Disclaimer: do i really? again?
okay i write this stuff as it pops up in my head so yeah... nothing is really planned out... so even i dont know how this story is gonna turn out until i save it in my notepad...
remember to review woo and here we go...
"robin...robin..." Luffy repeats himself in a shushed voice talking in his sleep.
A warm and wet feeling could be felt down robins arm.
As Robin slowly opened her eyes, she could hear Luffy mumbling her name.
"Ah your awake" says a shrunken old bronzed man. He was hunched over and used a cane for support. He was only twice the height of chopper and wore a ragged orange coat and faded blue pants. His Beard the only hair on his head, could reach his toes.
"Where am i?" Robin asking the old man in a weak voice.
"Your on Tempest Island, you are very lucky to be alive, not only did you manage to survive the whirlwinds, but this young man here carried you on his back for two days through a harsh jungle, and a treacherous mountain pass, all in attempt to ask for my aid. He is very strong, this one"
"Yes... i know..."Was all Robin could muster as she fell back asleep.
"Yes, boioh?"
"How are the boy and woman doing?"
"The boy seems to have exhausted himself following my trail, and the woman... she'll make it but that blow did its damage.
This Lady wont be able to move around much for awhile."
"How did they even make it here?"
"I think a Hurricane may of blown them on here. There's no way to get across those whirl pools for another five years."
"Well tell the boy to come over to my place after he wakes. Ill feed him up and put him to work since I'm paying for their treatment."
"Oh and Here I thought you were doing this from the bottom of your heart?"
"Well your one to talk, giving me the bill just cause I let them in."
"You know the law, if you let anyone in our village.."
"Yeah Yeah, then your responsible for what happens to them."
Three Weeks Later.
"Oi Luffy your wife's calling you!"
"Hey I told you we're not married!"Luffy protested, his face bright-red, not from anger but embarrassment.
Luffy had been working as a farm hand for Mr. Caros, the man who took responsiblity for him and Robin. He had been told that he would need to work if he wanted to eat and sleep under a roof and not in the jungle.
"Whats up Robin?"
Robin is stuck inside the hut because her injury had punctured her inernal organs and was still healing. She was wearing a white vest that covered her bussom but revealed her bellybutton and shoulders. She also wore a grey skirt that was just off her knees.
She wanted to help Luffy but for some reason she could not use her powers.
"Luffy do you find it strange that we can't use any of our abilities?"
"Oh yeah the old man told me about it, he said that the ocean is in the sky?"
"I think i understand what your trying to say, because of the thick humidity of saltwater its like we're in the sea."
"Yeah thats it."Luffy then caught a wiff of somthing.
"Oh, That? Surge, the old man you were talking about is teaching me how to make some local foods."
"Smells good. You've become a really good cook, Robin." Luffy stated while slowly making his way towards the pot.
"Really? i wanted to try and cook something for you while you were out."
"Ow! Hot!" Luffy screamed as he grabbed his tounge.
Robin made her way towards him when she lost her balance.
a slight thud could be heard while Luffy now lays under her.
"Thehn mow tsu thsud thwe Moh Tharepul Thwovin(You know you shld be more careful Robin)." Luffy mummbled with his burned red tounge hindering his speach.
"Oohmhmhmh" Robin tryed her best to hide her laughter from him."
"here luffy let me get you some water... Hfff" Robin tryed to raise herself but her arms failed her when she tried to push herself upward.
Luffy saw this and pulled her back down close to him. Their eyes locked. Luffy slowly rotated and switched positions with her so now he was gazing downward at Robin. Her now pale face and deep eyes placed luffy in a trance. He slowly reached for her face and moved the hair that was covering portions of her from him.
Robin caught off gaurd could not help but notice that her heart was pacing, her head felt light, her breathing short, and a yearning for her captain. She however did not notice that Luffy was slowly lowering his face towards her own. When just then it happened again, the feeling she had felt back on the ship, an ethereal feeling of pure bliss and wonder, she brought her hands to his neck and wrapped them around. Luffy began to caress her neck, her shoulders, down to her finger tips, until his left hand took grasp of her right. He slowly rose himself while still holding Robin's hand and now lifting her to a sitting position by bringing his right hand from her lower back to her shoulders. He now lifted her bridal style while locking eyes,
followed by lockling lips. They made their way towards a bed in the far corner. He gently placed her down while he traced her body with his face, kissing her oh so often. Luffy took hold of her hand while he made his way to her lips. All robin could do was quiver inside while she felt him kiss her up and down her revealed body. As they began to expereince their new found passion and desire they did not notice a laughing old man outside the house, accompanied by Mr. Carros.
"Ha when I was treating that woman all that boy could do was blurt out her name in his sleep, and that woman would clutch that hat and hold on to it no matter what, and after seeing it was his i just had to do somthing for them."
"Well Surge old man I knew you were crafty but were those berries you mixed in that pot old man?
"Ah those boioh? Those are special berries that make you weak to your natural desire. That woman tasted them and then wanted that other boioh to spend time with, and when he tasted it he got weak for his desire for her."
"Ha well i guess i can let them have this old cot. Well long as Luffy dont mind working for me."
"Well boioh, lets leave them alone. Since they wont be going anywhere for awhile we need to respect their privacy because they're going to be living here from now on.
"Nami its amost five years now. We havent heard a word about them at all...I believe that they're alive but we don't know anything, and we can't dont anything about it. Will you come Back to bed?"
"Yeah.. i know that... I'll be back in bed soon. I just cant help but stare into the nightsky when theres so many stars"
"Mommy? Will you tell me story? I cant get to sleep since uncle Zorro's not here"
"Okay baby lets go to your room"
"Why do you and Uncle Zorrow always look sad when you hear the name Luffy or Robin?"
"Luro hey lets let your mom get some rest and I'll tell you a story"
"Okay papa."
"Yes Nami?"
"I miss them."
"I know."
"Ahh shit. I broke it. This was just another fake huh."
"Im Sorry Pirate Hunter Zorro! I was just trying to show off to my friends! I didn't think that Katana would cause you any trouble."
"Hey Brooks. could you do me a favor, and knock it off with trying to get this dumbass's girls panties."
"Ah as you wish Zorro"
"Lets get going Long-nose is expecting us soon, Chopper wants to bring us these roots we found from that thousand year old plant to him too."
"Oh, i need to poop"
"Man why did I let this guy travel with me" Zorro mummbled to himself. He then swung the broken Katana at the poor fool and sent them flying into the horizon.
"Oi Franky! Its coming close to that time again, Aren't You Suppose to be going to that Ussop-guy's house?"
"Yeah, Thats why im here, I need to stalk up on some cola for the trip"
"They must of been something to make you do this every year"
"Yeah they were real special alright, if I could id give up everything to have those two back... UWAHHHH"
Franky lets out his tears in remembrance of his missing nakama.
"sheesh you never change though"
To be continued?
Ahh that stuff surprised me.
I would never of thought Nami and Sanji would have a kid and he/she(still dont know if i want to make their kid a boy or girl)
would call Zorro Uncle.
Guess Zorro could be real softy too huh.
and that scene with Luffy and Robin dang... I was wondering if I would have to change the rating to M. lolz
Okay pplz Dont Forget to review and oh include in your review or msg me if you want the kid be a boy or girl... maybe im not talking about Luro? lolz Luro, LuRo.
and also throw me some cool names for some kids
untill next time ppl