DISCLAIMER: We do NOT own the characters mentioned in this fic. Anything recognizable belongs to the amazing artists CLAMP. We simply own the pervy ideas and our pervy minds who created said ideas XDD
Chapter One – The Corps
Syaoran Li stood in front of his desk behind which his mother sat, a cold and serious look on her elegant face. His hands were behind his back as he stood up tall and straight; formally.
His mother, Yelan Li, sat with her hands folded neatly on the desk. She looked into her son's eyes with disappointment, "Syaoran, what is this? What is wrong with Miss Mei Ling? She was smart, pretty, loyal, good family...She would have made an honourable wife."
And horrible in bed, Syaoran added silently. Can't have a wife who's totally selfish in bed.
When he'd taken Mei Ling into bed, he'd been eager; she was quite beautiful. But then once she was naked she suddenly began acting like a shy little virgin. Syaoran knew why: she wanted to play coy and hard to get; okay, he could work with that.
"No, Syaoran…please, I'm embarrassed." She covered her breasts and crossed her legs. "Don't, please…"
Okay, she wanted to play virgin. He didn't mind. "Come on baby," he coaxed. He began to lick her neck, and she shuddered in pleasure. Good, Syaoran thought. He played with her breasts, teasing the nipples in the way women liked it; she should be worth all this work, he thought.
He continued fondling her breasts, then managed to get his fingers on her womanhood. She sucked her breath in and he felt her getting wet. He parted her legs, and licked her; she came quickly.
Her gasps of pleasure told him she was enjoying it; he ignored the protests of "Please don't!" and "No, Syaoran, I'm begging you not to—I'm so embarrassed…OH YES!"
Selfish bitch. But she had such a great body, so he persisted. Then…
"No…Please, I can't…we're not married…"
He rolled his eyes. What the hell did that matter? And the M word made him lose a little control over his erection—it wilted a bit.
He leaned back and fondled himself. "Come on—return the favor," he coaxed, pushing Mei Ling's head towards his erect penis. "Lick me."
The look of horror on her face destroyed his appetite for her completely and totally. "How could you?" she cried, and Syaoran swore he could see tears in her eyes. "How can you ask me to do such a disgusting thing?"
"It's just a blowjob," Syaoran said exasperatedly. "Tit for tat!"
She kept shaking her head. Fine, he thought. But he wasn't about to waste a perfectly good meal. He could at least get /some/ pleasure from this, right? Or at least, he thought, until he ended up doing all the work. All the foreplay was his—so he slid her legs apart and penetrated her.
Her cries of pleasure told him she was enjoying it—he wasn't. She scratched his back and thrust back hard into him as she came, screaming, "FUCK YES!" Definitely not a virgin, he thought wryly. By the time she had come -- and it was quickly done -- he pulled himself out and finished himself off in the shower. HE could do a better job getting himself of than she could, it was that bad a fuck.
Oh yes, he knew his mother was angry with him. Furious, actually. He was turning thirty soon and still not married. He had dated Mei Ling for nearly a year now, and had known his mother hoped he'd put a ring on her. But the girl was boring him already — she wouldn't let him into her bed until last month, and that one episode was enough to kill his appetite for her.
Just like all the other women in his past. All of them wanted too much from him. Why couldn't women just—enjoy themselves with him without demanding money or jewelry or marriage—all of the above, in fact?
Yelan raised an eyebrow, obviously waiting for her answer. Syaoran shrugged and told the truth bluntly, "I got bored with her. Couldn't stand her, really."
"Got bored? Couldn't stand her?" Yelan's face slowly grew red in rage. She stood and slammed her fist on the table. "Damn it, Syaoran! Do you want the company to be taken from you? From us?!"
Syaoran was shocked by her outburst, but didn't let it show through his careful mask. She never spoke to him like that. But, again, he merely shrugged, "I don't know what you're talk – "
She slammed her fists on the desktop again and again Syaoran didn't so much as flinch. "The contract, Syaoran! If you aren't wedded before your thirtieth birthday, we will lose this company. It will no longer be in your name or that of our family."
