I started this and then just got stuck. I don't really know how to get them from just meet to best friends. Anyway this I want I have so far. I write when I can't sleep so I'm usually half asleep when I'm writing and I use the wrong words and leave letters out of words, I'm sorry. I try to fix it, but I miss stuff all the time, hopeful you get what I'm trying to say. Please enjoy.

Alex leans into her locker as Harper stands behind her waiting impatiently. "Come on Alex were going to be late for class." Harper says "What are you looking for anyway?"

Alex pulls her head out "Nothing. I just wanted to see how long you'd stand there waiting for me." She says laughing

"That's not funny." Harper says irritated.

"Sorry school's boring." Alex tells her as she pulls a few books out and walks with her best friend.

"Your wrong Alex school can be really fun." Harper says

Alex scoffs "Like how?" she asks, but before Harper can answer Alex collides with someone knocking them both to the floor.

Harper helps her friend to her feet "Alex are you okay?"

"No I'm not. What's your problem?" Alex asks the girl as she gets to her feet. Alex's mad expression drops instantly when she eyes lock with the brown eyes of the girl in front of her.

The girl picks up Alex's fallen books and hands them to her "I'm so sorry. I was looking for the room 32 and I wasn't watching where I was going." The girl says.

"Are you the new student?" Harper asks.

"Yes. I'm Mitchie." She tells them as Alex continues to stare at her.

"I'm Harper and this is Alex." Harper tells her and elbows her friend.

"Alex. That's me. I'm Alex" She stubbles out.

Mitchie smiles at her "It's nice to meet you Alex, and I'm really sorry for knocking you down. I wish there was someway to make it up to you."

"Well I think of something and let you know." Alex says with a smile.

"You know were I'll be." Mitchie tells her.

"Room 32." Alex says

"Right." Mitchie answers then starts to walk away but turns right back "Which is were?"

"Just in the next hallway." Harper tells her

She nods and walks in that direction. Alex sighs as she puts her arm around her friend "I think I just found that fun in school."

"She was pretty hot." Harper agrees

"No. mine. I called her." Alex says quickly then sticks her tongue out at her and runs into class as the bell rings.

The bell rings later letting the students out Alex quickly looks around for Mitchie. Harper right on her tail as Justin comes up to them "What up?" He asks

"Alex has got a crush on the new girl." Harper tells him

"Oh no not Mitchie." He says concurred.

"How do you know her?" Alex asks.

"Are you kidding the whole school is bussing about her. The saying is she got kicked out of her old school for killing her math teacher." Justin tells them

They both gasp and look at each other Alex looks back to her brother "I love her." Alex says seriously.

"Alex…" Justin starts.

Alex stops him "Come on Justin that ridicules she would be in jail if she killed someone."

"She was for a while but they couldn't pin anything so they just throw her out of town." Justin says.

"That makes since." Harper says.

"No it doesn't." Alex tells slightly annoyed that they are downing Mitchie.

"Then why don't you asks her out and find out the real story." Harper says.

"Maybe I will." Alex says. "But right now it's Drama time."

"Wow since when are you excited about going to class?" Justin asks confused.

"Since I'm up for the lead in this Musical." Alex tells them.

"Alex is so going to get the part." Harper says.

"Well break a leg." Justin tells her

"Thank. Poke your eye out." Alex says back

Justin looks at her weird "That's not a saying."

"No I would just like to see it." Alex says and walks off to class

Later Justin stands at her locker getting her next classes books when his sister Alex walks up "Justin, I got the part." Alex says excited.

Justin smiles and hugs her "Congratulation. I knew you'd get it." he tells her

"Your such a liar." Alex says

"Okay. Fine it's a little surprising only because you have a tiny problem with the singing." Justin tells her. "You're a great actress thought. Yesterday when you told that Freshman that there was no school because official TV day, he totally believed you."

"Really?" Alex asks smiling

"He got suspended for a month." Justin says

"That's so cool." Alex says "Anyway Darvis said she was going to get someone to teach me how to sing in front of people."

"Do you know who?" Justin asks.

"No, but I'm meeting them after school." Alex tells him.

They start walking to there next class

After school Alex walks to the choir room pissed that she has to be in school even a second longer that she has to be. She walks in to find the room empty she about to just leave when she spots a piano to the side. That reminds her of a scene in the play where she has to play the piano. She looks at it a second thinking it couldn't be that hard to play. She could ever probably remember a song from the time her mother tried to teacher when she was like 5.

She walks over and sets in front of it. Her finger try to find the right keys as she tries to play a song she could barely remember. She groans as she hit's the wrong keys and tries again when another set of hands come over hers. She starts to move to see the person when she feel the person body press into her back.

She freezes then shiver when her hears the girls warm voice in her ear "Try this." She tells Alex as she helps guides fingers to the right keys. Alex smiles as her notes start to make a beautiful melody. Then frowns as she hands and body move away "That was pretty good." the girl says.

