Jason parked his bike on the side of the building and headed to the door of the studio. He was excited about seeing Serena. There was a lady at the reception desk when he entered. He didn't know whether to ask for Serena or just go find her. It made him nervous. The woman looked up at him and smiled warmly. Mina looked at him curiously and stood up.

"Hi son, can I help you?" She asked sweetly.

Jason fidgeted for a moment.

"I'm looking for someone." He spoke up politely.

"Who are you looking for?" Mina asked.

"I'm looking for Ms. Serena. Is she here?" He asked nervously.

"She is. Can you take a seat? She is in a class and I will let her know you're here." Mina said sitting back down.

Jason sighed and took a seat by that she pointed to and waited. The anticipation was getting to him.

Mina hurried down the hall to Serena's class, she popped her head in to see the girls taking a water break.

"Hey Sere! Got a minute?" Mina called

Serena pulled her attention away from her students towards the entrance of her class.

"Hey what's up?" She asked curiously making her way to Mina

"Well you have a visitor up front. A little guy…not sure if he's lost"

"Watch my class for a minute, I'll go check it out"

Serena's curiosity was peaked. She walked up to the lobby to see a familiar looking boy looking towards her expectantly. Before she could say anything he raced towards her and threw his arms around her waist.

"I'm so happy I found you!" came his muffled voice from her waist.

She was stunned this couldn't be Jason. She had secretly dreamt of him and his sister and father for so long. Of course she never told anyone and plus she thought it could just be just her subconscious making her wonder about the unknown.

"Jason?" She asked softly pulling away from him crouching to his level.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" He asked

"Of course I am! I'm just a little shocked….that's all…where's everyone else?" She asked hesitantly

"Well dumb Cynthia doesn't matter. Jamie is at home and Daddy is at work." Jason ticked off

Serena was kind of taken back she was expecting that. So, he basically had snuck away from home and his family had no idea he was gone. What about the baby she wondered. She didn't dare ask. She had practically stayed off the radar where Darien was concerned. Nathan never said anything about it and they stayed to themselves and it worked better that way.

"Jason how did you find me love?" She asked curiously ruffling his hair.

Before he could answer his stomach growled loudly and he blushed slightly at the interruption.

"Hungry? Well let me go tell my students to go home and we will grab some food. Then you can explain to me what's going on." She suggested.

She stood up and stretched. Jason agreed eagerly and took one of her free hands as they headed down the hall to her classroom. He was so excited! This was working out better than he hoped. When they entered the room the girls were going through their routine as Mina 8-counted them off. She song was ending soon so Serena and Jason stood off to the side. Her mind was racing a mile a minute as well as her heart. She was anxious about seeing Darien again and she wasn't sure what to expect. She had spent the last year trying to forget him and it wasn't easy. She was preoccupied a lot and Nathan was always worrying about her but she assured him she was fine and just a little stressed from the dance studio and traveling. Her career was booming and she loved it. The publicity from her MTV gig had really boosted her dance studio she started. She knew she couldn't go work for anyone else so she had to do it herself. It brought her so much success and feeling of worth but it was a little stressful. She was grateful to have Mina as a partner and help. They were able to book the other studio rooms out to other dance instructors and fitness instructors so it was great. Nathan also helped her with a lot of the financial book keeping and a great partner for when it came to teaching a lot of the couples dances like the tango, salsa, classic ballroom and etc.

By the time she finished wrapping up her class and grabbing her coat, Jason was dancing around the room excitedly telling her all the things he had been up to.

"Well hun it's time for us to go! We will get some food but I must contact your father and let him know where you are."

"That would be a great idea." came Darien's voice.