Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice, for if I did, skipping class would be a breeze and I don't have to face the creepy faces of outraged teachers.
Geek Charming
By: BloodyRozze
The Seven Bridges of Königsberg
If A is the success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z, X is work, Y is play and Z is keeping your mouth shut
-Albert Einstein-
According to Britney Spears, there are only two types of people in the world, the ones that entertain and the ones that observe. However, I beg to differ. There's another genus of human beings, the ones that are too depressed to even think about Britney Spears and her whacked out songs.
A perfect example of that type is, as always, me.
But for the first time, I am not whining about something related to my studies or school in particular.
I am complaining not to mention mourning about the fact that just yesterday I lost two very crucially important things. First, I lost my mom. Well, more like she abandoned me. And second, I lost my very first kiss. Something that I've been saving all my life for my one true love to snatch away.
Unfortunately, it happened to be stolen by a guy others would classify as deadly and sinister. Of course I tried testing whether this rumor was true or not, and with the aid of Google and a couple of crime books, one can be sure that, indeed, Natsume Hyuuga is the youngest boss of the Chinese-Japanese mafia, and just so happens also is the man who is the number one candidate for the World's Most Lethal Men. I also accidentally roamed into some other, adult rated sources and managed to acquire a piece of info that he also wields the top spot in the Top 10 Sexiest Bad Boys Alive, hosted by Playboy magazine.
For other girls, Sumire Shouda in particular, they would've been ecstatic to have this kind of guy as their lover. You know, the kind of guy that's rich, famous, powerful, drop dead gorgeous and could manipulate the world like a puppet using his bare hands.
Me, on the contrary, prefers a guy who has an IQ above mine, that would share his feelings about Matrix (In Mathematics, not the movie) and confess his undying love for me at the ruins of the ancient city of Ur in Mesopotamia, now known as Iraq and would court me by sending Morse codes that says "I love you from the bottom of my hypothalamus."
But God hasn't gifted me with that kind of boy yet.
Instead, I just had to be hooked up with some serial killer. A hot serial killer, but a killer nonetheless.
I fixed my collar and pushed my glasses up to the bridge of my nose slowly. It was a habit of mine.
Huge purple eye bags formed since I couldn't get much sleep after having learned that my mom actually left me to some guy that could behead me with one swift blow.
I got my bag and slung it over my shoulder.
I opened the door of our house trying to avoid as much noise as possible and took a peek.
As I expected.
Men in shiny black tuxedos and dark tinted shades surrounded my house.
They've been there since last night guarding me like some prisoner, which is also the reason why I wasn't able to finish some of my homework. Thus, for the first time in my life, I had to cram my assignments in school.
I shut the door quietly and tiptoed to the back door. A huge wall stood between me and my neighbor's house, but sometimes there are no other options for one to take.
I tossed my bag over the ledge and grabbed hold of sturdy boulders.
With a few uneasy pants, the help of a loose vine and the aid of my grade D in Physical Education, I was able to leap to the other side, completely dirtying my clothes. But at least I managed to reach haven.
I sighed.
Luckily, there weren't any of those freaky bodyguards here. Who would be? I mean, my neighbor, who also happens to be my dreaded Math teacher, Prof Jinno as you may already know him, has tons of huge dogs guarding his territory. For some reason, they seem top like me though, but still, 17 dogs? If I'm not wrong, Prof Jinno isn't much of a pet lover. Seeing him so enthusiastic about cutting open a frog's stomach during our Biology class (he always goes to watch) proves it. Maybe he's been daydreaming for a day that someone would even try to break into his house. Yeah right, even criminals around here consider him as an old stool.
I walked out of Prof Jinno's place and started skipping, since I'm not much of a runner, down the side walk.
I glanced at my watch.
For the love of Newton.
It was approximately 7. If I don't hurry up, my clean attendance record will be stained.
But how was I supposed to reach school within 20 minutes without a bike or any mode of transportation?
"Think Mikan think." I whispered trying to calm myself. I practically run at 2kph, no way was I going to reach school with that speed.
