Circle of Kisses
By: Selim
Summary: A look at Zack and Angeal's realationship through a series of drabbles.
Warnings: Suggested themes, yaoi, language
Pairings: AngealxZack, SephirothxCloud
Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy VII. I am not making any profit off this piece of fanfiction.
Word: Waste
He'd been stuck in his office, overwhelmed by work, when a memo came to his attention. A week prior (he'd just found it) Zack had been discharged.
The rest of the work was forgotten as Angeal rushed toward the director's office, impatient at the slow rush of automatic doors. "Lazard!"
The director looked up from his books before turning white in the face. "A-Angeal! This is…unexpected."
"Why the hell did you discharge Zack?" Angeal slammed his fist into the man's desk, leaving a dent. It was all he could do before he tore his superior's head off.
Lazard rested his hands under his chin, unable to make eye contact. "The higher ups have changed the rules for SOLDIER entry, and to make it fair, attacked those already within the program as well. One of the new rules is there has been an unfair advantage for troops entering the program having prior mako levels. These students are usually from outside Midgar areas where the reactors aren't managed properly leading to mako fountains outside and along city limits. Zack's mako level prior to entering SOLDIER and receiving his first full mako shot was equal to that of a third class SOLDIER that meant someone who had trained without any advantages and was equal to was brushed aside. Until things tide over all members of SOLDIER with this advantage are being discharged early."
"Then you need to send Sephiroth, Genesis, and I out. Genesis and I were raised where mako fountains are sprouting like daisies and Sephiroth was raised in a mako vat for all we know." Angeal's grip tightened on the desk.
The director shook his head. "That would be a waste of your ability in ShinRa. It's only temporary, Angeal. Think of it like a suspension."
"And what about the recruits that came in with high mako readings?"
"They can join the ShinRa Army."
"Cloud Strife," Angeal growled, "Is from Nibelheim. Sephiroth knows the boy would have a higher than most level – but that's his boyfriend. You kick Cloud out, Sephiroth's going to leave."
Trying to appear busy, Lazard just shrugged, "If you have any problems with this, please contact President ShinRa with your disputes. I'm merely a messenger."
"You're a waste of space, Lazard!" Angeal stormed out of the room, making his way to the President's office as quickly as possible.
Word: Snow
Icicle Inn wasn't the nicest place to be mid-winter. The wind had howled brutally, shaking the windows of the house that the team of investigators had stayed in. It had been unwelcoming and cold, but when the sun had risen and the snow glistened, Angeal saw why the few people in the area remained there.
It was gorgeous. He'd never really seen that much snow in his life. Every time he did see some, the man made his excitement clear by making a platoon of Snow SOLDIERs – even while on the clock.
Zack, however, didn't see it that way. Coming from a jungle climate, the teen had bundled up in an extra issue jacket to block the crisp wind. He cried and whined about having to continue the trek to the top of the mountains, to view mako activity inside the crater. He walked cautiously in Angeal's big footprints, trying to avoid getting too wet. In the end, he landed face first into Angeal's Snow SOLDIERs, crashing with them to the ground. Sniffling, the boy had asked his mentor to carry him the rest of the way.
Of course Angeal had ignored his student, opting to walk a little slower until his student was used to the snow around them. It was taking too long to Angeal's liking. Grabbing a handful of snow, Angeal rolled it into a ball while waiting for the best moment. Zack was several paces behind, carefully stepping in older footprints to avoid getting wet. Smirking, Angeal tossed the ball back. It hit the Second's head directly, knocking the boy back into the snow.
The teen flailed in fear, trying to pull out of the snow indent he made. "Angeal! Help!"
Excusing himself from the rest, Angeal approached his student with a wide smile. Thanks to the mako, he knew his student wouldn't get pneumonia, but it still meant they'd need to get warmed up as soon as they reached the lookout point – but Angeal brushed all logic aside with a simple yell, "Ice angel time!"
"No!" The teen screamed as Angeal landed on top of his student with his own arms spread. "Help! Someone!"
Word: Excited
T weekly briefing was always a long, boring three hours that made Angeal want to kill himself. Sitting next to his student made it all the harder. They had taken the top level of desk, for easy exit when the ShinRa Personnel Meeting finally finished. Making it harder to concentrate was his student, Zack, who was too busy drawing phalluses on his notes to be paying any attention to what the fat president had to say about wasteful spending.