Alex turns around and sees Mitchie standing a few feet behind her "Mitchie? Hey" Alex says and smiles at Mitchie.

"Hey." Mitchie says back with a smile.

"Thanks." Alex tells her pointing to the piano.

"That what teachers do." Then back tracks "Well I'm not actually a teacher, I'm just your teacher. You understand right" Alex chuckles at her ramble and nods "So I should introduce myself I'm Mitchie Torres." Mitchie says then extends her hand to Alex to jumps at the chance to have Mitchie hands on hers again.

"I'm Alex Russo." Alex says.

Now it's Mitchie turn to chuckle "I know." She tells her then looks down at there still clasped hands. Alex smiles at her again releases her hand unwillingly. "So Darvis said that you were having trouble with the singing in the play your in. Do you know what the problem is?" Mitchie asks in teacher mode.

"The singing in front of people is my problem. I can act in front of millions cause I know I'm good at it, but I'm not so sure about singing." Alex tells her.

Mitchie nods and thinks a second "Well why don't we start out little, by you just singing in front of me then we just keep adding people until your conformable."

"That could work." Alex says.

"What do you want to sing?" Mitchie asks as she sets in front of the piano.

"I don't know surprise me." Alex tells her.

Mitchie nods and starts playing the beginning of Elliott Yamin's 'Wait for you' when it gets to the part where Alex is supposed to sing she freezes. Mitchie stops and turns to her "Do you know the song?" She asks.

"Yeah. I know it. I just…I'm a little nervous." Alex tells her.

"Don't be." Mitchie tells her then pats the spot beside her for Alex to set with her. Alex obeys and sets next to her. Mitchie looks at her "It's just you and me." Alex still looks nervous "Okay think back to the one time that you were the most comfortable. That the place or moment that you could stay in forever."

Alex tries to think of something, but comes up with nothing until she hears Mitchie play a few note and looks down at Mitchie hand skimming over the piano key, and remember the feeling of Mitchie soft hands over her own and smiles at the memory. Mitchie catches the smile "You got it?" Mitchie asks.

"Yeah." Alex says with a smile. "Will you sing with me?"

Mitchie smiles at her "Sure. Now close your eyes." Alex closes her eyes "And imagine your there in that moment. You ready?" Alex nods as Mitchie starts playing and sing the first couple of lines until Alex starts they sing the song together after it over Mitchie looks to her "You're a really good singer."

"Thanks. You too." Alex tells her.

"Why are you so scared your voice it beautiful…almost as beautiful as you." Mitchie says Alex blushes and looks down. Alex looks back up to say something but is interrupted by Mitchie stomach growling they both laugh "Sorry I skipped lunch."

"I know the best sub shop." Alex says.

Mitchie holds up her keys "I have a car."

"Lets go." Alex says and jumps up followed by Mitchie.

They get there after a while and walk in to find Harper flirting with a very bored liking Justin at the counter. They go up to them "Hey guys." Alex says to them "This Mitchie. Mitchie you've already meet Harper, and this is my brother Justin."

Justin and Mitchie shake hands "You two have fun with tutoring?" Harper ask

"It was great." Alex says.

"Alex has an incredible voice." Mitchie tells them.

"You sang to her?" Justin asks shocked Alex nods "I've haven't heard her sing." he tells Mitchie.

"We're working up to that. On step at a time." Mitchie tells him.

"Mitchie why don't you get us some seats and I'll get the food." Alex says "What do you want?"

"Turkey with pickles and a cherry coke." Mitchie tells her.

"Coming right up." Alex says as Mitchie walks off to a table. As soon as she out of ear shoot she turns back to them "Oh my god. She so amazing."

"She seems great Alex." Harper says

"Did she tell you about her ex wife." Justin says seriously

"Oh come on Justin. More rumors." Alex says annoyed.

"There not rumors. I heard that she was married to her first girlfriend a year ago but they realized that it was a mistake and got it annulled, and there relationship never recovered." Justin explains to them.

"Your so stupid she like 17. You can't get married at 17." Alex says. "Stop spreading this stuff."

"Everyone already knows." Justin says.

"I didn't" Harper says.

"Almost everyone knows." Justin rephrases as he hands there food to Alex.

Alex grabs it "Justin stop. I'm really starting to like this girl and would appreciated if you would just let me find out stuff about her by asking her myself."

"Did you asks her about the jail thing?" Justin asks.

"Not yet." Alex says

"What are you waiting for?" Harper asks.

"She scared of the truth." Justin says

Alex looks at him "I am not."

"Then asks her." He tells her.

"I will." She says then walks over to Mitchie who is setting at a table in the back she sets down in front of her "Sorry it took so long."

"It okay. It looked like your brother and friend had something important to tell you." Mitchie says.

Alex looks at her "Not important. Just…random stuff." Alex tells her.


I have more but I kind of skipped a lot of stuff that should've happened because again I'm stuck. I hate when that happens, anyway I hope you like it.