Disclaimer: I don't own any characters of Ranma ½ nor any other manga or book or anything else except for my own OCs. I have no intention of making money with this story.

Ranma – Dragon of Chaos

Chapter Seven: Unplanned Meetings

"..." Speech (Japanese)

"..." Thought

"..." Inner voice, telepathic thought

(...) Explanations, remarks,...

"(...)" Speech (English, Chinese)

"((...))" Ancient language

A-Part: Arrival at Nerima (Take One)

A bit more than two years later

Ranma was eleven years old.

Ranma still searched his father. He had tried many things. He asked many people if they had seen his father, but they either said that they didn't see him or that he was already gone. Sometime he climbed up a hill and shouted out 'Oyaji' or 'Old man' or 'Pops' in hope that Genma would hear him. Ranma put a lot of effort into this search but with no luck yet. He really missed his father.

At the moment, Ranma was in a funny situation. Ranma walked on a street that led to the center of Tokyo, when he looked up. He saw a sign that led to Nerima.

Ranma had to laugh at seeing that sign. Nerima really existed. By now, he had seen all episodes of Ranma 1/2 and read the manga. The curse, the crazy martial arts styles, that fiancée mess, his ,uhm, let's say unusual parents and whatever other stuff were more than enough to make him not believe the anime. So much shit, err, crazy things in one place, never!

Though there was one thing that might even be right. In the anime, Ukyo was a girl.

First, Ranma shrugged it off as a mistake in anime like many other things. The Nekoken was not completed. In the anime, he wore a pony tail before he changed it to a pig tail ,so that it wouldn't grow too long. The next point was that he had never been separated from Genma for such a long amount of time (more than two and a half years at the moment). Hinako and him were not childhood friends or a couple? There were many more differences between the anime/manga and the world he lived in. Only one more point should mentioned. There was NO MILAN or second very old Ranma ,how Ranma (the younger one) knew from the memories.

"Everything you think about me is so negative. Try to think of something positive about me. By the way, Ukyo is a girl and this is an anime world."

There was something that changed from last time. Ranma tried to use the Live-Link with Milan more often. He wanted to get used to it. By now, he could hold the Live-Link for about an hour. Then he usually had a huge headache for about three hours.

Now back to Ukyo. The manga version of his time with Ukyo was exactly like ,what Ranma had experienced -even the departure. That was ,what Ranma didn't understand. Why did Ukyo run after him and his father? And why did Ukyo cry? In that moment, the manga actually made sense. If Ukyo was a girl and he her fiancé, then Ukyo would have a reason to want to travel with them and cry ,when she couldn't. Ranma had to ask Ukyo about her gender ,if he met her again.

In that moment, Milan thought up a scene of ,what would happen ,if Ranma asked Ukyo that.

The scene

Ranma stood a few meters away from Ukyo.

Ranma wore his usual red chinese shirt and his black kung fu pants.

Ukyo wore her okonomiyaki chef clothes. Her giant spatula was strapped on her back. She glared at Ranma. "I've trained hard, Ranma Saotome. Just for one thing. I'll make you pay for what you did to me all those years." Ukyo grabbed some mini spatulas and threw them at Ranma.

Ranma dodged the spatulas. "Spatulas? Now, I remember. You are Ukyo Kuonji."

Ukyo's glare didn't soften. "Yeah, jackass. I'm Ukyo Kuonji and I'll take out my revenge."

"I really missed you on the training trip. I didn't want to leave you."

Ukyo stopped her next attack. "You mean it?"

Ranma nodded. "I'm glad we met again. I hope I don't have ta leave you again. All the time, I asked myself one question." Ranma walked towards Ukyo.

Ukyo asked herself, what the question could be. A million thoughts came to her. "Maybe he knows that we are engaged. Maybe he will ask me ,if I want to marry him." The thoughts of revenge were suddenly gone. She imagined Ranma holding her hands, kneeing in front of her, looking her deeply into the eyes and asking, if she will marry him. She blushed furiously, when Ranma really held her hands. Her imagination seemed to become true.

Ranma took a breath in, while Ukyo held her breath. "Ukyo,..."

Now it would come.

"... are you a boy or a girl?"


"Are you a boy or a girl?"

Ukyo slapped Ranma hard, so that Ranma fell on the ground. Ranma wet in his pants from all the anger from Ukyo.


Ranma shuddered after he saw the scene. He swore he could almost feel the slap from Ukyo. One thing ,Ranma knew for sure, was that he would not ask ,if Ukyo was a boy or a girl, when they met again.

Ranma shook himself. It was just a scene Milan thought up. Ranma looked at sign that led to Nerima again. He continued to look at the sign, while he thought ,if he should go there. He curious about Nerima. He knew the anime and the manga version of Nerima, but not the 'real' one.

Then there was also Milan's opinion on the mattter. He was curious, too. He expected Nerima to be like the before Ranma came, though he didn't know for sure.

In the end, Ranma's decision was clear. He went to Nerima. Ranma cut the Live-Link, so that he would be able to concentrate ,when he arrived in Nerima.