After some time, Zack elbowed Angeal in the side, pointing to a suggestive drawing he'd just completed. Looking over, the First felt his face heat up at the lewd drawing of him and Zack doing it (as Angeal affectionately called it) 'puppy-style'. On the side was a quick note: 'Us, tonight.'
Readjusting his uniform trousers, Angeal placed a scowl on his face. "Behave." He whispered.
Zack just smiled, moving his leg against Angeal's. The First froze, shivering as his student's hand moved to write what could have been mistaken for notes.
"I'm so excited."
Picking up his own pen, Angeal took out his minute sheet, scribbling back "Oh?"
"I can already feel your hands rolling down my thighs, touching my aching cock."
Faintly, Angeal could hear the director speak, but his attention was solely on his student's hand acting out those words through flimsy clothes. "—First Class SOLDIER Angeal Hewley can address the floor on the state of matters in Wutai. Angeal?"
Looking up from his student, Angeal's eyes widened as he realized that he had no clue what the hell he was supposed to be saying. That, and he now sported a full erection. Too excited to move, Angeal looked at his student for help, but the boy was doodling a dead looking Angeal on his papers. "One should always finish what one started?"
The President and Director stared back at Angeal, switching the question to Genesis.
Zack only smiled throughout it all.
Word: Daughter
Angeal's greatest moment in life (aside from meeting his student) was when he stared into the blue eyes of his second born child, his first daughter. He'd promised everything short of the world to his child, especially when she said her first words, only for him.
Though both his children were his pride and joy, his daughter was his angel because she was so much like Zack, even when it came down to personality. She twirled and twisted, giggled and played. Her laugh could make even the harshest of environments feel like a piece of nirvana, but that was just the proud father in Angeal speaking.
Like any doting father, he sneered at her first boyfriend. He nearly killed her second, and by the third, he had gotten away with stranding the lad out in the desert. He didn't want to believe that with each passing day that his daughter smiled, that his right as a father would be lost. She'd grow up to not need him, would leave him like Genesis and Sephiroth had. Moving on with their lives – hah! That was a riot.
"Angeal come here," Zack giggled softly, pulling on his lover's arm. "Look at her. She's a woman now. Let her go."
"I don't want to, puppy." Angeal looked away, trying to occupy himself with finishing a report that had come in from the troops.
Zack just smiled, and looked back at their second child, their beautiful daughter, "She'll come to her daddy no matter how old she is. You just have to stand by her with your buster sword drawn, promising all her suitors that you'll kick their asses if she cries even once. Promise me?"
Looking at his daughter, sitting with Sephiroth and Cloud's boy, Angeal tensed, "Can't I just kick his ass before all that?"
"I promised Cloud his son would return with all limbs intact."
"He made a mistake of barking around my daughter. Zack, move."
"We can try for another daughter…"
"She'll grow up like this one!" Angeal hissed.
Wrapping his arms around Angeal, Zack looked down the hall at his daughter. "You're so cute when you're possessive."
"Mine…" Angeal sniffled, lowering his head. Zack only rested his head on his lover's as their daughter ran out of the house with Sephiroth's son.
Word: School
"Hewley-sensei-! You wanted to see me?" Zack stepped into Angeal's office, wearing a short skirt with a sailor top. The pen under Angeal's fingers snapped in two, spreading ink across his work. "Is this about skipping from my tutoring lesson?"
Still stiff, Angeal didn't move his gaze from his school-girl clad student. "For the most part. Your training is vital for your future and…I can't do this. Zack, what the hell are you wearing and why are you calling me 'teacher'? Commander would be more appropriate."
Zack tugged at his skirt, bright eyed. "Those terms of endearment go with the outfit. I need to get them to slide off my tongue more authentically. I've got a mission, y'know." The teen smiled sweetly. "And guess what—I get to keep this outfit! Let's role-play tonight. You're my hardworking professor, and I'm your naughty student."
"A naughty student, I'll give you that, but is our romance that dry that you have to pretend to be someone else?"
"No!" Zack smiled, twisting around just right to show his lacy panties under the skirt. "I want to get full use of this skirt. I do that puppy play you like, let me have this once in awhile."
"Whatever, pup. So who is going on this mission with you?"
"Genesis! He's going to be my backup."
"He...he's going to be your teacher?"
"Yep! Hey, I'm going to go see if he's ready to go. I'll see you later, bye Angeal!"
When his student was out of hearing range, Angeal lifted up the phone to call up his 'dearest' of friends. Genesis picked up on the first ring. "If you touch him, I'll castrate you."