My options are, I could have an adrenaline rush and run all the way to school in ultra high speed. Create a teleportation machine that will automatically transport me to school. Make a path composed of pairs of alternating attracting and repelling magnets that will exert a powerful force that will be enough to propel me to school.
Option one, I know how adrenaline rushes occur, problem is, how was I suppose to trigger mine. Option two, perhaps I could invent the world's first ever teleportation module, problem is, it'll take around 20 years or more to finish it and by that time, I'll be long gone from school with a red mark on my supposed to be clean attendance record. Option 3, well, the idea is clearly scientific and is proven functional, problem is, where was I going to get dozens of magnets, and probably by the time I finished piling those magnets on the road, I'll be detained for messing around on public property.
I froze.
Ignoring the honk of the car, I walked off briskly hoping, praying, that it'll leave me alone.
"You know, you've only got 5 minutes till school starts. You sure you're gonna turn down my offer?" A dark, husky voice said.
I looked over to my side to see none other than Hyuuga himself with his black Ferrari Enzo's window down exposing his finely chiseled face, fair rosy skin, piercing burning eyes, tousled dark hair with long disarrayed bangs and his irritating bad boy grin that always seem to tease me.
Ugh. Why can't he at least look what a criminal looks like? The usual Mohawk green hair, pierced navel, ears, eyebrows and even……….you know…..with a ring on their nose wearing some exposing black leather jacket, skinny jeans, a choker and is holding a chainsaw. At least, I would've had a reason to actually see him as disgusting.
But no, he just had to be so darn handsome.
"I'm perfectly capable of getting to school on time." I answered stubbornly, even when it was the actual opposite of the situation.
He raised his brow amused, took out his black tinted shades and wore them, hiding his fiery orbs that make me feel a burning sensation whenever they land on me.
"Suit yourself." He said and closed his window and drove away.
His windows started closing and his engine began to sound.
My feet were shaking and I tried to weigh my options within my ever so brilliant brain.
I felt as though I was Leonard Euler, a Swiss mathematician who submitted an answer about the problem of the people of Königsberg about their bridge problem. The people wanted to know whether it was possible or not to cross the seven bridges connecting two islands on the Pregel River.
How does this relate to my current situation?
Well, Leonard said to might as well give up, since one can't help but cross a bridge twice in order to cross them all. That's what I'm feeling. I just had no other choice.
Riding with him even if it's the most preposterous method of transportation imaginable would definitely assure me of arriving to school on time. This means I get to keep my records clean and stainless. So…might as well give up, as what Euler advised.
"Alright…" I grumbled.
He smirked at me and got out of his car.
"Here you are madam." He said in a mocking butler tone and opened the car door for me like a gentleman. I scowled at him and sat down on the co-driver's seat.
I felt him sit down next to me and felt him put on his shades and felt him step on the gas with such force that the car immediately zoomed forward.
I thought I felt my heart jump up to my throat as I fought hard to gulp it back down.
"What the hell are you doing?!!!" I screamed as the wind slapped my face. I had to hold on to my glasses to stop it from falling off.
"Getting you to school on time." He answered while quickly changing the gears like a driver in The Fast and the Furious.
Angry drivers yelled at us but Hyuuga continued to over take, change lanes, and speed up avoiding crossing pedestrians by few centimeters with his professional risky driving skills.
My watery eyes widened.
"It's turning yellow! YELLOW! Slow down!" I screamed as I pointed at the traffic light.
His lips curled up into a mischievous grin.
"Hyuuga what are you thinkin---!!!"
He stepped harder on the gas pedal while I screamed my lungs out.
The traffic light turned red and the cars were already crossing the road.
Hyuuga didn't pay much heed though, much to my disdain. He changed the gear again and accelerated.
I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die.
Hyuuga wasn't just a criminal, he was INSANE!
We were now going at a speed of 160 kph and increasing towards a group of intersecting cars and still he hasn't touched the brakes, nor has he given any sign of interest in making it out alive.
I felt my heart palpitating rapidly and felt as though my cells were all screaming for oxygen.
We were getting nearer and nearer and I could feel the chills of death crawling on my spine.
This was it.
The end.
The gateway to eternal exile.
