My, my. I actually came up with this story as I was ... well, partly drunk -laugh-. I know it sounds pretty strange I'm sure, but I did. My brother has just graduated so his classmates and him were driving around in this big truck and yelling stuff and visiting all the homes. When they came home to us my mom had made some punch and had reassured my there was no alcohol in it.

I didn't trust her but decided to drink a bit off it. I only drank it because of the strawberry I swear, but as they were moving on the next home my mom and dad had gone with them to say bye, leaving me with the punch. It tasted pretty ok so I continued and then my parents came back and … well, yeah. Surprise to them I guess.


I will continue with Powerful Rikkai Dai, but I would really like to write this story before I loose interest in it again – I know this can be good if I try, so I'd like to get it out as soon as possible.

Well, I will post chapter 35 of PRK soon and then take a minor break with it before continuing with year two. But now, this story!


If you don't like OC stories I might as well say this right now, don't read my stories – they are all with OC's.


As always I don't own any of the characters of Prince of Tennis – wish I did – so I take no credit for anything except for my OC and the plotline, which I came up with myself.

This is FujixOC, but will partly develop into something else too. But I'm not saying too much as people should find out themselves, no?

Hope you all like it and please do come with comments and constructive critics to improve my writing through reviews! Yes please!




Not a Tensai

Chapter 1 – Broken Promise

"Are you alright?" The voice cut through the pain which she was desperately trying to hide, the question breaking into her mind making her aware of the situation once again. She smiled meekly, reassuring her captain everything was fine, it was just perfect. Trying to act as normal as possible she picked up the water bottle with her hand, hoping no one noticed it was shaking violently. Pressing the tip of the bottle against her lips she drank the liquid, eyes scanning over the crowd in the meanwhile, trying to make out his face.

Just a bit more. She told herself, closing the bottle with the cap and shuffling it down into her bag again. "Can you continue?" She was asked once again, this time as she was unable to hide the grimace that spread across her face as her fingers gripped around the racket.

"Of course." She said, eyes glaced over. With that she walked back onto the court to meet her opponent. The wind was cutting through her bones as she was already in a half-feverish condition, knowing quite well that her conscience was slipping past her fingers even though she was desperately trying to hold onto it. The chilling air helped her keeping her focus and she slowly walked to her position on court, awaiting the other girl to serve in the final set of the match.


She was still in the lead but as the match had gone into its sixth set the pain had been almost unbearable, making the other player gain point after point, and now making the score almost the same. Almost. All it would take was for her to take these final points, take the set and she was done – she would have won. Her eyes locked with her opponent's. Once again the wind blew across the court where silence ruled, everyone holding their breath as if they could all feel the silvery-haired girl's pain. She grabbed around her shaking right arm with the other, trying to calm it.

The other raised her racket slowly, the yellow ball being slung into the air. Naiko's blurry eyes followed the bane, preparing for the painful impact with her own racket which would soon occur.

Bock. Bock.

But the ball merely rolled against the ground, never having been served.

"I forfeit."

Naiko was confused. Had her mouth spoken without her knowing? No, she had not said it. Her opponent had. Her eyes shot up once again, connecting with a pair of green eyes looking directly back at her.

"I forfeit." The girl repeated, smiling. "I know you won't stop and I can not stand watching this any longer … you deserve the championship and I well know about your injury. If you didn't have it you would have won without any hardship and I don't want to win with my opponent having this sort of handicap."

Naiko bowed her head gratefully. "Thank … you." With this her conscience left her body and she fell to the ground, pain having taken too much of her energy as it was already.

How she had managed to stay awake that long was a mystery.


She winched as the doctor wrapped the cast around her swollen arm, but she bit into her lip to keep any sound from escaping, knowing quite well the elder man would right away reprimand her about how foolish she had been. "And I who thought I would not see you in a couple of weeks before you had to change the cast … I honestly did not expect you to be carried into the ER without your cast and the arm in an even worse state than last time."

