Hey readers! I'm back:)
Vacation was tons o' fun, but now its time to get back to business. Sorry it took so long to update, it won't happen again. Pinkyswear.
And now, at last, the final installment of the story of Jan...
Disclaimer: I don't own the office. I'm sorry if that's weird for you to hear, I just needed you to know. Once.
V. She acquired some humility after she had her baby
At this time, the bright afternoon sun is shining down on the form of Jan Levinson, who is walking briskly down the streets of Scranton with a diaper bag slung over her right shoulder and a baby carrier clutched in her left hand. She's wearing a simple white t-shirt and dark wash jeans. Her hair is in a ponytail and she's wearing no make-up as she's sending smiles to the few passerby's on the sidewalk she's hurrying down.
She checks her watch: 1:58 pm. She is going to be late.
Whimpers can be heard from inside the carrier. "It's okay, sweetie. Almost there." Jan murmurs consolingly as she sees the familiar brown building loom into view to her right. She turns on her heel and heads toward the front door. A sign saying Kimm Psychiatry can be seen through the large front window.
"Hello Jan, welcome back!" the receptionist smiles as she sees Jan walk through the door. Her eyes travel to the bundle of blankets in the carrier. "And this must be Astrid...!"
For the next 5 minutes everyone in the lobby of the psychiatrist office coo over the little baby girl Jan brought in. They would have stayed longer if Dr. Kimm hadn't walked out of her office, looking at what all the hubbub was about.
"Okay everyone, break it up!" Dr. Kimm yells to everyone, raising her hands to help settle things down. "Give Jan some room. She just came back from a maternity leave, and I'm sure she would appreciate some space...Come in when your ready." She smiles to Jan before turning back to her office.
The group eventually breaks up, and Jan gratefully ambles towards her office, shifting the weight of the carrier to the crook of her elbow as she pushes the door open wider. She walks in and gets settled by setting her baby and the diaper bag on the black leather couch and stretching luxuriously. She had missed coming here for the last 3 months.
Dr. Kimm is shifting some papers on her desk and looks up at Jan, smiling. Her dark hair is pulled into a french braid today and her square-rimmed glasses are perched on the bridge of her nose. Her v-neck sweater and black dress pants are crisp and clean and business-like, which was probably why Jan likes her so much.
Dr. Kimm walks over and gives Jan a friendly hug, welcoming her back from her 3-month vacation. She had missed her most frequent patient. She settles herself into a cushy armchair as Jan settles onto the couch. Dr. Kimm pulls out her trusty yellow legal pad and silver pen. It's time to get down to business.
"So, Jan. How was your maternity leave?"
"Anything but restful," Jan smiles sarcastically as she opens a pocket of her diaper bag and pulls out a little white teddy bear with the name 'Astrid' written in pink embroidery across the stomach. She holds it in front of her baby girl and wiggles it slightly, issuing happy gurgling sounds to come from inside the carrier. Dr. Kimm smiles lightly.
"She's adorable. How was the actual birth for you?"
"Painful, obviously. I had a tub birth as you already know; no drugs or anything. I felt it was best for the baby, you know cause a tub is a good transition between womb and world..."
"But it probably wasn't best for you," Dr. Kimm smiles knowingly.
"Probably," Jan agrees, looking down, "but it was worth it. To bring this little miracle into the world." Jan smiles lovingly at her daughter, who was drifting off to sleep. She looks so beautiful.
"And you took a leave from your candle business after the birth?"
"Yes. I spent all of my time at home taking care of her, except when I took her to Dunder-Mifflin for a day last month. I knew Michael was interested in the birth of my child, so he arranged a baby shower in the office. I took her there so they could meet."
"But it's not his child."
"I know, but he is my ex-boyfriend. He wants what's best for me, and he knew that Astrid was important to me. Also he's always wanted a child of his own, and I guess he thought that his ex-girlfriend's sperm baby would be the closest thing to having one."
Dr. Kimm laughs. "So, other than that baby shower, what's happened over the last few months?"
