Good evening everyone!! It is I Burning-Candlelight and I am trying my hand at another Charmione fic woop!! I know many people who have read my first Charmione fic 2 weeks in Romania were expecting some sort of a sequal and I was trying to make one but no inspiration came. However this story popped into my head when my cousin told me that she is expecting a baby and I just had to write my ideas down. I'm not sure yet if it's going to be a long fic, I hope it is but who knows lol. I hope you enjoy my second attempt at a Charmione fic and please ENJOY!

Disclaimer: If I owned this I would die happy, but I don't so sadness all around!

The Unexpected Baby

Chapter One: The Reunion

"There she is," Charlie Weasley whispered to himself as his childhood home, the Burrow, appeared into view. A smile rested upon his face as he smelt the familiar smell of the wild flowers covering the nearby fields. He chuckled lightly as he walked past the tree that he and his older brother Bill used to climb on all of the time. As he walked up the aged dirt path to his home a large drop of rain splattered on his nose. His spirits lifted higher than the highest clouds as he opened the front door and announced in a loud voice, "I'm home!"


Something was interrupting her thinking. A soft tapping noise, a noise she'd heard many times before. Looking over towards the rain soaked window she spotted Eric, the new family owl of the Weasley family, sitting neatly on the window ledge. He was a polar opposite of Errol, the old owl which the family had owned for longer than Hermione cared to remember. Errol would have crashed through the closed window instead of tapping on it. Hermione got up from her chair and wandered over to the window and let the bird in.

"Hello Eric, long-time no see," she said to the owl as she gave him a treat. The owl hooted happily as it held out its leg for her. Hermione took the note and once she unfurled it the owl flew over to rest upon one of her many filing cabinets. Hermione started to read the slightly damp parchment.

Dear Hermione,

We are having a little family reunion tonight in our house. Charlie has returned home from Romania for a long holiday, I'm ever so glad, you have no idea how much I worry sometimes. If you can, it would be great if you joined in with the celebrations. I know you're a very busy woman these days but if you could find some time we would be overjoyed if you could come.

Send your reply back with Eric. Hope to see you soon,

Molly x

Eric flew back down to her and looked at her expectantly. Hermione had to think for a moment, she had lots of things she had to do today. As she thought it occurred to her that she hadn't seen many of the people she cared about most for well over a month and a half. Being the youngest ever Healing Consultant at St. Mungo's was a gruelling job, with long hours and hardly any free time. Because she was the youngest out of all the consultants they placed the most responsibility on her as she apparently had more stamina than they did. Well no wonder as they were all well over 60 years old.

"Here you go Eric and have a drink of water before you go," she said rather lovingly to the waiting owl. Eric took her reply, took a drink of water out of a bowl Hermione conjured up and took flight. As she watched the owl fly off into the distance the door to her office flew open and a number of flustered looking trainee Healers stumbled into her presence.

"Healer Granger we have an emergency!" yelped a young man who looked no older than she did.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked, immediately jumping into action.

"A witch has just come in with a severed leg and shoulder!" a young woman practically screamed, "We need your help!"

"Who is with her now?" Hermione asked importantly.

"Healer Cummings is with her but he is having no luck, he specifically asked for you!" Hermione nodded her head, grabbed her wand and walked swiftly out of her office, leaving her research lying dormant.

"Ginny darling, how are you?" cooed Molly Weasley as her daughter and her husband Harry Potter arrived at the Burrow. Ginny smiled warmly at her mother and rubbed her swollen stomach.

"I'm feeling great. I'm 16 weeks now," she said proudly as her mother led her into the living area to sit on a comfortable chair. Molly started to ramble as she sat down beside her daughter. Harry smiled at the two women and went into the kitchen. Almost everyone was there, Bill and Fleur with Victoire, Percy and Audrey, Ron and Lavender, Fred and George, Arthur and Charlie.

"Charlie! Nice to see you again mate," Harry said and he strode over to shake Charlie's hand. Charlie grinned at him, took his hand and winked.

"Good to see you too...daddy!" Charlie had heard the great news of Ginny's pregnancy from a letter his mother had sent to him and he couldn't believe that his little sister was going to have a baby. Harry flushed lightly as ran a hand through his already dishevelled hair.

"How does it feel then?" Charlie asked feeling the excitement of the whole thing flutter in his chest. Harry gave him a lopsided grin and muttered, "Weird. You should go in and see her; Molly has her on the sofa. It's like she doesn't want her doing anything at all. " Charlie laughed, rolled his eyes and then left the kitchen to go and see his expecting sister. Harry looked around the room again and couldn't help but realise there was a face missing.

"She's coming after half past 8," Ron informed him as he clapped a hand onto his best friends shoulder. Harry looked at him in mild alarm.

"You mean she can actually make it?" he said, genuinely stunned.

"Yeah she said something about being able to put her research on hold just for one night, but that she has to take a class from 7 to 8. After that I guess she'll head back to her flat, get ready and actually come here," Ron mused as Lavender giggled slightly.