On the way to Nerima

Milan had been in Ranma for two and a half years. During those years, he didn't do nothing. He practised a few techniques and did some experiments with his soul and his hyperspirit. Besides of that, he watched Ranma. Every second. Every movement. Every change in his behavior.

And Ranma's behavior did change. His grammar got worse since the memory link began to exist and Ranma became more easily angry. That shouldn't have happened. Milan had added certain programs to the Krzubon Bavliqum Zeuchii to prevent that. For example ,there was a program that filtered out all emotions from the memories (if there were any emotions) that were sent to Ranma.

Milan searched for the cause.

First ,there was Milan himself. During the first weeks, he made Ranma angry on purpose ,so that he would to get out fast ,which worked quite well. After the tests, Milan and Ranma didn't speak much with each other. Then ,after Ranma met Tenchi and Katsuhito, Ranma tried to use the Live-Link more often and he got used to Milan. Ranma found Milan weird ,but he didn't hate him. So he ,at least as a person, wasn't the reason (anymore).

Ranma's missing father was a reason for that change. He missed his father. Sure, Genma wasn't a good father ,but he was Ranma's only father. Ranma loved him and wanted to be with his father. He needed him and searched for him desperately ,so that he got angry sometimes ,when people said that they had seen him and added that he had already gone though. Then he learned the truth about his father and why he was gone. At some point, Milan actually told Ranma what happened. Ranma was angry at first ,but in the end it was noted down as a good thing that Milan just told him the truth. Ranma asked him why he told him. In response, Milan shrugged. He felt that it was the right time for that truth. The search continued and Ranma definately wanted to have a second chance with his father.

Milan wasn't content with what he found out. He felt that there was something else besides the thing with Genma. He had searched for another reason. He checked Ranma's memories and found the main problem. It was the normal memory link. When Milan constructed the link, he gave Ranma one part (the Krzubon Bavliqum Zeuchii), which was Ranma's memory key. The memories came to the sword and send them then to Ranma. That wasn't the problem though. It was his part of the link. He didn't care much about his part of the link. He just let stay somewhere in his soul. That proved to be a big mistake. One of his sub personalities, that consisted of mostly of the hate of thousands of demons, angels, demon lords and gods at him (we just call it the Dragon of Rage), picked the link up. The Dragon of Rage had a plan. It couldn't get out, but it could influence Ranma, and project it's personality on Ranma, so that it could attack Milan from the inside and from the outside and kill Milan. First, Ranma had to be mentally weakened and then killed though. The tool ,the Dragon of Rage used to weaken Ranma, was the memories.

Milan had to stop that of course. If somebody killed him completely, he would thank the person shortly before he died, but he didn't want Ranma to be mentally killed by the Dragon of Rage, so Milan had to find a solution. He would normally go find the Dragon of Rage and kill it, but he found out that the Dragon of Rage was a part of his hyperspirit ,that couldn't be destroyed for some unknown reason. So the Dragon of Rage was as immortal as him.

So Milan had make the normal memory link weaker, since elimating the Dragon of Rage was not possible. Unfortunately, 50 years a week was already the minimum. His and Ranma's soul were bound together. He had been trying to find a solution for two months now.

Milan had to think of a solution. "Two pools and one dam. A frozen ocean, kilometer thick ice and some water and a small puddle filled with clean water. A small hole in the dam. Dirty cold water comes to the puddle. No it doesn't. There is hole on the ocean side. It's on the ground. The water flows down and not to the other side. It becomes ground water. No. It flows further down ,where there is no water yet. All the water drained away. The ocean is gone. The onlookers only see leftovers but no ocean."

Then Milan snapped out of his little thought. "Hey ,that might work. If I transform my soul energy into hyperspirit energy, my soul becomes smaller. I could also send hyperspirit further down and see, if there is a stage of life under the hyperspirit. In theory, I would be only a hyperspirit and something lower than that, maybe isospirit, without body and soul ,if I took it to the extreme. Very, very interesting indeed. Let's see if my theory is correct."

Milan transformed his soul energy into hyperspirit energy. "ISOSPIRIT TRANSFORMATION!"

Near Nerima

Ranma had nearly reached Nerima, when he felt something in him change.

The normal memory link became somehow quieter. Before it was like the memories shouted only a few meters away with all their power. Many voices of many different people, all in all it was very distracting and Ranma could only understand the basic topic of those voices. Getting details out of the incoming memories was hopeless.

Now, there were less voices, maybe twenty, and they were far more distant, compared to how it was before, maybe forty meters instead of those few meters. Each five seconds, one voice disappeared. After a while, there was no voice, just silence. Ranma waited for the memory link to come. He began to get creeped out by that silence, when the silence stayed.

Ranma opened the Live-Link. "Whatever you are planning, Milan, stop it. Those experiments of yours are not funny."

Ranma heard a tired Milan. "I wasn't planning on holding that much longer anyway and especially not that deep."

"What were ya doing anyway that ya so tired?"

"I dissolved my soul. That was the reason the memory link and for a short amount of time also the Live-Link didn't exist. I know what happens during and directly after I use the Isospirit Transformation. I wonder though what the long-term effects are."