Syaoran kept himself from frowning. He vaguely remembered signing that contract on his eighteenth birthday, when he had inherited the Li Building Corp. But that rule was so old fashioned. Surely the elders wouldn't still abide by them?
Yelan didn't wait for any response from him. "And you know what will happen when that takes place?"
He didn't blink, "You will take over the company again?"
She laughed coldly. "No, Syaoran, I won't. It took everything I had to convince the elders to allow me to run the company for you for so many years after your father died. They despised the idea of a woman running the company. They most certainly won't let me do it again.
"No," she continued coldly, "they plan on giving the company to the Kinomotos."
For the briefest of moments, Syaoran's mask dropped, showing his shock and rage. He quickly shielded his emotions, however, and let his blood simmer beneath his mask.
Yelan Li calmly explained that the Kinomoto company and the Li company were once united under "Clow Reed Construction" over a hundred years ago. When a problem arose over whether the Kinomoto partner or the Li partner would take over, the companies had been split by Clow Reed, with the proviso that all company heads should be married by 30.
"That's ridiculous!"
"But it is the terms of the will and the contract. Ridiculous as it may sound every leader has abided by it," Yelan said.
Syaoran fumed. The 'Kinomoto Building&Design' was his primary rival. His only true threat, in fact. How could the elders be so cruel?! The company, his company, had been in the Li family for generations. And now they were going to simply throw it all away simply because he wasn't married?! It was the twenty-first century for Christ's sake!
He clenched his jaw, "That won't happen, Mother. I won't let it."
"How?!" She raised an eyebrow. "You have six months before your thirtieth birthday, so pray tell, my son, how you will accomplish this?"
Silence. Outside, the pre-Christmas snow fell gently over their garden, the tranquility of the scene a stark contrast to the chaos in Syaoran's insides.
A sudden dark glint appeared in his eyes and a cold, crooked grin broke through his mask. "Don't worry. I just will. I promise."
Without waiting for his mother to question him again, he spun around and left the office. He slammed the door shut behind him. From the corner of his eye, he saw a man with dark navy hair and round glasses jump away from the wall and fall in step beside him.
"What are you going to do, Syaoran?" The man asked nervously, obviously having heard the conversation Syaoran had had with Yelan. When Syaoran shrugged, the man rolled his eyes. "Cut the crap. I know you already have a plan forming, so spill."
The evil grin reappeared on Syaoran's face. "Eriol, my friend, I'm going to marry the Kinomoto daughter. The slut, Sakura Kinomoto."
Sakura Kinomoto felt a hand rest on her thigh and sighed angrily, shifting her leg away from the unwanted touch.
"Aww, c'mon sweetheart," the man beside her cajoled. He had to yell over the loud music of the club. "Don't be like that."
Sakura ignored him and continued to sip at her apple martini. The man stayed for another moment, then cursed and left her. She didn't let down her guard, though, which was good, since not even a minute later, two hands were on her hips and a mouth was by her ear.
"Hey, pretty," his hot breath cascaded along her skin. "Want to get out of here?"
Sakura shifted out of his touch, finished her martini in one gulp, and left him without an answer. She could feel him following her and only wished he'd let her be. That, of course, did not happen.
She stopped in front of a young woman swaying her hips against a man's pelvis. He was gripping her hips tightly and gently grinding himself into her from behind. The girl was laughing, enjoying it, as her lavender hair swayed to the beat.
"Tomoyo, I'm going home!" Sakura screamed over the noise of the nearby blaring speaker.
The woman's violet eyes flew open, the colourful strobe-lights bright against her pale skin. "Aww, Sakura! We just got here! Stay!"
Sakura shook her head, "No, I want to go home. You can stay here. I'll see you tomorrow."
The man grinding himself into Tomoyo leaned down and whispered something in her ear. She giggled and turned to Sakura, "Okay, sweetie...I'll call you tomorrow."