He had said he was going out with that cadet, Cloud. Angeal found out he spent the evening with Genesis.
He had said there was an important mission that would take up his summer months. Zack really went on vacation in Costa De Sol with Cloud.
He had said that nothing was going on between him, Genesis, or Cloud, but with his recent track record, Angeal didn't know if he could will the power to believe his own student. In the end, Angeal decided that it was another lie, to follow along with the millions of others.
He had to prove to Zack that he honestly did know of all the lies. He had followed his student on a supposed 'outing' with Cloud, only to watch as his student approached none other than Genesis in one of the back halls of ShinRa. Zack hadn't completely lied; Cloud came up to the two moments later looking nervous.
Angeal didn't leave it at that; he would see how much more his student had lied to him. He felt those kisses before bed didn't speak the full truth; instead Zack had found intimacy with Angeal's best friend. Standing feet back, he watched as Genesis opened his apartment door, holding his hand out to let his two guests in. Zack put a firm hand on Cloud's back, pushing the teen in the apartment. Genesis followed them in, shutting the door firmly behind.
Approaching the door, Angeal put his ear against the cool metal, listening at the voices from inside. Zack was protesting, Cloud whispering nervous 'no's'. Yet another lie – Zack had promised to protect all things honorable, including his friends. Rapping the door, Angeal waited with his arms crossed for one of the three occupants to answer the door.
Genesis did, sticking his head out suspiciously, "I can't hang out today, Angeal. I just bought a good book."
"Don't lie to me, Genesis."
"I'm not."
Even his dear friend was full of lies. Pushing Genesis back, Angeal stormed in the apartment. He froze at the scene set before him.
Cloud and Zack were laying on their bellies around a book, looking up with wide, nervous eyes. "Angeal!"
"Commander!" Cloud shot up. "Please don't tell Sephiroth I'm here! I canceled our date!"
"I can explain!"
The two keep rambling as Genesis returned to the floor, looking over the book with boyish curiosity. Angeal scowled. "What the hell is going on here?"
"It's Zack's idea!" Cloud whimpered, covering his red face.
"Genesis was helping us find ways to please you and Sephiroth better. He bought a book from that one new adult book store and was helping us figure out what our 'significant' others would like," Zack snorted. "Why have you been following me?"
"Don't change the topic puppy."
"You said you trusted me! I can't believe you would lie to me."
"I, I thought you were lying to me," Angeal responded hesitantly.
"I told you we weren't sleeping around. My word should have been enough."
Genesis looked up at Angeal with a cunning smirk, "Don't think I didn't try. Two cute boys coming to your apartment for sex tips – it's so tempting. Now be gone, Angeal. I'm teacher tonight!"
Red in the face, and knowing that Zack would be giving him an earful that night, Angeal stormed out of the room fully sure that his lover had never once lied to him.
Zack loved his new teacher, Angeal. It had only been six months since he started getting private lessons with the legendary SOLDIER. It was to his surprise one late fall morning that he made it to the training hall to meet up with Angeal, only to find that the man wasn't there. At first, it made Zack edgy. In the short time he had known the bulky swordsman, Angeal had always been punctual, even going so far as to show up earlier than the required time.
Occupying his time waiting by doing squats, Zack nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the doors slide open. "Angeal!"
"No, sorry," The person who'd just entered the room smiled. Blushing, Zack stood at attention when he realized it was Genesis Rhapsodos, another legendary SOLDIER. "Zack Fair, right?"
"Yes, sir!" The teen faced forward, trying to ignore the commander circling him like a vulture.
"Angeal couldn't be here today, he's … tied up at the moment. I'll be teaching you today." The man stopped short of Zack's face, leaning in just enough for the teen to feel the man's warm breath.
Starting his squats again, Zack smiled brightly towards the man, "So what are we going today, sir?"
"What was Angeal working on with you yesterday?"
"Exercise drills."
"Good idea! Do some sit-ups."
Zack had just dropped on the floor to position his legs properly when the training door slid open and an annoyed Angeal stormed in. "Genesis!"
"Oh, you figured out the knot." Genesis scowled, looking over the teen at the floor. "Great figure, Zack, stretch your body out some, you want to put some tension on the stomach muscles right here." The brunet bent down to run his hand over Zack's tone belly.
"Spoilsport. Have your student back: just remember, Zack, I'm always here to substitute."
Smiling over at Genesis, Zack nodded quickly, "Thanks for helping me a little today! Angeal, did you finish the work that had you tied down?" Angeal just scowled, kicking lightly at Zack's thigh.