"I haven't seen her in a long time," Harry said rather glumly as he and Ron went into the living area. Ron agreed with him and sat down heavily on an empty armchair.

"She's just incredibly busy. Lavender and I asked her out to lunch a couple of weeks ago but she turned us down as she had to go to some conference and then meet a bunch of patients. Do you remember when she was still studying to become a Healer?" Harry's eyes widened a bit as if he were remembering something particularly scary and looked at Ron.

"Well she's about ten times worse now. When they gave her that Consultant spot it was like the final nail in the coffin. On average I'd say she gets home every night around about midnight. The other consultants won't help her at all," Ron said in a hushed tone. Harry grimaced; he'd been so involved with his wife's pregnancy that he was out of loop with how hectic Hermione's life had become. Just as he was about to say something Charlie made a loud, disgusted noise and started laughing.

"Ginny I didn't need to know that much!"

She sighed heavily as she threw her heavy bag into its usual corner beside the front door. She took off her white consultant jacket and hung it up on its usual peg and wandered into her kitchen to get a drink of water.

"What have you been at today?" she asked the black ball of fur that ran up to meet her at the sink. The tiny kitten meowed at her and started to rub up against her ankle.

"You slept on my bed again? You are a naughty kitten aren't you," she said happily as she finished off her water, picked up the kitten and went into her bedroom. On her bed lay another cat which was white in appearance but had grey fur on its paws.

"You are setting a bad example," Hermione laughed as she placed the kitten down beside the other cat that was now looking at her sleepily. She went to her closet and started looking for something appropriate to wear to the Weasley family home. Once she found a half decent navy dress she slipped it on and started to brush her long, partially curly hair. Her flyaway birds nest hair was long gone. Once she became a Healer she saved up some money to get her hair permanently tamed. It had taken the hairdresser 60 minutes to tame it completely and once she'd completed her task Hermione's hair had turned into gorgeous, natural curls. She could now do anything with it and today it was semi straight and curled near her shoulder blades.

"I need you to be the baby-sitter tonight is that alright?" Hermione said to the white cat that was now cleaning itself. The cat looked at her thoughtfully and then meowed lightly. Hermione grinned faintly and then left her bedroom. As she walked across her living area she couldn't help but feel excited. Tonight she was going to enjoy herself and forget all about the stress that was awaiting her the next day.


"Hermione!" yelled Ginny as she opened the front door. Hermione smiled at her best friend as she was pulled inside. Warmth engulfed her as everyone came over to see her.

"We haven't seen you in a long time!" Fred and George exclaimed in unison as they each leaned on her shoulders. "You're just in time to see our latest invention!" Fred told her eagerly.

"Glad you could make it. I'm surprised St. Mungo's could let go of you for one night," Percy said to her as he shook her hand. Hermione let out a dry laugh, "I'm surprised as well, but you know as well as I do Percy that research can be put off for even a little while."

"Oh Hermione! I'm so glad you could come. I got your reply and I saved you some dinner, and you look like you need it. Have you been eating properly?" Molly said with gusto as she bustled over to the smothered Healing Consultant.

"Thank you so much Molly but I've already eaten. I grabbed a sandwich at the Hospital," Hermione chuckled as Molly grabbed her out of the crowd.

"Nonsense that won't fill you! Come I have it all set out for you in the kitchen dear," and with that said Hermione was forcibly dragged into the kitchen. In the kitchen stood Arthur, Harry, Ron and Charlie who were all chatting amiably about Quidditch.

"Hermione!" Arthur boomed as he spotted his wife forcing Hermione into a chair at the kitchen table where a knife, fork and spoon were already set out for her. Slightly dazed from Molly's actions Hermione got up from the chair and walked slowly over to the group of men.

"Good evening Arthur how's the sciatica?" she asked as she balanced herself against the kitchen counter. Arthur gave her a pat on the back and said with delight, "Haven't had any bother with it since you seen me Consultant."

"Hey Herms long time no see eh?" Harry said as he and Ron gave her a hug. Hermione sighed happily as she hugged her dearest friends. She was always thrilled and elated each time they met up as they reminded her of less stressful times. It also brought her happiness that she and Ron were still close, even after they had to put a stop to their relationship. Hermione was by no means the perfect girlfriend but when she was with Ron she was studying to become a Healer and this put a great amount of stress on their relationship. She was anxious and overwrought all of the time and one night she just cracked and they had to split up. However they were lucky enough to remain friends which pleased her.

"I know I'm a horrible friend right," she said with a chuckle as Ron and Harry both rolled their eyes at her. She grinned at them and then looked at the man standing behind them. He smiled at her broadly and ran a hand through his fiery red hair.

"Hello Charlie."

"Hey there Miss Consultant, how've you been?" Charlie asked her as she came over to give him a hug. They hugged for the briefest of moments and then looked at each other happily.

"I've been great thanks. I hear you've been keeping well. How're the dragons treating you?" Hermione asked him politely.

"I'm still alive so yeah they've been treating me well." Hermione chuckled lightly and was just about to say something else when Molly brought her food to the table and ordered her to sit down and eat.