Ranma became nervous. "Long-term effects? Like what?"

"Maybe I can destroy the links."

"That would be great."

"Or there could be a soul vacuum that kills your soul, when I'm in you." Milan felt Ranma's fear. He didn't want to die. "Don't worry, it's just a bit pain ,when your soul dies, but you would survive - except of course, if the core of your soul, the hyperspirit, gets damaged. Then you would die in a huge spirit and hyperspirit explosion and you could never ever reincarnate like a normal order being could."

"Then do that outside and not inside of me!"

Milan nodded inside of Ranma. "Sure. Maybe."

"What's that s'posed to mean ?!"

Unfortunately, Milan had already cut the Live-Link and wasn't listening to Ranma anymore.

Ranma was left alone.

In Nerima

Ranma was walking on a street. He had seen many people in Nerima, but he had met nobody from the anime or manga so far.

Then Ranma came to a familiar looking place. "That's the place where 'me' and 'Pops' have fought. Okay, does the timeline wanna prove that it's an anime, or what?"

Of course, the last question was only meant sarcastically, but the timeline answered the question anyway in it's own unique way. With a loud female moan.


Ranma blushed beet red, when he heard that. He had an idea of just what the woman was doing at the moment thanks to Milan's memories.

Ranma then ran away still completely with a full body blush. He wanted to get those nice images out of his head. Then he hit himself in the head. He wasn't supposed to think like that yet.

Sometime later, when Ranma recovered from that little scene

Ranma was walking again, when he heard the sound of children playing. He went to the source of the sound.

It was an elementary school. Some children were running around on the schoolyard. There were some groups of boys and girls. Some children sat on the benches eating lunch. Just when he finished that thought, his stomach growled.

"Are you hungry ?"

Ranma turned around. His eyes widened, when he saw the person who asked him. It was... "Akane ?"

"Yes, that's my name." Akane looked curiously at Ranma. "Have we met before?"

Ranma thought about the animes and mangas. "Erm, no." He gave Akane a weak smile.

"You are hiding something. What's your name?"

"Ranma Saotome."

"Like in Genma Saotome ?"

Ranma couldn't believe it. "Pops is here?"

"He was. He was here shorthly before our mother's death and and he was at her funeral with us." At the end, tears came out of Akane's eyes.

"I am sorry. I didn't want to make ya cry. Of course, I shouldn't have said that."

Akane's mood changed fast from sadness to anger. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ranma didn't notice the danger ,he was in, and the famous foot-in-mouth-disease did the rest. "Girls cry, when they are sad. Guys don't.

Akane gritted her teeth and was ready to summon her Mallet-sama for stupid boys and perverts for the first time. "Is that so?"

Ranma ,still oblivious to anything going on around him, nodded. "Yes."

"RANMA NO BAKA!" Mallet-sama appeared in Akane's hands. She swung her instrument of punishment at Ranma, so that Ranma could test Akane Air for the first time. Akane saw how Ranma flew away. "That idiot. He deserved that." She nodded content with what she had done.

Akane turned around. The girls clapped, while the guys gaped at her.

In the air

Ranma thought about how he came in that situation. First he made an excuse. Then he explained it. In the end, he was hit for no reason.

"That hurt! That stupid tomboy! I didn't do anything! I even apologized for somehow reminding her of her mother's death!" Ranma's rant continued until he noticed something unusual. His anger was replaced with confusion. "How come I'm still in the air?"

"It's because of an anime law. You said something stupid. That girls cry and guys don't."

Ranma nodded in not really understanding. "What's with the anime law?"

Milan mentally shrugged. "Females get a righteous female fury anger power bonus ,when a guy does something stupid."

Ranma's eyebrow twitched. "Okaaaay. You expect Me to believe that."


"Ya know this make about as much sense as this world being an anime."

"So everything I said was right."

"Ya plain insane."

"Shouldn't you work on your grammer again?"

"Yeah. I work on it." Ranma waited for a seconds, but he didn't feel the impact on earth. "Why haven't I landed on the ground yet."

"You think."


"Time slows down when you think. So stop thinking." Ranma was confused. "Now prepare to land."

"What!" Ranma looked down. He was about to land in a school or more precisely the Furinkan High. Directly under him, a group of students were practicing kendo and he seemed to fall on the captain of the kendo club.

On the ground

While all the others were praticing, one guy noticed a shadow. He stopped and looked up. "Hey, there is something falling from the sky."

The other guys stopped, too.

"It's true."

"Does anyone know what it is?"

"It's ... a boy?"

Ranma screamed at Kuno. "Get the hell outta the way!"

Then Tatewaki Kuno turned around. "Who dares to interrupt the kendo team of one Tatewaki Kuno, the rising st"

Kuno couldn't continue his speech ,when Ranma fell on him.

"Thanks for the soft landing." Ranma grabbed Kuno's arm and pulled him up.

Kuno dusted dirt off him. Then grabbed a bokken. "I challenge you. What is thy name?"