Goodbye any chance of winning the Nobel Prize and goodbye any opportunity of experimenting with neurotransmitters and finding a cure for Alzheimer's and the common cold.
We were only meters away from hitting a red Toyota when Hyuuga suddenly got out his revolver and aimed at the car's wheels. It screeched to a halt. The vehicles behind it weren't able to react at once and were unintentionally hitting each other's rears. A blue van turned turtle as the motorcycles behind it flipped over causing a few injuries to the riders.
I looked at Hyuuga in horror.
He coolly spun the gun and inserted it in his jacket before he once again stomped on the gas pedal.
I covered my eyes using my sweaty palms as we used the toppled van as a romp and soared midair.
I felt the hard landing of the car on the other side of the huge ruckus and felt my bum go numb.
"It's alright now, little girl." He said as I uncovered my eyes. And true enough, to my relief, we were driving on the road at an acceptable speed.
"Were you trying to kill us?!!!" I snapped at him.
"Are trying to destroy my eardrums? You should know, there's no eardrum transplant available yet."
I turned beet red. "I-I know!"
This was the first time that I felt so outsmarted, and by him nonetheless.
"Putting that matter aside, do you know how many people could've died for what you did?"
"Like I care." He replied.
I was taken aback. How can anyone be so cruel? Even a scientist has a conscience.
"You really are a despicable person."
I felt his gaze intensify as he took off his shades and glared at me.
He was emitting a dark aura. An aura that could possibly outmatch the devil's.
"Not you, anyone's mouth would do, just…not yours." He whispered.
"Huh?" I asked stupidly.
"I said your breath stinks. You forgot to brush your teeth, didn't you, little miss bad breath?" he said.
I felt my cheeks burn.
Not only because it was indeed true, but because he of all people just had to notice it. And since it's the truth, I don't know what to retaliate.
Was this what they call defeat?
Only the sound of the roaring engine could be heard for the rest of the trip. What could I possibly say to a gangster? Hey Natsume how many people have you castrated? Like that would be a fruitful one.
The car bolted to an abrupt stop.
"Get off." He commanded impatiently.
"I was just about to express my gratitude but it would seem that it is futile to even make a proper conversation with an incorrigible man like you." I snapped.
"No need for thanks. Just give me," he said and leaned towards me, his hot breath tickling my cheek. "Your body."
The mixture of his words plus the stares that I was getting from the students who were there to witness the whole thing was enough to make my blood level rise.
"Later, babe." He winked and drove off, his raven hair fluttering.
I made my way to my classroom as I ignored the murmurs and stares that were boring a hole at my back. I felt like I was Archimedes when he ran out of the bathroom and screamed "Eureka" in the city nude.
I felt someone tap my shoulder. I spun around; surprised to see that it was none other than Sumire and her posse.
"So, who's the hottie?" She said.
"I beg your pardon?" I replied not quite comprehending what she meant.
"Ugh, the hottie driving the Ferrari, who else?" She said in a matter-of-fact tone. Making me feel like an idiot by Hyuuga was one thing, but by Sumire, not a chance.
"Oh, him," I smiled. "He was my chauffeur."
"Please, you? Have a chau---whatever? Don't make me laugh. He was probably a stranger taking pity on you." She said making the other students snicker.
"I'm afraid you're mistaken Miss Shouda, but my family heritage is by far more superior than yours. Having a chauffeur is only an accessory."
Sumire and her group of airheads looked flabbergasted, even I was astonished. I can't believe I just lied.
"Oh yeah, well then, bring that sexy driver of yours tomorrow and introduce us." Sumire said in a daring tone.
I bit my lip.
I just had to lie.
I fixed my glasses and looked at her the same way she was looking at me which was definitely hostile.
My lips curled up into a think smile.
"The pleasure's all mine."
…I just had to open my big fat mouth.
Sorry for the ultimately late update pipz! But I'm so damn busy, I think my brain's about to collapse!
Thanks for the reviews, I truly appreciate them.
Please support me in my studies haha! I'm planning to be a DL (director's list) so I'm wearing myself out in reading and studying…
But if you guys give lots of reviews, I might be able to update a lot faster….haha…that ain't blackmail alright?!
Thanks again.