The girl didn't respond.

As he was finished he looked up at her, giving her a piercing look through his spectacles. "Can you promise not to get into the hospital before I call you in for a check up?"

She muttered an answer.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes …"

"Good." He pointed to her arm. "Do NOT use it to anything or I can't promise you will be able to use it again." Once again he stared at her. "You can especially not play tennis for some time." At this she reacted quite strongly, about to retort but the hand interlaced with her own comfortingly closed further around hers, making her calm down instantly. Her reaction had not passed the doctor's attention and this time he directed himself to the boy next to Naiko. "I hope you will keep her away from tennis as I do not exactly trust her to keep her promise."

Naiko pouted. "I do understand!"

The doctor sighed.


She glanced towards him as they were sitting in the backseat of the small, blue car, none of them having said anything since they were picked up from the hospital. "I'm sorry." She muttered apologizing, head bowed towards her feet.

He turned his head towards her and with his horseshoe-shaped eyes he gave her his usual smile, reassuring her. "I'm not mad." He said calmly. "Even though you promised not to participate in the match as your arm was broken … There is no reason what so ever for me to be mad at the person breaking a promise given to me."

Her face paled drastically and she quickly looked away, crying out in her mind. He SO is mad.

She was luckily saved by their driver who had been following the conversation in silence and was fully aware of the pinch the girl was in. She glanced over her shoulder and spoke up. "Are your parents home, Naiko-chan?" Having watched Shusuke grow up she knew quite well how to read poker faces, though it was not needed to understand the look at gratitude emitting from the girl. She laughed lowly.

"Ah, no … Dad most likely will not be home before next week and I think mom is having a meeting until late tonight." She shrugged but quickly recoiled as she had moved her arm a bit too much. "I'll be fine though." She finished.

"Don't be silly, you are staying with us tonight."

Naiko did not even bother arguing, she would loose anyways - no one could ever win an argument with a Fuji.


Not being used to eating – or all in all doing normal things with her left hand – she fumbled around with her fork, trying to satisfy her hungering stomach, but failed. Trying to stab a spring roll which in stead led to it flying over the edge of the dinning table, she reached out in reflex with her right hand to catch it. Tears sprung to her eyes in pain, making the person next to her sigh. The brown-haired teen gently took the fork away from her and picked the knife up with his other hand, cutting off a piece from another roll. Naiko muttered something under her breath but did nothing more to stop him.

"Say ah!" He smiled, knowing well enough it was making her annoyed – which only made it more fun.

"I'm not a kid." She argued though she still ate it. Showing how much she was against being fed like that she grumpily stared at him whenever the chance occurred.

Yumiko and her mother both watched the two lovebirds, laughing lowly about youth. The mother to all the Fuji's leaned across the table and quickly got the attention of the two teenagers, both looked towards her. "Naiko-chan, want to spend the night here too with Shusuke?"

She stared. "S-spend the … night?"

"Yes, we can't possible send you home like that."

Shusuke's mother was a female replica of him sometimes; they had the same eyes bowing upwards in that innocent smile, but it was obvious there was something behind that façade – but it also quite clearly showed that it would be very difficult to go against what they said.

"Ah … sure, I guess I could stay."

"Lovely, I'll prepare something for you." With this the older woman stood up, slowly tilting her head towards her daughter. "I think it is somewhere in the closet and I might need help with moving some things."

Yumiko merely blinked back, apparently not getting the hint.

"Could you possible come help me, sweetheart?"

"Can't you- Oh? Oh! Of course!"

With that the two women left the dinning room and the two teens, grinning at their master plan. Running her unharmed hand through her long hair, Naiko sighed at how obvious it was and then turned towards Fuji, knowing quite well what to do now. Oh yes, the hard part of making up. "I'm sorry that I broke my promise, Shu-kun."

The horseshoe-eyes stared back at her, making her aware she was far from being forgiven. "I only made you promise it for your own good, but if you want to recklessly ruin your arm then I guess I can't do anything about it. Maybe I shouldn't care about my girlfriend either, no?"