Ranma blinked. "How did I get in this situation?" "Err"

"Wait. Is it not the custom to give one's own name first. Fine then, mine I shall give. I am the undefeated champion of this school's kendo club, the rising star of the high school fencing world, the sound of my voice strikes fear into the hearts of my enemies. My peers call me the Blue Thunder. Tatewaki Kuno."

A girl that that watched the scene looked at another girl next to her. "Blue Thunder?"

The girl shrugged. "Never heard of it."

Ranma sweatdropped. "That sounded strangely familiar. Those were the exact words from the anime. Only the age 17 was missing. Then it would be perfect. Should I take him serious now? Hey, Kuno didn't said Blue Thunder before. Maybe he only says that when I'm around. Hmmm..." Then Ranma mentally shrugged. "My name's Ranma Saotome. I am heir of the Musabetsu Kakuto Ryu. I accept the challenge."

So the fight began...

At the sidelines

There was a crowd around the two boys. They cheered. They wanted to see a real fight at the Furinkan High that was far too boring at the moment with the old principal gone.

So a fight between Kuno and a stranger was welcome. Some were for Kuno. Others were for Ranma.

"Kuno, beat the punk!"

"Boy, you can do it!"

"Never! Make serious Kuno!"

"Yeah, wipe the floor with the little boy!"

"You are doing good pigtail. Come on! We want more!"

Among the students were some students that wanted to place bets.

"100 Yen on Kuno."

"He will win for sure. 100 Yen on Kuno, too."

"Kuno will win, but I place 25 Yen on the boy. Just for fun."

"At least 100 Yen, you pussy!"

Near the boys, Nabiki was listening in to the conversation. Maybe she could make some money out of this. She observed the fight and was sure that Ranma would win. He looked relaxed and absolutely in control of the situation. Ranma only did so much that he wasn't hit ,but the others didn't see that. They probably thought that Ranma had been being lucky so far and that it was only a matter of time before Ranma was hit. She ,however, was observant enough to see that Ranma only toyed with Kuno ,who had already used his fastest strikes and his best combos, while Ranma looked like he had not reached his limit yet.

Such a situation just asked to be taken advantage of. "I have an offer. I bet 2000 Yen that the boy will beat Kuno in the next minute. If he gets beaten, I will give everyone who bets against me 3000 Yen."

The guys turned towards her. One guy spoke up. "If Kuno wins, we get 3000 Yen."

Nabiki nodded. "Everyone who bets against me."

Another guy continued. "And if the boy wins, we only have to give you 2000 Yen."

"That's right."

Many students hesitated first. It was much money, but in the end many students agreed. They were sure that Kuno would not lose against Ranma. Many students actually decided to bet ,because they could win more than they could lose.

Of course ,none of students won.

Kuno ran at Ranma and slashed at Ranma. Ranma evaded all attacks with ease. Soon Ranma became bored. Kuno always used kendo. He always used the same patterns with few variations. He always moved the same. In short, Kuno was predictable even when he increased the speed of the slashes. It was just big speech before with not much action following.

Consequencely, Ranma ended the fight soon. Fighting against someone ,who couldn't even touch or surprise him in any kind, couldn't make him better. Ranma jumped up and kicked him in head and Kuno was defeated.

The students ,that placed bets on Kuno, bowed their heads. They went to Nabiki and gave her their money.

Nabiki ,on the other hand, was grinning. She had 20,000 Yen at the moment and there were still a few students that still had to give her money. That was good day and she had the idea of making betting pools on fights in the schools. That whole action just went so well. She really had to thank Ranma. Nabiki looked from the money and the students to the spot ,where the fight occured. She hoped that Ranma would still be there, but he was already gone.

A few hours later

Ranma was hungry. His stomach growled. He was at the market place. He glanced at booths. Then his stomach growled again. He couldn't concentrate with his hunger and those memories. So he bumped into someone and he and the other person fell on the ground.

Ranma looked at the person and it was (SURPRISE! SURPRISE!) ....

"Kasumi? It's almost no surprise." Ranma mumbled ,so that Kasumi couldn't hear it. He got up and helped Kasumi get up. They picked up the groceries that fell out of Kasumi's shopping bag and talked a bit. When they were done, they faced each other.

"Thank you."

"No prob! Just one question. Are ya Kasumi Tendo?"

"Yes. How do you know? You told me that you have just arrived today."

Ranma had to think of an answer. Something better than from an anime. He scratched the base of neck. "Erm, it's like that. Em, I have heard of you. Yeah, that's it."

Ranma had told her nothing about how he knew her. So Kasumi tried to get some information out of him. She answered playfully. "I just hope you only heard good things of me."

"Of course! You are the nicest person on the world. Both body and soul. Ya helped that other Ranma. Ya won that contest at the beach. You-" Ranma stopped, when he noted, what he was doing. He added qickly. "That's what I heard."

Then there was silence. Kasumi didn't know what to think of Ranma's little speech. The first part sounded like a declaration of love like he fell for her on first sight. But then it sounded as if he would already know something about her or he couldn't have said 'body and soul'. Then it became even weirder, when Ranma said what she supposedly did. Ranma sounded quite sure of himself, but what he told was completely wrong.