Sakura hurried out of the club, ignoring the cat-calls and ass-grabs men gave her as she passed by. She quickly reached her red BMW and shoved the key into the lock, when someone grabbed her hips and rammed themselves into her behind. She gasped, feeling something hard press up against her lower back. Though honestly, she should have been expecting someone to follow her, even to outside.
Hot breath fanned along her neck, "Thank god you decided to go. I thought I was going to die. So, your place or mine?"
Sakura rolled her eyes and shook herself out of his grasp. She opened her car door and slammed it shut once inside. The man looked hopeful as he rushed to the other side of the car. She quickly locked the doors and started the engine. The roar of the machine made him jump away surprised.
Sakura pushed her foot down on the gas pedal and bolted from the parking lot. She blasted her music as she drove home. It didn't take long her for to arrive at her grand house – practically a mansion – as she parked in her garage. As soon as her key slid into the front door's lock, small barks and yips flooded her ears. She smiled and opened the door.
A small Pomeranian jumped onto her leg, whimpering for some attention. Sakura smiled, closed the door, and knelt down to stoke the dog's golden fur.
"Hey'ya Kero, miss me?" She asked with a smile.
As if answering her, he barked and twirled around in a circle. Sakura giggled and stood back up. She made her way to the kitchen, Kero jumping around her legs, nearly tripping her twice. She picked up two stainless-steel bowls from the floor and a grabbed the small bag of Wellness dog food from a cupboard. She filled both bowls with food and returned them to the floor. Kero yipped happily and stuffed his muzzle into the bowl.
Sakura giggled again and shook her head – she swore the dog only loved her because she fed him – then moved into the living room. On the black leather couch lay a ball of fur, pure white in colour. She approached it and scratched its ears. It mewed and curled up tighter, not wanting to be disturbed.
"Well hello to you too, Yue," she said sarcastically. "I missed you too."
The white Persian turned his head to look at her, lazily licked her hand, then closed his eyes for sleep again.
Sakura sighed and left the room. As she passed the kitchen, she could hear Kero still eating. She smiled; that dog sure did have an appetite.
She rushed upstairs and slipped into her large, elegant bedroom. She shed her provocative clothing – a short jean skirt and low scooped green shirt – and changed into a clean satin sleeping gown. She grimaced at her dirty clothes; not that they weren't nice, but they showed far too much skin. Tomoyo picked all her clothes though. In fact, Tomoyo made all her clothes. And so, Sakura never really had the heart to say no to her. Still, she hated dressing like such a slut.
Oh no, Sakura was not the woman everyone thought she was. Not the woman men hoped and dreamed she was. Contrary to her clothes, she didn't flow that way. She never slept with random guys like her best friend Tomoyo did.
In fact, no man had even touched her. She was still pure in that aspect.
Yes, she had had boyfriends before. Five, in fact, which she considered quite good for her young age of twenty-one. However, they all ended up being scumbags. They either wanted A) to get in her pants, or B) her money, or C) both. After the last boyfriend when she was nineteen, she had refused any dates. She was too busy with her family's company, she told herself.
She slipped on the matching satin kimono to her gown and strolled down the hall toward her home office.
Her office was her pride and glory. It had two huge bay windows with long black curtains. The back wall opposite the windows had been turned into one huge bookshelf. The walls were all painted a dark but soft mauve and the floor was cherry wood. Her desk matched the floor, and the desk chair matched the chocolate-brown leather couch on the opposite wall. On the desk were the usual accoutrements: a photo, a lamp, some folders and papers, and a laptop.
She sat at her desk and smiled at the photo sitting there in a small silver frame. There were four people in the picture; two adults, a child and an infant. There was a woman with long lavender hair and bright green eyes, who held a baby girl of perhaps six months of age. The baby had a little head of auburn hair. Beside the woman was a man with wispy auburn hair and warm eyes behind large glasses. On his shoulders was a boy of about seven with small but happy eyes and short dark hair.
"Good evening, mom and dad," Sakura greeted her parents smiling photo, a smile playing on her own face.
Sakura flipped open her laptop and turned it on. She was the current CEO of Kinomoto Building&Design, but she wasn't planning on working at one in the morning.