Her eye twitched and suddenly she turned away from him, pouting. "And I who even forgave you!"

At this his eyebrow arched up ever so slightly. "Forgive me?"

"Yeah!" She exclaimed. "I remember quite clearly you went out with that grade school girl … What was her name again? Kurumi, wasn't it?" Twirling in the chair so she was facing him, she stuck out her tongue. "You went on two dates with her even though we were dating at that time … as your girlfriend I think I should be highly insulted by that. I forgive you even though you cheated on me, but you can't forgive me for playing the final match for my team?"

Both knew very well it had not been a real date with Kurumi, but Fuji had been forced not only by the little girl but Momoshiro and Eiji had made it all worse – both having felt Naiko's wrath afterwards of course. But that did not mean she could not use it for her advantage, now did it? Fuji sighed, also aware he could not get away with this one. "Forgive and forget then? As long as you promise to be more careful now, you know the consequences if you start to play tennis again before it have fully healed … all in all straining it."

She stared at him for a short while, thinking it over in her head. "Fine … I will quit tennis until I can use my arm again, happy?"

"Very." The sadistic smile appeared. "Also as you have to spend the night with me."

She blushed furiously, throwing her left hand at him playfully. "Shut up!"


Naiko stared up at the wooden ceiling, unable to sleep as one too many thoughts ran through her head at that time. The moonlight shone through the open window whenever it had a chance to get past the curtains that blew in the slight wind, leaping in. Strange shadows were cast over the room and in her half-awake state she saw monster after monster, sneaking closer to her to only disappear when the wind calmed down.

She snuck down under the blankets, the smell of her boyfriend filling her nose as she was indeed sleeping in his bed – Fuji had been demoted to sleep on the floor in an old sleeping bag. Feeling just a bit more secure she closed her eyes, muffling a yawn and dazed off into dream land …

Fuji on the other hand was still awake, watching her from the – hard – floor, noticing how she had been shifting uncomfortably but in the end had calmed down. He sighed. "Idiot …" He muttered, slowly edging out of the cocoon. He snuck across the floor as silently as possible and opened a drawer in his desk, pulling out his camera. Shortly after, he was taking pictures of her sleeping face for the scrapbook. He nearly ran out of film when a tendril of drool ran down her chin. "Lovely … blackmail."

How his mother could possible have put the two in the same room was a mystery to all, as a parent's role was normally to keep them apart.


I, Suzuki Naiko, will hereby withdraw myself from the Seigaku tennis club until my arm has healed – completely. But until that I am no longer a member of this team and my spot on the regulars will go to someone else.

She handed the note over to her former captain; the last mentioned grabbing the note and pulled it towards herself. "Naiko-chan, let go."

"Eh?" She stared down upon her hand, not having let go just yet. "Thought I had …" Pulling her hand away, she laughed slowly and ran it through her hair. "Good luck in the Nationals, I'm sure you will do great." With that she bowed and ran off towards Fuji, who was waiting for her to leave for the day.


I'll be back! That's a promise!



First chapter of a new, short story that I'm planning on writing here in my holiday. I hope you guys like it even though I haven't written that much just yet and you would probably not have any idea what will happen in it. And I do know that I have a gazillion other stories waiting for me -mutter-. But they WILL be written, so do not worry; I have finally gotten through my exams and school and now have one month holiday where I can do whatever I want!

Reminds me, I think I've lost some of my intelligence when I was reading up on exams ...

My dad yelled at me today to come out and eat with his usual "Are you stupid or something?" as my mom had already said there was dinner - and if you don't come when she has said that it equals pain, lots and lots of it.

But I decided to respond with "Dad, you should know by now I am not stupid. You have known me for 15 years already!"

His respond was merely "You are 17."

... Says it all!

Please review and say what you think! I'll start writing the 2nd part right now so we can get to see what this will lead to!