I decided to write this chapter even though I didn't get a single review for the last one which is just plain mean, people! If I didn't want any input I would have read the story to my cat, jeez! Let's hope you don't all fail in the review department this time around.
"It's unacceptable" Moody was saying from across the table, hands balled into fists, face twisted. Peter jumped, spilling butterbeer down his front.
"I don't see what other options we had" James jumped in, leaning forward. "We needed someone on the inside...we need to know what Voldemort is thinking... especially now."
All eyes turned to look at Frank Longbottom, slouched low a rickety chair, eyes bruised, a day old beard covering his still young face. The life of his son hung on the order's ability to stay one step ahead of the death eaters.
"All we could find of him were pieces."
Dumbledore was the only one who had remained calm, his expression thoughtful as he took in the others, listened to their arguments and reflected on yet another loss for the order of the phoenix. When the voices had risen to a level at which words were indistinguishable from one another, the headmaster raised his hand and the room fell silent. The old man's eyes did not sparkle but were flat and dark even as he spoke.
"Mr. Fenwick's loss is indeed most regrettable. He was a great man and a loyal wizard. But James is right Alastor, as I'm sure Mr. Fenwick would have agreed if he could have been here today. He knew exactly what he was doing and what the consequences would likely be. He gave up his life for the order and for that I honor him." Dumbledore raised his glass and the other's followed suit, murmurs running from one person to the next.
"And what comfort will Benjy's loyal sacrifice be to his family, I wonder?" he heard Emmeline Vance mutter to her neighbor. James flinched at the hostility and loss in his friends voice. He pictured the man as he had last seen him, leaning over Sirius' shoulder with a smile on his face. It had taken everything for him to get on the inside. And then he had been found in pieces. What had gone wrong?
James looked down at Frank's brave face. How could an infant come into the world with so much worry and fear? What was awaiting little Neville Longbottom?
"I'm sorry."
His friend nodded and James knew exactly how he felt. He knew that it could just as easily have been Lily.
Several people jumped as they heard the front door of the house crash open, a few even pulling their wands out from beneath their robes and jumpers, exchanging uneasy glances. Footsteps pounded down the hall and James knew just who it would be a moment before his friends appeared, red in the face and panting. Cries of shock and greeting were cut short as Sirius loomed ominously in the doorway, one hand clutching the frame, the other his side. James felt the panic threatening to overwhelm him. Sirius had been with Lily, which left very few possibilities.
"James!" Sirius said, finally catching his breath. "It's Lily!"
It was more than enough for every person in the room to understand. Hesitant congratulations rose as people checked their watches, wondered aloud about the date and muttered about the complications of this latest development.
"Who will be the chosen one?"
James felt his breath catch in his throat, choking him, somewhere between anger and excitement. His eyes met Dumbledore's and the older man's face reflected his own feelings and concerns. Frank was looking almost hopeful, sitting straight in his chair for the first time in hours, and James couldn't blame him. He would give anything to ensure that it was not his own child who was doomed to the words of the prophecy. Sirius was gesturing for him to hurry up and he felt hands pushing at his back, McGonagall urging him into action, doing her best to look happy for him.
He heard her before he saw her. He was a fool, spending so much energy and time on keeping Lily safe only to be the one to cause her so much pain. Every breath that she took tore through him like a knife as he found her hand with his.
"I'm here."
Her green eyes were unfocused. Sweat beaded her fair skin, her pale cheeks had turned red as she clutched so tightly to his hand and Moony's, who looked as if he would like nothing better than to walk away but James knew that he would never do it.
Her breathing eased momentarily and he reached out, brushing a thick wad of red hair out of Lily's face. Her eyes were closed and her head back.
"It's too early."
He could hear the fear in her voice but he couldn't give in to it. He couldn't admit that he himself was just barely dangling on the edge. He drew steadying breaths. Everything would be alright. They were alive, Moony and Padfoot hovered uncertainly nearby, sharing their anxiety, Wormtail was waiting in the hall. He pressed his lips to her forehead.
"No. Lily. It's not. This is how it has to be."
Her eyes opened, taking longer than normal to find him, glazed over.
"July is about to end." Her voice broke.
"I know."
"I don't want this!"
He leaned close to her again, so close that he could feel the heat that radiated from her, taste the pain that she was experiencing.
"Your about to have a baby Lils, our baby, the most beautiful baby in the world." He paused, choosing his words carefully. "And he might be the chosen one, and maybe, just might do what we have been trying to do all along. It might be our child who will someday take on Voldemort and put an end to all the death and destruction."
He didn't know if it was the right thing to say, and he had no idea what it would mean for him, and for Lily, but it was the truth.
"So what do you think?" She was nervous, exhausted and expectant. James leaned over and kissed her. The bundle in her arms squirmed restlessly as they all gazed down at it in awe. Moony sat on the end of the bed, with a look on his face as if the baby might bite him. Wormtail stood a ways apart as if he had never seen a baby before. James felt Padfoot's hand on his shoulder as his friend leaned in for a closer look.
"Holy crap! It's miny James" he exclaimed, breaking the tense atmosphere, leaning in to embrace the new mother, father and child. His excitement was infectious. Lily's eyes were hopeful as James watched her with their child.
"What should we name him?" he asked her, knowing she wouldn't bring it up herself.
"I... I like... Harry. What do you-?"
"I love it"
Sirius was grinning from ear to ear, his new status as godfather lighting his handsome face. "Harry Potter!" he cried out, lifting his arms in a cheer.
The door opened and a pretty dark head appeared with a bright smile on her soft lips.
Her own child was nustled against her chest, a drizzle of dark hair visible above the blankets.
"There's a whole lot of people here to see you" she told them, "but the nurse says that were not all allowed in at once." The young woman rolled her eyes as if the rules were beneath her and ducked from the room to wait.
The smile faded from Lily's pretty face as their friends followed Alice from the room to make space for other visitors, taking the joy with them. They both gazed down at Harry, trying to picture his future, and their own.
"What if-? Lily began to ask, her eyes pleading, but she broke off, unable to continue.
James brushed a hand lightly over his son's sleeping face. He had a son. "It doesn't matter right now Lily. It just doesn't."
Her vague smile was a familiar one, the same look that she had often given him at school, when she had believed him to be ignorant, but she didn't contradict him.
"I never knew it was possible to love this much" she told him, eyes on Harry.
James grinned, taking in the familiar set of her chin and curve of her neck, her flowing red hair and the color in her cheeks. "I did" he replied simply.
This was not my favorite chapter, I much prefer the battle scenes and I thought this one was pretty cheesy, I just didn't know how it could any other way so I went with it. Looking forward to reading your reviews. Hint! Hint!