Meanwhile, Ranma thought about his mishap. He mistook Kasumi for Kasumi. He mistook the real Kasumi for the manga version. Having Milan's thoughts certainly wasn't healthy. Reality and manga tend to get mixed up.

"So. Why exactly are you in Nerima?"

"Huh? Oh, I search my old man. Our fathers were friends."

Kasumi nodded. "I am heading home. Daddy should be there. You can follow me ,if you want. I am going to prepare dinner."

Shortly after Kasumi said dinner, Ranma's stomach growled. He blushed, while Kasumi giggled. "I think your stomach agrees."

So they went to the Tendo Dojo.

At the Tendo Dojo

Kasumi shouted. "I'm home. We have a guest."

First ,Soun came from the living room. Then Nabiki came from her room. Finally, Akane arrived ,too.

"Daddy, Nabiki, Akane, this is Ranma Saotome. Ranma, these are my father Soun and my sisters Nabiki and Akane."

The reactions were very different.

Soun's eyes widened. Tears came out of his eyes. Ranma was a good sign. He was a fine young boy and he would marry one of his daughthers ,so that the schools would be united.

Nabiki was interested in Ranma. She wanted to meet Ranma again, but she didn't expect it to be that soon. She wanted to talk with Ranma about the fight at school. It seemed though that there was more. Her father cried tears of joy and her sister Akane seemed to have already met Ranma ,too. There wasn't a good ending with the way Akane looked at Ranma.

When Kasumi left to prepare dinner, Akane crossed her arms under her breasts. "So you have really come here ,idiot."

"Idiot ? At least not pervert."

"Are you a pervert?"

"No! Of course not. I'm eleven."

"I'll watch you." With those words, Akane left.

Meanwhile, Ranma was left thinking about what had happened. After just two meetings, Akane had already thought that he might be pervert. If that continued, Akane would think ,he was a real pervert, when they met again.

"Next time, Akane will really think that you are a pervert."

"And why are ya so sure?"

"Because anime lines are usually ironic slash sarcastic bastards."

By now, Ranma had been nearly already used to those comments. So Ranma just shook his head.

Then Ranma heard an amused Nabiki. "In only one day, you have changed everything here."

"I guess."

"That was a good fight against Kuno by the way. I have to thank you for that."

Ranma shrugged. "He was just too predictable. He learned strikes and stances ,some good ones, but his style's too static. For what dya have ta thank me ?"

Nabiki grinned. "Come to Furinkan High again and you will find out."

Ranma thought about what happened in the anime. "Betting pools?"

Nabiki pouted. "Yes." She sighed. "So will you come anyway?"

"No. With my luck, Kuno will call me evil sorcerer or somethin."

"Why would he do that?"

Now, Nabiki was in information gathering mode. It seemed that everything changed just because Ranma existed. At the moment, Ranma had to come up with a good response. "He was unbeatable before?"

Nabiki nodded.

Ranma sighed in relief when he saw that.

"So why sorcerer?"

"Euh." Ranma thought about what he could say. "It's just a feeling okay. Look! I have ta talk with your father. It's important. Can I speak alone with him?"

Nabiki looked at Ranma and her crying father. That conversation should be interesting. "Fine. I leave."

Nabiki left the room and closed the door behind her. Then she placed her ear at the door ,so that she could listen in to the talk.

With Ranma and Soun

Soun hugged Ranma. "Wah! You have come here, Ranma. The schools can be joined."

"Hey! I ain't here cuz of that crappy engagement you and my father made." Ranma wrestled himself out of Soun's hug. He glared at Soun. "I ain't marryin' anyone."

Soun went to demon head mode. "Are my daughters not good enough?"

Ranma cringed. He waved his hand in front of him and shook his head. "Nnnnno no not at all. I dunno know any of them. I only search pops. Besides there is already someone."

"So then you have to get to know them. You will live with us. Genma will come here. You will marry one of my daughters and make her your woman. Then the schools are joined." Soun began to cry again.

Ranma shouted back. "Hell no! I only wanna see pops! I don't care about that engagement!"

"It's a matter of honor! The schools must be joined!"

Then there was silence.

Ranma didn't know what to say. Honor was important to him ,but it shouldn't be his whole life. He didn't want to have a life like the other Ranma. He didn't want to be pushed around by other people. He didn't want fiancées or rivals after him. He didn't want to be kept in a prison built of engagements made of honor. He didn't want to be honorable ,just so that other people could use his honor against him. He wanted to be free. The question was just how.

Ranma searched for an answer and found it in the memories. He smiled and looked up to Soun. "Yeah. That is a good one."

When Soun saw Ranma's eyes, he saw a lot of experience - far more than a child like Ranma should have. He unconsciously held his breath.

"I will do the honorable thing."

Soun relaxed at hearing that. "So you will"

"I will do what my heart says and live without regret."

"So what does that mean for the engagement ?"

Ranma continued to smile. "It means that neither I nor any of your daughters won't be forced on anyone." When he smelled the scent of Kasumi's cooking ,his stomach growled. "Uhm, I think we talked enough."

Nabiki quickly went away from the door, when she heard Ranma's foot steps.