"Nothing much. My new apartment is getting to be a complete mess, but I don't really mind. My neighbors come over sometimes to help out with laundry and feeding her and stuff when I'm too exhausted, so that's nice. I haven't really gone out after she was born, other than...yeah." Jan finishes by nodding.
Dr. Kimm writes something on her pad. "Well, it's nice that the neighbor's are helping out. I know that raising a child on your own can be rather difficult."
Jan smiles wearily.
"Following up on Michael: what did it feel like seeing him again?"
"It was nice. I mean, it's not like I have feelings for him anymore, but it was nice to see how he was doing and what was going on with him and stuff."
"You no longer feel a need for an office romance?"
Jan smiles, "Nope. Not for over a year. But you knew that already..."
It's Dr. Kimm's turn to smile, "I know. Just checking." They both laugh.
"When you were at the office, did you see Jim and Pam?"
"Jim was there, but not Pam. Someone mentioned she was in New York, but they didn't say why."
"You didn't ask? Or overhear anything?"
"No. Why would I?"
"Well, before your leave you always seemed so invested in their lives."
Jan blushes, "I know. I realize now how stupid and intrusive that was, and I really regret it. I would apologize to them, but that would be too weird."
Dr. Kimm scribbles something down. "Do you still liked to 'scope out romances', as you liked to put it?"
Jan is shaking her head, "No, I haven't done that since Astrid was born. I actually haven't thought about it. Maybe because I'm so preoccupied with the baby, but I don't think so. I just don't really care anymore."
Dr. Kimm smiles. "That's great!"
Jan smiles with pride as Dr. Kimm writes a note on her pad of paper. She then set her pen down and slowly takes off her glasses, setting them on her lap. She leans forward, "Jan, I know this may seem personal and a little random..."
"Yeah?" she coaxes her to continue.
"...Have you seen your ex-husband at all over your leave?"
Jan sighs. "I had a feeling you were going to ask that. I did see him actually."
Dr. Kimm's eyebrows raise.
"I ran into him in Allentown. I like going there for my grocery shopping and I saw him at a Sendiks. We chatted for a bit and went out for coffee to catch up. He absolutely adored little Astrid here." She smiled at the sleeping form of her daughter.
"You took her with you?"
"My neighbors weren't home and I couldn't find a sitter. I guess it was better that they were busy, or else Gould woudn't have met my daughter."
"What did you two talk about?"
"Mostly about how much has changed since we last saw each other. He lost some weight and his hair is slightly greyer. He said I looked different, but I don't think I do."
"Is he seeing someone?"
"No, nobody he mentioned."
"If I may be a little more personal: do you want to get back together with him?"
Jan has her answer immediately. "No, I don't. I don't think he does either. I love him; I'll always love him, don't get me wrong. But that ship has sailed."
Dr. Kimm is writing something else down, a smile curving on her lips. They're making incredible progress on her first day back. "Well, I'm glad."
Jan sees the happiness shine in her therapist's eyes, and glows. She can tell she's making progress, which is great. She had been worried that she wouldn't be the same person after her baby was born, and she was actually right. She is different. But it is a good kind of different. This difference in her is helping her make changes in her life that are necessary, but couldn't have been done with her old attitudes. And, of course, without Dr. Kimm.
"I know a lot has changed since you were last here. How are you adjusting to your new life?"
"I'm doing well. I have a healthy and beautiful baby girl, for the first time since I was fired from Dunder-Mifflin I have true friends, and my business is slowly but surely climbing the corporate ladder." Jan smiles.
"Would you say you're generally happy with your life?"
Sudden cries can be heard from inside the baby carrier; Astrid has apparently woken up. The shrieks issuing from the child are loud and annoying, and should have driven anyone crazy. But Jan does something odd; she smiles sincerely at Dr. Kimm.
"Absolutely," Jan says with admirable surety before turning all of her attention to the screaming child in the carrier.
God help her, she loves the girl who has become her life.
There you go! I know this is the longest '5 things' bit ever, but I hope you all approve. So...please review!