth away from him while Carl gave Cody a bloody nose. Courtney wasn't pleased.

"DUNCAN!" Shouted a voice. It was Ms. Miller, the English teacher. "Detention, for all of you. Ms. Courtney, would you please escort Mr. Harold, Mr. Cody, and Ms. Beth to the nurse's office.

"Of course."

Harold muttered something to himself. "This happens to everyone, right?"

One of a Kind Fanatic: There! Chapter one is now complete. Forgive me if it's short. I haven't been the best author in a while.