"One hundred sit-ups, pup."
"Yes, sir!"
Word: Kiss
Angeal was watching those plump lips in fascination. It was hard to believe sometimes that those plump, kissable lips belonged to a male. A male student at that. Leaning forward, Angeal placed his elbows on the table as he watched his student lick his lips in delight. "This pie is delicious, Angeal."
"I'll tell my mother you enjoyed her cooking. She sends me too many baked goods thinking I need them."
"My mom just sends me clean underwear." Zack giggled into his hand before taking another bite of his dessert. Another Banora apple chunk got stuck on his lip, but Zack was unaware of it as he continued eating.
However, Angeal's eyes fell on that delicious piece of fruit being closer to Zack's lips than the First had ever been. "Zack?"
"Mm?" The teen looked up, swallowing the food.
Leaning forward, Angeal licked the banora apple from Zack's lips before pulling away, red faced and scared.
The teen however just smiled, leaning over the table to chastely kiss Angeal. "That," the teen whispered, "is how you're supposed to give a kiss."
"I thought this was a better this way. Give me another kiss, puppy."
"Only for another slice of pie."
Angeal wasted no time paying that small fee.
Word: History
Backpack thrown over his shoulder, Zack rushed down the street waving his arm rapidly towards his tutor, Angeal. Grabbing the man's arm, the preteen pressed his head into the high school senior's shoulder. "I got accepted to the high school! Thank you, thank you!"
"I'm so proud of you, puppy. We'll go get something to eat after school to celebrate." The older student put his school bag over his shoulder. "You seem tired though, puppy. Don't tell me you celebrated all night?"
"No, I really did try sleeping last night, but I kept having these weird dreams." The preteen lowered his gaze to the ground. He didn't even need to look up to tell Angeal was mothering him as always. "It was strange. I was dressed in this army uniform, and we were fighting these guys over in Wutai-Sector, only they were living like Edo-era ninjas. Oh and Genesis went like crazy, not that he isn't in reality but still – he made you join him to kill everyone and Sephiroth went crazy and-and-… I can't remember all of it but I remember dying at the end of the dream from the very army I was a part of."
"Sounds like you were playing your video games before going to sleep again," Angeal smiled, "Some crazy idea from Cube Company or something – them and their stupid End Dream Series you like so much."
Rubbing his eyes, Zack frowned, "It felt so real though. Maybe you're right. Anyway, pick me up after school, big brother Angeal!" The boy kissed the high school student on the cheek before rushing to his own school.
Watching his student leave, Angeal shifted his gaze towards the high towers of the city of Midgar. "Him and his silly fantasies."
Word: Monster
The first time he saw that Angeal copy, Zack had wanted to cry and rush over to the monster that had protected him and Aeris, but he couldn't. Part of him was wary of the supposed monster-copy of his dearest mentor, and the rest of him was excited that even in death his mentor was still there to take care of his student.
Having abandoned his somewhat-teacher with Aeris for the night, Zack was surprised to see an Angeal-Clone looking in at him with loving affection on a monsters face while the Angeal face slept in pain. Opening the window, Zack scowled, "Angeal, I said look after Aeris!"
The monster just stepped inside, tail flicking happily. Dropping on a seat, Zack raised his arm for the clone to come sit by him. Angeal did, curling a wing around Zack. "You can tell I'm still uncomfortable with this, can't you?"
The monster turned, it's long tongue licking at Zack's face. "Ew." Zack turned away.
After sometime of sitting there with a wing draped over his shoulder, Zack turned to face his teacher again. "You never were a monster to me, Angeal." He finally admitted. "A bit odd but never a monster. I'm going to miss you holding me at night, yelling at me when I make mistakes, and loving me even though I'm an idiot. I'm not ready to say goodbye to you – real or clone."
Zack scowled, feeling the wings touch the top of his head, affectionately. It reminded him of Angeal petting him, calling him a silly puppy before going about the rest of their day. Zack looked over the sleeping image of Angeal on the monster's head. After a moment, he leaned forward and kissed the face's temple before pulling away, blushing hard. "Thanks for staying with me, Angeal."
Wind blew through the window, whispering into Zack's ear, "I miss you, Zack."
Thanks to: QuietNCryptic for beta'ing. Kanarazu, Silverin, DarkBombayAngel, Tazzles, Special K the Great, Chocobo Watcher, and Gaarahottie for your reviews.