Yeah, so this is another my fic. I decided to write little drabbles about one of my favorite pairings: Jill x Wesker. I know the title is not the best but when it goes to naming stories, my imagination starts to act retarded =/ xD I'll update when I have more ideas and situations to put them in so they won't be too OOC. But I guess they are already OOC... Hopefully not too much yet though. I love writing about how days in S.T.S.R.S. office were =)
Hope my drabbles are even a little funny =)
Will appreciate reviews! Hope I'll have time to continue writing drabbles because now I'm working... I want to earn some money to buy a Wii and my birthday is soon, I hope to get an XboX...))
Rating will change from K to T I guess, hopefully not to M, but who knows...xD
- Wesker! You need to tell me, what your favorite color is! - Chris proclaimed solemnly, standing up from his chair and accidentally dropping some document without even noticing. Jill eyed him in interest and Wesker raised his eyebrows,
looking at his coworker from behind his sunglasses as though he was a patient of the phsyhiatric clinic.
- Christopher, and may I ask why are you so interest in knowing it? Am I your secret obsession or something?.. - their captain said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Chris heard Joseph and Forest snicker and sent them what he believed was the "death glare". Unfortunately as it turned out his "death glare" was funny and not so deadly as he wanted it to be. Joseph started to laugh hysterically and evidently Barry had to drag him out of the office so he could calm down. But Chris wasn't the one to give up so easily. Rushing to Wesker's desk, he looked at him with pure excitement and curiosity in his brown eyes, wich caused Wesker to back off slightly.
- Come on, captain, it's just a question! I need it because I'm passing a quiz here, "what's your boss like". And I'm dying to see the result!
Jill frowned and cracked her fingers.
- What am I hearing, Christopher!? You've been taking my journals again!? Redfield got nervous all of a sudden and hid behind Wesker's chair. Captain looked at him strangely and said cooly:
- Chris, get back to your workplace. What's so scary about Valentine anyway.
Redfield glanced at him, pure horror could be read in his orbs. - You just don't know her, captain! She's a monster!
Wesker chuckled.
- Oh is she?.. - he looked Jill up and down, smirking. She couldn't see him checking her out because of his sunglasses,
but she felt it somehow and blushed a little. Chris stared in her in amusement.
- Jill, you're blushing! Do you like what, have a crush on Wesker.
With an angry yelp, Jill ran to Weskers chair *poor chair xD* and started to tickle Chris. - Here you are, Redfield! That's for being so dumb! That's for being so stupid! - she said, tickling him. The best marksman of S.T.A.R.S.
laughed so hard and loud that after two minutes passed Wesker couldn't hear anything.
- Stop that, you two! Stop now! - he ordered. It didn't help. Jill continued to tickle her partner, and everybody else *excluding Wesker of course* continued to laugh at Chris.
- I said stop!
No result.
What are they like, idiots?
And then Wesker did something that was surprising even for himself as well - he put Jill on his lap, tightly holding her wrists with his own hands.
Valentine shrieked and blushed heavier than before.
Everybody in the office just stared at them wide eyed. Chris stopped laughing as well and felt dumbfounded, looking at his captain and his friend. Jill opened her mouth as though wanting to say something, but then Wesker pulled her from his lap gracefully.
- I suggest you return to your workplace, Valentine.
Jill closed her mouth and started to walk to her desk, giving him her last glance full of cofusion.
Wesker turned to Chris to tell Chris to follow Jills example, but he noticed that Chris was just staring at something quite fondly and intently.
He followed Redfields gaze and figured that.
That Chris was staring at Jills ass.
Oh God, that was not only highly unprofessional, it was just rude.
Wesker shook his head and looked at Jills back. It wasn't like her ass was bad to look at.
Oh fuck, those thoughts were bad.
Wesker couldn't help but stole another glance at Jills back, marvelling the way her hip swayed as she walked, how delicate and slender her whole figure was.
Damn Redfield.
Wesker wanted to turn away and to say something sarcastic, but it seemed as though his eyes were glued to Jills back.
Fucking Redfield.
He didn't want to be acting like that retard that was their best marksman. Maybe Chris wasn't that bad, but Wesker thought that Redfield was quite dumb and stupid. Yes, he could shoot just great, had 20 of 20 hits as it was natural to him, but he was too kind and his living appeared to be quite sense less.
Wesker collected all his will power and turned to Chris to say that S.T.A.R.S. office wan't a theatre, but his mouth hung open as Chris was absent in the place Wesker thought he would still be.
- Er... Where is Redfield?.. - said captain impulsiely. Joseph melancholically looked at him, blowing a soap bubble into the air. He was sitting on his desk, a little bottle near his leg dangerously close to some documents that were carelessly spread on his messy work place. "Where did he get theese?.."- thought Wesker, looking at the bubble that blew several seconds after it was created.
- Chris went out to grab some coffee for Jill and himself while you were staring at Jills ass. - said Forest, yawning. - Hey, Barry, wanna play online pocker.
- Not now, I'm busy, Speyer. - growled Barry, typing something that appeared to be their last case about the murderer from Lynch street.
Weskers gaze travelled to Jills desk only to find that Jills desk had everything besides the one that it belonged to sitting at it.
- And where is Valentine?..
- Apparently went with Chris to help him grab coffee. - answered Joseph, blowing another soap bubble. Wesker irritably looked at the bubble and stood up, fixing his sun glasses.
- I think I'll go borrow coffee myself as well. - he said and went out, closing the door behind him.
- Whats up with coffee anyways?.. - asked Forest rhetorically. Joseph looked at him, pre-spring laziness could be easily seen in his glassy eyes that mirrored lack of brain under his famous red bandana.
- You see, my friend, it's already March. Time for psycho and lovebirds. That is why people are acting so strange theese days. - explained Brad. Everybody looked at him; normally Brad was too chicken to say something aloud, preferring just to work quitely with the documents or sitting in his helicopter, fixing and checking it. He felt that helicopters were his best friends; they didn't talk and listened to his very problem. He would neer tell, but he even gave names to them. The current S.T.A.R.S. ALPHA team helicopter name was Jack and BRAVO's helicopter was named Linda.
- When have you grown so much brain cells, chickenheart?.. - said Edward, lifting his head from his table, where he was having a nice sleep several minutes ago.
Brad chuckled.
- Maybe I'm not as chicken as I seem after all. - he said and returned to his paperwork. Everyone were shocked to hear Brad talk like that but decided not to say anything. Beides, Brad said that March was the time for psycho.
Maybe he was one of them.