"So then just as they were about to grab the egg it hatched! I've never seen two men more scared in my entire life and the dragon was harmless, it was one of those ones born without teeth!" Charlie told the group of people sitting in front of him. Everyone laughed joyfully and Molly went around and poured more drinks.

"Herms you must have some interesting stories to tell," Bill said loudly as he put his arm around his wife who was watching their daughter play happily on the floor. Hermione blushed lightly as Molly poured her some more wine.

"I have great stories however I am not at liberty to discuss them," she said officially as Ginny nudged her in the ribs.

"Oh don't be such a spoilsport," the pregnant red head moaned as she set down her empty glass of pumpkin juice. Hermione glared at her and then smirked nastily.

"Alright I've got a story for you; it's about Ginny's first baby check-up!" Ginny's face fell and she stared at Hermione.

"You wouldn't!" she said menacingly. Hermione smirked again and sipped on her wine. "I won't tell it if you retract your statement about me being a spoilsport!" Ginny pursed her lips and looked round at her eagerly awaiting family. She hadn't told them the exact truth about her first check-up and she didn't intend to, she'd just have to admit defeat.

"Fine you're not a spoilsport!"

"No but you are now Gin," stated Charlie mischievously. Ginny grumbled and crossed her arms over her stomach causing everyone to laugh.

"You must have something you can tell us though," Charlie said to Hermione who was once again sipping on her wine. The Healer thought for a moment or two and then shook her head, "I can't, and it's against the rules. Healer patient confidentiality and all that."

"That's not fair!" Charlie moaned, crossing his arms and imitating Ginny which caused everyone to laugh again. After a minute or two of happy silence Ginny suddenly yawned and turned to look at Harry who was starting to look drowsy.

"I think it's about time we head home. Harry had a hard day at work today and I'm just knackered," she said sleepily as she poked Harry to waken him up a little.

"Yeah I think we should go too. It is way past this little one's bed time," Bill stated as he got up and picked Victoire off the floor. The little girl protested for a moment but then settled down into her father's arms. Bill, Fleur, Harry and Ginny bid goodbye to everyone and then made their way to the fireplace in the kitchen.

An hour later Fred and George also decided to go as they had to get up early in the morning to get a portkey to Germany for a business meeting. After they left Molly went and sat beside Hermione who was now feeling rather tipsy.

"Why don't you stay here tonight dear, it means you can keep having fun with everyone. It's been a long time since I've heard you laugh and you seem to be enjoying yourself," the aging witch said to her in a motherly fashion. Hermione thanked Molly gratefully and accepted her offer.

"Then there were six," Ron said with a slur as his mother and father left for bed. Percy and Audrey, Ron and Lavender and Hermione and Charlie were left sitting in the living area with four full bottles of wine still left.

"I think we shouldn't let those bottles just sit there," Charlie said as he moved over to the table. He popped the cork of one bottle and started to pour the liquid into the waiting glasses. Hermione giggled as Charlie poured her a glass and then sat down beside her on the sofa. He placed his arm around the back of the sofa, making it seem like he was putting his arm around her and whether it was due to this thought or the alcohol Hermione felt her face burn red.

The night wore on and much laughing was to be heard from the living area. Hermione couldn't remember the last time she had laughed this much and she was so glad that Molly told her that she and Arthur were putting a silencing charm on their bedroom door.

"And then the minister walks in and catches them on his desk!" Percy stated in a shocked manner as he told the others a predominantly crude story about the Ministry.

"There I always though Susan Bones was a bit of a prude," Ron slurred as he patted Lavender on her knee. She giggled and shook her head, "Oh no she was always like that. In school she even got off with Slytherins. I only know this because she told me a couple of months ago when she, Parvati, Hannah and I went out for lunch."

Hermione couldn't help but let out some of her mortification, "I can't believe it! I always thought she was in a way, like me. She was always in the library!"

"Where do you think she did most of it?" Lavender said coyly, running her finger around the edge of her wine glass. The room laughed and Hermione felt Charlie's arm slip off the back of the sofa and land on her shoulders. No one seemed to notice because everyone was so tipsy. Her intoxicated mind told her to let go and so she did. Wine seemed to automatically appear in her glass whenever she was running low and as the night continued on the room started to get warmer and warmer as her face started to maintain a permanent flush. Soon it was only her and Charlie left in the room as the other two couples left.

"One bottle of wine left. I think we deserve it don't you?" Charlie said to her as his arm tightened around her shoulder. Hermione looked at the Dragon Keeper through bleary eyes and asked him why.

"Because we are two of the hardest working people on the planet!" he exclaimed as he got up and grabbed the bottle. Hermione agreed profusely with him, handed him her glass and after she took her first sip the world seemed to go black.

A/N: Possibly the LONGEST chapter I've ever written haha!! Well what do you think? Any good? Can you see where it's going? I bet you can ya dirty devils hehehe...REVIEW and tell me everything xxxx

P.s. My apologies for any spelling or gramatical errors!