She went to her room. She lay down on her and thought about what she should do about the pieces of information she knew.

She knew that there was an engagement. She, Akane and Kasumi were engaged to him ,though they didn't need to marry him ,which was good ,because she found him interesting and find out more about him. So she could do that and maybe decide to marry Ranma if he was good enough. That meant not only a nice body which Ranma definately had ,but also a strong personality. He needed to be able to stand up against her and help her in the business. (Nabiki wanted to be a business woman in the future and make a lot of money.)

At the moment ,Nabiki was quite happy with the situation. She had nothing to lose and Ranma could even turn out to be the right man for her.

Now ,what should she do with the information? Maybe she could sell the information. Nabiki blinked. Now that had potential. "The only thing that was still missing is a customer."

Akane came as if on cue from her training.

"Hey, Akane! I have some information that will surely interest you."

Akane turned towards Nabiki. "Then tell me."

Nabiki wagged her finger in front of Akane. "Not so fast. First, you have to give me 100 Yen."

"What ? Why should I?"

"It has something to do with Ranma."

"And why should I care?"

Nabiki grinned knowingly at Akane. "There is an important agreement between our fathers."

"And what is it?"

"100 Yen first."

Akane sighed. "I'll give it to you later."

Nabiki nodded and smiled. "You are engaged to Ranma. Congratulation."


Nabiki moved a hand over Akane's mouth. "Shhh! You are engaged along with me and Kasumi ,though we don't have to marry him."

"That's good but he better doesn't do anything perverted with you." Then Akane went to her room.

Nabiki muttered to herself. "What's the thing with perverted? Ranma is only about eleven or so." Then she shrugged. "Anyway, that wasn't bad for the first time. Maybe I should sell information ,too. I only need a spy network now. Wow, I get all those great ideas since I met Ranma. That would have never happened without him."

At the kitchen

Ranma shivered involuntary. He didn't know why but he felt as if he had changed the world for the worse.

He shrugged it off as something the memories did. He ignored the feeling and followed the delicious scent of Kasumi's food into the kitchen.

"That smells great."

"Thank you ,Ranma. The food will be ready in a few minutes."

With that, Ranma's unspoken question was answered. Ranma continued to watch Kasumi's elegant movements in the kitchen. "Euh, can I watch you ,ya know, how you cook?"

"Sure you can."

So Ranma watched Kasumi's dance in the kitchen. The sound of the cooking food, flowing water, slicing food, putting the food on the dishes and in the middle Kasumi. She moved elegantly. She was fast yet she was calm and always in control. She was like in the anime the beauty in the background. There was just something magical around her...

"Ranma, Ranma,"

"Huh? Wha?"

"It seems that you spaced out. I said dinner is ready."

Ranma scratched the back of his neck. "Oh, okay." Then Ranma left the kitchen.

After dinner

Ranma was sitting in the bath. It was after an exhausting day. For the first time, he felt as if he was really in an anime/manga world.

Akane could summon her mallet of doom and hit him directly to Furinkan High. It seemed that Ranma pushed exactly the wrong buttons. Maybe he should have a light sparring match with her ,though he would have to cut out the insults ,if he did that. The Akane in the manga/anime took them way too serious and he had the feeling that this Akane would react the same way.

Then there was Nabiki. She had the idea of making betting pools after she saw him fight against Kuno who used the same words as in the anime. Nabiki was clever but not that Ice Queen form Nerima like in the manga/anime. She still had a few years to go. Then again Ranma couldn't really judge Nabiki or Kuno. Those were only first impressions like with the others ,too. There were many differences in this timeline compared to the anime. So they could develop differently.

Later he met Kasumi who led him to the Tendo Dojo. She was really nice to him. They talked. It was relaxing to be with her. She just had that calm yet cheerful and somewhat magical aura. He noticed that when Kasumi prepared dinner. Some drool came out of his mouth at the thought of Kasumi's cooking. It was sooo delicious. It was by far the best he had ever eaten.

Ranma was tempted to stay in Nerima just because of Kasumi but then again he didn't really want to there. It was too strange to live in the same place as where the anime takes place and he definately wanted his life different than the anime/manga (especially the fiancées ,the curse and anything else that has to do with Jusenkyo).

Ranma stepped out of the bath, when Akane entered.

They both blushed. None of them moved. They stared at each other's bodies. Then they looked each other in the eye. They silently enjoyed the view.

Ranma was the first one who spoke up. "I think we should forget about that. I leave and you take your bath."

Akane nodded. "I think that's the best."

Ranma looked away from Akane. He passed her and was relieved ,when nothing went wrong. Then he slipped. He fell on the floor. Akane laid on the next to him.

Ranma tried to get up fast. There was nothing wrong with his right hand. It was on the floor. His left hand though... was on something warm, not really round yet and soft. "Oh-oh!"

Ranma squeezed just to make sure his assumption was right. Immediately, Ranma felt Akane's anger rising.

"You pervert!"

So Ranma's beating began.

A while later in the guest room

Ranma couldn't sleep. That was because of the bruises from the beating and because of the whole day. He really began to think that he was maybe in an anime world. Some events or persons were too similar to anime/manga. The only things that were really missing now to convince Ranma were Jusenkyo victims. He knew one thing for sure though.

