Hello once again my readers. Sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile, but luckily I started coming up with a lot of ideas lately. This fanfic is not going to be 1 chapter, but several this time. The amount of chapters is unknown at the moment. I hope you will enjoy this and if you will, review if you liked this. It makes me happy to receive feedback from my readers. By the way, the first chapter is the prologue, but is also important. Without any further ado, here is The Assassin.

About 5 years ago…

"Gregor Blake (I made up his last name, it won't come up much), age: 28, height: 6 ft 1, eye color: brown, hair color: brown, blood type: AB-. Is this correct?" A man in a black suit asked to Gregor while holding up his chart that he had recently filled out.

"Yes sir." Gregor responded keeping an expressionless face. The man in black stared at Gregor, then back at the clipboard.

"You have a AB- blood type, the rarest on earth. How do you have this?" The man in black asked as he fumbled through some pieces of paper.

"I have no idea, I guess I was just born with it I guess." Gregor answered.

The man in black sat in a seat and crossed one of his legs over. "Hmm, interesting. You were born and raised in New York City, am I correct?"

Gregor merely nodded and began to twirl a pen between his fingers. He turned his head and saw a picture of the current president on the wall. It was quite common in most building in Washington D.C.

"Your single?" the man asked.

"What's it to you?" Gregor retorted with an edge in his voice. The man glared back at Gregor, but he wasn't intimidated.

"It's easier to be on this job if you don't have a wife or family to worry you." The man answered back.

"Hmph" Gregor grunted.

"Well, I'll input the data in the computer and see if your eligible to enter the next qualification test." The man in black said as he got up and walked over to a computer that was behind the desk.

As Gregor sat patiently, he continued to twirl the pen through his fingers. It sure was quiet to Gregor. No one but him and the man were in the room. A single light on the ceiling made the room a bit eerie. The man in black rose and got Gregor's attention.

"Excuse me sir, it looks like you pass. Go on ahead through these doors and follow the path." The man said before sitting back down once again. Gregor gave a quick nod and passed through the double doors. The hallway was lighted more than the room. Bout ten lights guided the way to a large black door.

Gregor pulled on the brass handle and a shooting range appeared in his view. Another man in black walked up to him carrying a pair of earmuffs.

"Gregor Blake? Congrats on passing the first qualification test. The second will commence right away." The man said as he held out a sniper rifle. "Here. Go down to lane 8 and fire at the targets." Gregor took the rifle along with earmuffs and walked down to the lane. He noticed that a lane was actually a warehouse. Once Gregor got to lane 8, there was a pile of sandbags where he was supposed to stand behind. A voice came through an intercom.

"Okay kid. Your job is to shoot at the targets that will be released. The targets are actually remote controlled robotic dolls and are controlled by one human per doll. The are actually guns placed on the dolls that will fire at you. If you can destroy every doll without dying, you will go onto hand-to-hand combat. Good luck, and try not to get killed." The intercom buzzed to Gregor.

"Hmph." Gregor responded as he put on the earmuffs. He positioned the rifle into a shooting position and waited as his finger was touching the trigger. The buzzing in his veins of the rager started to gradually increased.

A bullet suddenly flew past him slowly. The bullet showed the target's position and Gregor swiftly took it out. Another doll shot it's gun at Gregor, but it was useless since it was taken out. The dolls seemed to move slowly to Gregor, but he knew it wasn't them; it was the influence of the rager. Before a minute was up, all 125 dolls were destroyed, and Gregor stood in the middle unscathed.

"My god…" The guy on the intercom said. Gregor smirked at his success. He threw the rifle down along with the earmuffs and walked towards the next door of his qualification test.

"Does this mean I pass this test?" Gregor asked as he folded his arms and tapped his foot impatiently. The door opened a second after he said that. "I guess that means yes."

Gregor walked through the door and saw a mat with a fairly small circle in the middle; no more than a yard-and-a-half around. Gregor assumed that he was supposed to be in that spot, so he stood in the middle of it. Another man in black started to walk up to him.

"Man, what's with these people and black?" Gregor thought to himself.

"Congratulations on the completion of the 2nd test. Now let us see if you can pass our hand-to-hand combat, you're hired. We will release men to attack you and you are to take them down without killing them." The man said.

"No problem." Gregor responded as he felt the buzzing in his veins once again.

"But there's a catch, you must stay in the circle at all times. If you don't you automatically fail. Got it?"

"Yeah, let's hurry this up, I'm hungry." Gregor said as his vision started to alter. The man just nodded and walked off shaking his head. The man opened the door and shut it. The lock on the door latched and the man stood behind a thick glass window. A ringing sound filled the auditorium, which surprised Gregor a bit.

Once the ringing stopped, most of the lights dimmed, although that didn't do anything to Gregor. About a dozen men ran at Gregor from each side ready to attack Gregor. Gregor smiled at they're feeble attempts and quickly threw the men down. Wave after wave of people rushed at Gregor, but all they received were severe blows to the body.

"He's a maniac!" A man said to his Commanding Officer. The Commanding officer just nodded and continued to watch Gregor beat up his men. The last man ran up to Gregor and was quickly kicked in the gut and thrown to the ground.

"Are we done yet?" Gregor asked as he folded his arms once again. The Commanding Officer pushed the button on the intercom.

"We've seen enough. Our officials has evaluated each of the tasks and are making they're decision." He said to Gregor.

"Well, make it quick, I'm starving over here!" growled Gregor as he began to pace in the circle.

"Don't get you're hair in a knot, we just got the decision." The CO (Commanding Officer) remarked. Gregor stopped pacing.

"Damn, that was fast." Gregor said and folded his arms once again, waiting for the decision to be made.

"Hmm, congratulations. Looks like you are officially an assassin. Welcome to the government Gregor Blake." The man in black said through the intercom.