Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers

This is set during the 2007 movie.


The menacing Decepticon stared down at his minion—or, as the others would call his 'pet'—with disappointment.

Scorponok rolled about in the warm sands of the desert, clicking and whirring with pleasure and joy. It was a breezy day, so it made it all worth it. Though, of course, Blackout only sat and watched.

He'd had enough eventually. He stood and stamped a foot on the ground, hoping to get the minicon's attention. Scorponok squeaked and stopped abruptly. He was on his back, his little legs twitching up in the air as he stared up at his master. With a curious tilt of his head, he squeaked in question. What?

"Stop doing that," Blackout growled.

Scorponok paused for a moment before clicking, Stop what?

"Stop being… Stop… Stop trying to be cute."

Squeee! Why?

"Because… You're a Decepticon. We're not made to be cute, Scorponok. Be… deadly! Be evil, be conniving!"

Another pause. Squeak! But that wasn't a response. He just continued about his business, squeaking and chirping in happiness. Sand shot into the air like dust as he rolled about, purring with satisfaction.

Blackout watched for another few moments before sitting back down. He let out a sigh and crossed his arms.

"Great. Everyone will be saying 'Awww' before they die."

He paused and thought about it for a moment. He smiled to himself and watched his little minicon play.

"Well, that does sound kind of deceptive… I like it."