"I ain't never ever coming to Jusenkyo."

B-Part: Arrival at Jusenkyo (Take One)

Somewhere not in Nerima in a forest

Genma was lost. Last night , he had drunk lots of sake. He wandered off somewhere ,when he was still drunk. So he didn't know where he was and how to get back.

Then Genma heard someone coming. He turned around and a boy with a yellow and black bandana. He carried a backpack and held a red umbrella in his left hand.

Genma approached the boy. "Hello ,boy! Do you know where we are?"

"Hiroshima, I hope."

Genma nodded. "Could you lead me there?"

"I don't know. My sense of direction isn't that good."

"I bet you will do well,... What is your name?"

"Ryoga Hibiki."

"I'm sure you will do well, Ryoga. Now lead the way."

"Are you sure?"


One hour later

"I have already seen that tree three times."

"I have told you that my sense of direction isn't good." Ryoga looked around. He saw a clearing. He pointed toward the clearing.

Both ran toward the clearing with Ryoga in the lead.

Then Ryoga saw that they headed toward a cliff. He stopped. "Genma-san, stop! There is cliff!"

Unfortunately for Ryoga, Genma heard him too late. Genma ran into Ryoga. Ryoga stumbled forward and fell.


Genma made a few steps toward the cliff. He looked down but he couldn't see Ryoga. He only heard angry 'bwees' of a small piglet.

Genma breathed a sigh of relief. "Good that wasn't me."

Unfortunately, he celebrated too soon. The ground he stood on broke from the cliff ,so that fell like Ryoga toward the cursed spring of drowned pig. He ,however, could avoid falling into the same spring by jumping from rock to rock away from the spring. Then he landed on a pole. He jumped to the next one and the next one. The third pole ,however, broke, sooo...


"That is only that lost boy's fault." Genma stopped ,when he noticed that he couldn't speak. He only growled. Genma looked down at himself. He had black and white fur. He didn't have hands anymore but paws. Genma saw his face on the surface of the water. He was a ... "PANDA?"

Two minutes later, the Jusenkyo Guide arrived with Ryoga in his cursed form on his arm. He explained the curse to Genma in Chinese.

Genma couldn't understand the explanation of the curse ,but he followed the Jusenkyo Guide ,when he made a gesture that Genma should follow.

After a short walk, they arrived at a small house. The Jusenkyo Guide doused them with hot water ,so that Ryoga and Genma reverted back to themselves.

"(Hot water reverts you back to your birth forms ,however only temporarily. Next time, you get splashed with cold water ,you turn into your cursed forms.)"

Ryoga nooded. Then he saw Genma's clueless look. "Could you repeat it in Japanese ,please?"

"You are customers from Japan." Ryoga nodded. "Very well. Hot water revert you back to your birth form but only temporarily. When you get splashed with cold water again, you turn into your cursed forms."

Genma raised a hand. "Can I ask something?"


"Where the hell are we?"

"We are in Jusenkyo in the Bayankala Mountain Range in the Qinghai Province of China."

"WHAT!" Genma looked angrily at Ryoga. "How lost can you get!"

Ryoga only looked embarrassed at his feet.

A while later

Ryoga and Genma wanted to get away from Jusenkyo as fast as possible. They were in their cursed forms ,because they took the way through the Amazon village. The Amazon laws were explained to them and both of them didn't want to marry one of the Amazons only to become a second-class citizen.

When Genma and Ryoga arrived with the Jusenkyo Guide at the Amazon village, there was a tournament ,though that didn't interest them much. They only wanted to pass through the village.

Then Genma's stomach growled. He looked for food. He saw a big banquet and began to eat.

Ryoga bweed. "Don't eat that! It's a prize for someone!"

Genma looked confused at Ryoga.

All the other people first looked at Ryoga and then at Genma.

The Amazons pointed their weapons at Genma.

Shampoo came ,too. She held her bonborris threateningly in front of Genma. "(You stupid animal ate my prize! For that I will kill you!)" She swung her bonborris at Genma.

Genma didn't know what Shampoo said but he knew that he was in trouble. He deflected Shampoo's bonborris. Then he quickly grabbed Ryoga. He hit Shampoo so that Shampoo had been knocked out for a few seconds. Then he activated the Umisenken and ran away.

When Shampoo get up again, Genma was nearly outside the Amazon village. He ran into a small boy ,who carried a bowl filled with hot soup. Genma turned into a human again. For a short amount of time, his Umisenken wasn't activated ,so that Shampoo could cleary see him. Then Genma activated his Umisenken again and fled. (1)

In the Amazon village

Cologne approached Shampoo. "(You know what you have to do ,Xian Pu.)"

Shampoo's face turned green. "(Yes. I have to find him and make him my husband ,because he defeated me.)"

Cologne nodded. "(Yes ,but there is a way out. You have to find man who is stronger than him or you can marry his son ,if he has one.)"

"(Then I will marry his son and come back soon.)"

In Nerima

Ranma laid in his futon and shivered. "Why do I feel like I'm one step closer to my life being like the anime?"