Whoever said a virgin couldn't be 'hot n' bothered'? She often was, with all the men trying to feel her up – though it was disgusting to be touched by random strangers, so she shuddered. What she wanted was to be desired—but by the right man. He could touch and feel her all he liked—if he was the right guy.
But the idea of touching herself was not something she had thought about. And watching porn was a huge no for her—a friend had shown her a gross tape in high school. How could a woman enjoy getting no pleasure? She served simply to give blowjobs to three men, who then used her mouth, vagina, and ass to get off. She wasn't even a human to them, just a hole. How people could degrade themselves by either watching that kind of worthless thing or being in one was a wonder for her.
She had never heard of the better kinds of erotica—not pornography. She had no idea she would soon discover the joys of such things—touching herself with a lover, seeing erotica, and more.
No, Sakura had her own way to deal with her lust. She opened up a folder labelled 'Flower Design'. The name kept others at bay, as it was generic and could go with any work from the company. In that folder was ten to fifteen documents. She clicked NEW and a clean, blank page popped up.
With inspiration, she began to type up her newest fantasy.
I lay on my stomach on a towel by the pool, suntanning. My skimpy bikini top is untied. My eyes are closed.
Suddenly, something cold touches my bare back. I gasp, and roll onto my back, exposing myself. There, a man with bronze hair and blue eyes is kneeling beside me. He wears his board-shorts low, allowing me to see his v-shaped muscle that leads to his goods. In his hand, he holds a bright pink popsicle, and I realize that is what touched me.
With a devilish grin, he leans forward and runs the melting treat around my belly button. I gasp and throw myself back down onto the towel. He removes my bikini completely and runs the cold, sticky popsicle up along my skin and toward my now heaving chest. Then, he begins to circle one pink bud—a nipple gone hard. I gasp as it quickly pebbles. Then he takes that hardened pink bead into his warm mouth. The contrast between the cold summer treat and his mouth is amazing and I groan loudly.
Next thing I know, my bottoms are gone and my legs are spread. He is between my legs and begins encircling my clit with the popsicle. I thrash around as I feel it melting, the sticky syrup running down my lower-lips. He removes the torturous treat and begins lapping at the mixture of the syrup and my own juices. The warm contrast is, again, amazing and I groan loudly once more.
When I come, he shakes his head as I try to return the favor by stroking his erection. No, his eyes say, this is for you. I remember how I woke him up this morning with a slow feasting on his hard shaft, and refused to let him counter-stimulate me. This is the sweet repayment of the sensual debt. Instead, he removes his board trunks and crawls above me. He kisses me slowly, passionately, as he thrusts inside me.
When we come, we do so together. I feel him shudder above me before exploding inside me. He pulls out and peppers my face with light kisses, still holding me close.
After a moment, he drapes an extra towel on me and lays down beside me. He pulls me close to him, cradling me, holding me like I'm something special in a way I can only be to him.
"I love you," he whispers to me before we both fall asleep.
Feeling satisfied and wearing a large grin, Sakura clicked 'save as' and saved it as popsicle. She turned off the computer and headed back to bed.
Why did she prefer to write these things and reread them?
Because Sakura did not want to lower herself to the level of a a slut or whore. She had her own way to deal with these over-powerful emotions of wanting a man without actually jumping into sex. To her, sex was sacred. It was special—something dictated by emotion And she wanted to give it to someone precious to her.
She crawled into bed, alone – always alone – and fell asleep to a world much different from her own.
She smiled in her sleep — because something would happen soon, a situation she'd created to help her achieve what she wanted — what she needed.
Authors Note: Thanks for checking this out!! As mentioned, this story will be co-written with swallowingtears! So please send your love to her, too ^.^
Updates will be when they can be. We'll TRY and update quick, but...have you ever tried trying to be online the same time as someone living on the other side of the world? Quite difficult XDD
Please leave a review! And, if you can/want, go under my profile and click her profile to send your love onto Mei-chan as well ^.^
xox...Meiling and Rika