The very next day, Light was trying to investigate some new occurrences in the Kira case, but L wasn't really helping. In fact, L was crouching on his chair in his usual way, staring straight ahead, thinking.

"Oi, L, I could use some help over here."


"…L?" Light was really hoping that L wouldn't fall asleep again.

"Light Yagami…"


"I want to play a little game."

Light was sort of confused. He was beginning to suspect that L had, in fact, fallen asleep.

"What kind of game?" Light asked.

"I want you…to kill Matsuda!"


"You have until 6:00, or else I will kill you."

Light was now fairly certain that L was asleep again. He shook his head and tried to ignore the maniacal laughter coming from the seat next to him. This was not as easy as it sounds.

"When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth!" L groaned and moaned and made several other zombie noises, and then he began to eat Light's ear. L thought it was tasty, for he was a zombie.

'Just ignore it…just ignore it…' Light chanted to himself. He was very relieved when zombie L stopped eating him.

Then L took out a magnifying glass and put on a trench coat and fedora. I do not know where he got such objects. L began to smoke a pipe, for all detectives smoke pipes.

"It's elementary, my dear Watson." L pet Light on the shoulder, then roundhouse-kicked him into next Tuesday Chuck-Norris-Style. Somehow, Light remained unharmed and stayed in Friday.

Light decided now was the time to run away.

But that didn't work, because suddenly the whole room filled up with water!!!

…no your not supposed to believe this.

L became a mermaid and started to sing. Yeah. Light didn't get a chance to take a breath before going under water, so he was too distracted to notice that L had a lovely singing voice.

The water began to drain away, leaving about half the room full of water, ¼ of it empty, and ¼ of it filled with a confused Matsuda.

"Eep! Shark!" L swam to Light and hugged him.

"A shark! Where?" Light was panicking, sharks aren't good. (Stating the obvious.)

The shark began swimming towards the two, then came out of the water to show it's face.

The shark was Matsuda.

The water drained away, and Masuda exploded.

L stood up, dusted himself off, turned to Light and said,

"It appears I have fallen asleep again. I apologize."

Light wiped off some off Matsuda's brains that had fallen on him.

"I'm Kira. I'm going to go kill myself now." Light left.

"I didn't think it would actually work." L smiled.