"I don't know but you shouldn't ignore the feeling."


"You shouldn't ask why in an anime timeline. You won't come up with a good answer. You should rather ask what."


"You got it!"



I hope you liked that version of Nerima. It wasn't the normal Nerima but a younger version where Akane isn't a boy-hater, Nabiki not the ice queen and Kasumi isn't like unmarried housewife. She still goes to school. I think I will Nerima Light or maybe Nerima Zero.

Wow, that's my longest chapter so far with over 9000 words ,yet I haven't reached the point where Ranma meets Genma again.

Nevertheless, I am content with the chapter. I have introduced Milan's permanent evil self (The Dragon of Rage). Ranma has met the Tendos and all of them will already know about the engagement in the chapter. Ryoga and Genma are cursed. Shampoo is indirectly already Ranma's wife. Ranma thinks that he is maybe in an anime.

So I can tick off some things on my to-do-list.

Introducing characters to Ranma
- Hinako, Milan, Tenchi, Katsuhito, Akane, Nabiki, Kasumi, Soun, Tatewaki Kuno, Ukyo (Done)
- Koji, Hild, Urd, Belldandy,..., Demitrius, Kyuubi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami,..., Ryoga, Shampoo, Cologne, Mousse,... ......I'm too lazy to write the rest.

Cursing people
- Pantyhose Taro, Ryoga ,Genma, Akane (Done)
- Ranma, Shampoo, Mousse (still without curse)

Girls that like Ranma/ are engaged to him/ will want to marry him for whatever at the moment
- Hinako, Ukyo, Akane, Nabiki, Kasumi, Shampoo
- You can guess how many I'll add. I give you a hint. It's something between 10 and 1000. I hope it isn't too much for Ranma.

Rivals that want to beat him
- Tenchi, Tatewaki Kuno ........Wow, that's weak. I'll have to do something about that.

Changing Ranma's character
- Ranma also fights verbal matches. He needs more experience in interacting with other people though.
- He won't let his honor become his prison.
- He won't take as much as shit from other people. He will try to solve his problems outside of fights ,too. (See first point.)
- Ranma's libido is and will be bigger than in the anime/manga ,because he already knows some highly x-rated stuff from Milan's memories. That will be a problem with the number of girls I have planned though ,since Ranma isn't as immune as the other Ranma to female charms ,because he can enjoy a female near him. (Hinako just to make it clear)
- There is also another advantage. Ranma is able to talk nude women ,though when the number of naked women increases, his ability to talk decreases.

(1) If you are wondering, why only Genma turned into a human and not Ryoga too, it's actually because Shampoo should become Ranma's fiancée. If Shampoo saw both Genma and Ryoga in their human forms, she would chase Ryoga and not Genma.

Now something that doesn't have anything or much to do with this story. Sometime ago, PEJP Bengtzone asked me if I wrote other stories. I think it's okay if I make this public.

At the moment, I don't write any other story besides 'Ranma -Dragon of Chaos', BUT I have a few ideas.

1) Ranma1/2-The Fairly OddParents-Crossover
Ranma can fight ,but he has many problems that he doesn't know how to solve. Ranma had a really hard life ,so he gets some help. He receives two fairy parents: Cosmo and his wife Wanda. They grant Ranma wishes with a few restrictions of course like Ranma's curse can not be cured with a wish. I think that many funny situations are possible and I might start writing something sometime.

2) Ranma's curse is locked
I shrug. It's more traditional. Ranma's curse is locked. The Liberation Kettle is destroyed. Jusenkyo is destroyed. There seems to be no way Ranma could ever get masculinity back. So what does Ranma do? He accepts that his manhood is forever lost and continues his life as a woman. BAH! Not this Ranma! The Ranma in that story has never really accepted the curse and does everything to get his manhood back. I think that that story would be darker than the other stories.

3) Four way crossover (R.5/SM/TM/O!MG)
The third idea is actually PEJP Bengtzone's idea. Ranma ,Usagi and Keiichi have heritage from Jurai and meet Tenchi. To be honest, I didn't think much about that. I'm sure it would interesting ,but like I said I haven't thought much about that story. There are no scenes in my head.

4) Ranma gets a second chance
After a series of tragic events, Ranma wants to commit suicid. Moments before he dies, an angel comes. The angel makes an offer. He could let Ranma die or give him a second chance in an alternate timeline. He would have no fiancées after him. He would have never been separated from his mother ,because she didn't let Genma on a training trip with her child. He would be 100% male ,too. Sounds nice ,doesn't it? Of course, there are some downsides, but ,feh, what could be that bad.
I found a similar story and I actually found it sad that that story wasn't continued. I thought the beginning was really great.

So that were my ideas. Maybe one of those ideas become my second story ,but my focus is still that story.

Next time: Ranma and Genma meet again. Then, there will be the second part of 'Arrival at Jusenkyo' with Genma, Ranma and maybe Ryoga - Arrival at Jusenkyo (The second time around). At least I hope I get there.

Praise me, criticize me, everything is welcome. JUST PUSH THAT REVIEW BUTTON!
